We’re continuing our long march through the final few remaining categories of commercial slogans collected in Williams Sunners’ 1949 tome, American Slogans. Sunners entitled this week’s collection “Printed Pearls,” and he described them as follows: Pithy phrases picked from printed advertisements because they possess particular qualities such as alliteration, rhyme, contrast, comparison, repetition, lilt, or just plain good sales points.
This group’s an exceptionally long one, so we’ll view it in three installments. This week, G-P.
Gay and spirited as young laughter (Skylark Perfume).
Gay as May (Textron Summer Blouses).
Gentle dental care (Teel).
Gentlemen, be treated (P. O. N. Beer).
Get an inCENTive, then put in the CENTS (Savings Bank Assn.).
Get more, get Kelvinator.
Get more go from every gallon (Oldsmobile).
Get your furnace off your mind (General Electric).
Get the DROP on that COUGH (Dean’s Cough Drops).
Gets at the core of every cleaning chore (Softwash Cleaner).
Gift she’ll open every day, A (G. E. Refrigerator).
Gift that keeps on giving, The (RCA Victrola).
Gift that really remembers, The (Kodak).
Gift with a lift, A (Paris Garters).
Gifts men like to give and gifts that men like to get.
Give his neck a break (Van Heusen Shirts).
Give them ALL a good time (Telechron Clock).
Give your car an extra year of youth (Cities Service Gasoline).
Give your child a CAREER for Christmas (Royal Portable).
Gives your smile breath-taking beauty (Calox Tooth Powder).
Gleaming silver on your gown, but no shine on your nose (Woodbury’s).
Glorifies every dish it touches (Heinz Ketchup).
Glorifying the world’s fare (Heinz Ketchup).
Glue without goo (Casco Cement).
Good eyesight is the gateway to better living.
Good flour is the foundation of good baking.
Good for everything you bake and everything you bake with it is good (Gold Medal Flour).
Good name to go buy, A (Old Hickory).
Good taste in a remedy (Alka-Seltzer).
Good to be in, good to be seen in (Pontiac).
Good to the last luscious left-over (Swift meats).
Goodbye to the bugaboo of boil-away (anti-freeze).
Gracious gift to a house you love, A.
Grapefruit drink that gives you GO (Squirt).
Great American family car, The (DeSoto).
Greatest invention since the FACE, The (Vestpok Dry Shaver).
Grime does not pay (A-C Spark Plug).
Grime does not stay (Koroseal Curtains).
Gripes of wrath, The (Pepto-Bismal).
Guardians of good grooming (Owens Brushes).
“Guest-quality” margarine, The.
Hair relief without the grief (Gilbert Vitalator).
Has that knack for meal or snack (Delta Cocktail Onions).
HAT ease on the home front (Champ Hats).
Have a dish of sunshine and have the laugh on winter (Del Monte Pineapple).
Have fun, be gay on the Santa Fe (Pullman Coach)
Have teeth that shine like the STARS (Calox Tooth Powder).
HE builds a house, SHE make a home (McCall’s Magazine).
He has “hayfield” hair (Kreml Hair Tonic).
Head-spinning, heart-winning perfume, A (Frolic).
Headway for Spring (Ladies’ Hats).
Heart to heart fragrance, A (Coty).
Hearts in harmony until she smiles (Ipana Toothpaste).
Heart-winning, head-spinning (Frolic Perfume).
Heats the room, not the chimney (Duo-Therm Oil Burner).
Heavenly aroma that hangs like a fragrant halo ’round your coffee pot (Wakefield Coffee).
Heinz make YOUR soup YOUR way.
Help RCA help USA (production drive).
Help your beauty bloom this spring (Ivory Soap).
Here’s arch relief beyond belief (shoes).
Here’s riding at its LEVEL best (Oldsmobile).
He’s a man after my own hands (Hind’s Lotion).
He’s stone deaf until you say RITZ (crackers).
His duty to serve, hers to inspire (Coty Cosmetics).
Holds your foot like a gentle hand (Selby Shoes).
Home Tweet Home (name for a bird house).
Home with a smile is the home with a Hoover, The (vacuum cleaner).
Hot, but NOT bothered (Havoline Motor Oil).
How is your Vitamin “see”? (Oculist’s ad).
How many kisses in a cake of soap (Cashmere Bouquet).
How to be happy though harried (Miami Beach).
How to get a Pike’s pique (Montague Fishing Rod).
How to give a budget supper a banquet air (Stokely’s Finest Canned Foods).
How to hold youth and retard old age (Florida Grapefruit Juice).
How to make a bright child brighter (Royal Portable).
How to make a man’s face glow on a dark morning (Pillsbury Pancake Flour).
