This week’s collection of slogans from William Sunners’ 1949 effort, American Slogans, is taken from a chapter entitled prize-winning slogans—they were submitted by members of the public when the companies and organizations cited conducted slogan contests, with prizes awarded to the winners.
As we noted last week, it’s interesting to see that a couple of products, Crisco and Cheerioats (the original name of the cereal we know as Cheerios), seemed to believe strongly in the idea of slogan contests—they are represented by multiple slogans among this week’s offerings. And public safety slogans, too, again appear quite often.
This week, we’re sharing with you the prize-winning slogans from S to Z.
Safety always, safety all ways.
Safety ever, accidents never.
Safety first and common sense will save you pain and much expense ($25).
Safety, doctors and undertakers last.
Safety first, economy first, Rexall first (drug stores).
Safety has no quitting time.
Safety Sam makes all connections; he crosses streets at intersections.
Safety saves sickness, suffering and sorrow.
Safety takes the dent out of accident.
Saluting the past, Cleveland builds for the future (won $1000).
Salvage your waste paper, help win the Big Scrap with little scraps.
San Diego for rest and play, every month, every day (won boat).
San Diego, land of fun, mountains, valleys, surf and sun (won boat).
Satisfaction at every turn (Nordstrom Valves).
Satisfaction grows as the mileage mounts (Willy Overland).
Satisfaction mounts with every mile (Paige).
Satisfied customers our greatest asset (Marmon automoble).
Satisfying smoke at a gratifying price, A (cigar).
Save and be safe (coal).
Save more at the Rexall store where drugs are pure and service sure (won car).
Save safely with coal.
Saving time with a dash might mean serving time for a crash.
Saving today for a better tomorrow (State Savings and Loan).
Say it with safety and save the flowers.
School zone! A crippled child might be your own.
Science against swords; the Red Cross versus the Black Cross (won $5000).
Securely yours (won $200), Swingline stapler.
Security you require with the economy you desire, The (fire insurance).
Send your letters flying (Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce).
Serve it often, it serves you well (Kellogg’s All-Bran).
Serve with pride, eat with pleasure (Kellogg’s All-Bran).
Service for the average home, but greater than average service (Household Mag.).
Shade better than the rest, A (Ever Kool Hat).
Shake a leg, it may save a soldier’s.
Sheaffer’s Fineline pencil keeps your hand smiling ($100).
Shell out Bonds and we’ll outshell the enemy ($10).
SHELL OUT for Defense Bonds to get shells out for defense ($25).
Shock of the fall taken in the spring, The (flashlight).
Shoes men beam about, The (Air-O-Magic Shoes).
Shorten the working day, cook the new Crisco way.
Show symbolizes America’s accomplishments for better living, The ($200), Food show.
Show what you grow and share what you know (first prize), Canad, Grain Exhibit.
Show you care and give your share (Community Chest).
Show you care by buying your share ($25), War Bond drive.
Side streets are like trees, a little sap might run out (safety).
Sight to remember on a site of beauty, A (won stove), N. Y. World’s Fair.
Sign removed is a scene improved, A (sign removal slogan contest).
Silver anniversary for the makers, sterling quality for the users (Overland car).
Simple revamp from a flash to a lamp, A (Bond’s Electric Co.).
Simply delicious and deliciously simple.
A bottle of refreshment, easy to carry as one (Coca-Cola).
Sloganize and win a prize (Contest Guide).
Small accident can a small child, A ($50).
Smoker’s perfect “go-between,” minty, tangy, Wint-O-Green, The ($100).
Smooth complement to a crisp salad, A (won Chevrolet), Mayonnaise.
So easy to cream, hasty and tasty (Crisco).
Soap-clean complexion with a cold-cream complexion, A (won $1000).
Soft as chamois skins, smart as mannikins, that’s Shenanigans ($100), Shoes.
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