How to make light work of heavy meals (Del Monte Canned Food).
How to put the lovelight in her eyes (Whitman’s Chocolates).
How to RING a wedding belle (Kreml).
How to TREAT guests (Campbell’s Tomato Soup).
Hug you love, The (Holeproof Luxite Girdles).
Hungry for sunshine? Have it sliced (Del Monte Pineapple).
I am valet to millions (Swank Jewelry).
I can’t make all the candy in the world, so I just make the best of it (Snyder).
I couldn’t get a better Christmas gift to SAVE my life (Goodyear Lifeguards).
I got rid of kitchen jitters (Red Cross Towels).
I have a NEW MAN for a husband (Shredded Wheat).
I just broke a date with a smashup (Hudson Brakes).
I live a fast life (Jet Oil Shoe Polish).
I rescued the life guard (Beeman’s Gum).
I took the red from my hands and put it in my cheeks (Laundry Owners Assn.).
I was a lemon in the garden of love (Listerine).
Idling or full-out, its engine is hushed as a country snowfall (Buick).
If it’s Irish, it’s here (Kathleen Connolly, Importer).
If Sally can’t mend it, it’s beyond repair (Sally’s Specialty Shop).
If she does an ABOUT FACE when you her to PRESENT ARMS, try Life Savers.
If washday lasts an hour, I’ve loafed (Maytag Washer).
If you can’t stop, don’t start (American Brake-Block Brake Lining).
If you don’t know furs, know your furrier (Milton Gumbert).
If you feel LOW, take a HIGH vacation (Vermont Green Mountains).
If you look like a lobster, you’ll act like a crab (Skol Sunburn Lotion).
If you want to be loved, be lovable (Mum), Deodorant.
If your child gets on your nerves, get on to Cocomalt.
If your hair isn’t becoming to you, you’ll be coming to us (Beauty Parlor).
If you’re CARELESS today, you may be CARLESS tomorrow (Texaco Gas).
I’ll cling to the powder that clings to me (Roger & Gallet).
I’m a HOME DEFENDER from ‘way back (Dutch Boy White Lead).
I’m always stopping at the Ritz (crackers).
I’m having a COMING OUT party for the hidden beauty of my hair (shampoo).
I’m in a class by myself (I. C. S.).
I’m sick of playing solitaire, I want to wear one (Mum).
In conversations, it’s wit; in foundations, it’s fit (Formfit Undies).
In my case, it’s Chesterfield.
In shimmering gold mist, fired with the rich beauty of Chinese red (Coat).
In war or peace, FIRST in rubber (Goodrich).
Incoming checks for oncoming years (Equitable Life Insurance Co.).
Indoors or out, HARDWARE really means HARD WEAR (Anaconda Copper).
Ingersoll, the watchword of the nation (watch).
Intimate as her diary, personal as a back-fence chat (Woman’s Home Companion).
Into big shiny kettles go the prettiest tomatoes that ever blushed red in the California sunshine (Hunt’s Tomato Sauce).
Is THAT all Pontiac costs?
Isle romantic in the blue Atlantic, The (Atlantic City).
It can’t under-measure, it can’t over-charge (Wayne Pumps).
It circulates, it radiates (Coleman heaters).
It cuts through competition like a rapier (Danger Perfume).
It isn’t child labor, it’s child’s play (Thor Iron).
It keeps your GINGER up (Canada Dry Ginger Ale).
It last longer because it runs cooler (Seiberling Safety Tire).
It makes dishes wink and twinkle (Climalene).
It pays to buy the leader and get the leading buy (Chevrolet).
It pays to be particular (Del Monte Pineapple).
It ZIPS me through my cleaning (Old Dutch Cleanser).
It’s a matter of good taste (Royal Gelatin).
It’s an eager-to-go, low, long, lovely melody in metal (Studebaker).
It’s better with butter (Dairy Association).
It’s churned to spurn baking failures.
It’s joy in a jar (Smithfield Meat Spread).
It’s making news, it’s making friends (Campbell’s Soups).
It’s pretty soft when silk and beaver get together (men’s hats).
It’s smart to serve soup, and economical, too.
It’s so good for so long (Beech-Nut Gum).
It’s Spring and she has shiny hair; no wonder love is in the air (Drene).
It’s terribly smart in a cheery tart (Angostura Bitters).
It’s the blend that betters the beer (Pabst).
It’s the life they lead, it’s the book they read (Better Homes and Gardens).
It’s the golden touch that means so much (Don “Q” Rum).
It’s the thoughtful thing to do (Whitman’s Chocolates).
Its wood-smoky fragrance warms up appetites (Armour Bacon).
I’ve made the world a brighter place to live in (Bon Ami).
Jewels of Pen-dom (Parker Pen).
Just right at night (Hire’s Root Beer).
Kaywoodie defies the thermometer (smoker’s pipe).
Keep a date with summer this winter (Greyhound Bus).
Keep cool with the cow, drink milk (Borden).
Keep on saving as you drive (Texaco Gas).
Keep the home fires burning, but not the TOAST (Toastmaster).
Keep the home tires turning (Esso Service), Re-tread.
Keep time off your face (Luxuria Face Cream).
Keeps cars younger longer (MacMillan Oil).
Keeps you nice to be near (Mum).
Keyed to family harmony (Seven Up).
Kind of support that’s kind to your arches (Florsheim Shoes).
“Kiss me” skin (Jergens).
Knit to fit (Thom McCann), Men’s socks.
Last is first, The (Doctor Shoes).
Lazy way to a lovely lawn, The (Vigoro Plant Food).
Learn dancing and keep in step with the times.
Legs are young in Quaker stockings.
Legs look young in Quaker stockings.
Leisure hours are lovely hours.
Let us blow comfort into your home this new way.
Let your bathroom reflect your good taste (Bon Ami).
Let’s ask mother if we can have it for lunch (Campbell’s Soups).
Let’s begin with the finish (Johnson’s Wax).
Letters on Crane’s papers command attention and win respect.
Life of the pantry, The (Royledge Shelving).
Lift you’ve longed for, The (Hamilton Beach food mixer).
Lift for the lunch box, A (Ronson Lighters).
Light as foam, yet holds oceans of powder (Rho-Jan plastic compacts).
Lighter side of business, The (Ronson Lighters).
Like more time to tend your flowers? Campbell’s soups can save you hours.
Like strolling on a cloud (Sportster Moccasins).
Like swimming in your skin (Cashmere Swim Suits).
Like the cool side of a pillow on a hot night (Kriss Kross Blades).
Like wearing a shadow (Du-Ons Underwear).
Lips radiant as glowing embers (Floress Lipstick).
Liquid dynamite under control (Sinclair Gasoline).
Liquid luxury (soft drink).
Little extra glass means a lot of extra charm, A (Pittsburgh Glass).
Little goes a longer way, A (Ingram’s Shave Cream).
Little life is worth more than a little time, A.
Little sprinkle makes things twinkle, A (Kitchen Gems).
Live and play the trailer coach way.
Livelier as well as lovelier (Buick).
Lively life for lazy arches, A (Florsheim).
Long distance add warm personality to cold facts (Bell Telephone).
Long distance help to unite the nation (Bell Telephone).
Long distance takes the CHASE out of purchase (Bell Telephone).
Long distance, your fastest highway (Bell Telephone).
Long life for clothes, more leisure for you (Laundries Assn.).
Long, low, lovely “melody in metal), A (Studebaker).
Look and ride, then decide (DeSoto).
Look of the month (Tampax).
Look well, feel well, be well (Allerton Health Club), 1939.
Looks better hours longer (Don Juan Lipstick).
Loomed to be heir-loomed (Bates Bedspreads).
Lordly touch for simple menus, A (Campbell’s Soup).
Losing hand in the game of love is a chapped one, The (Jergen’s Lotion).
Love does not live by calendars (Whitman’s Chocolates).
Love does not live by calendars alone (Whitman’s Chocolates).
Love lives on little things (Whitman’s Chocolates).
Lovely hair deserves fine care (DuPont combs).
Lovely, lilting lines (Bali Bra).
Lovely, logical, alluring (Dirilyte Flatware).
Lovely to look at, lovely to own (Keepsake Diamond Rings).
Low swung, new-look, soft-sprung, new-ride (Studebaker).
Lullaby in loveliness (Beaumont Fabrics).
Lush loops of lovely lace (Kayser Night Gowns).
Lux life means long life for undies, A (Lux Soap Flakes).
Luxury millions enjoy, A (Maxwell House Coffee).
Made from rosy, baby tomatoes, ginger root and golden twists of lemon peel, it’s spicy sweet (Everbest Tomato Preserves).
Magic sewmanship (Van Heusen Shirts).
Main Street of the Northwest (Northern Pacific R. R.).
Majoring in marriage (Gorham Sterling).
Make Alta your home port (Alta Wines).
Make it a snappy new year (Dot Snappers).
Make more of your times this year (Kodak).
Make your dollars work as hard for you as you have worked for them (Real Estate Bd.).
Makes him love every hair of your head (Rayve Shampoo).
Makes midsummer “knights” dream (Dreme Shampoo).
Makes today’s hash as tasty as yesterday’s roast (A-1 Sauce).
Makes varnish vanish (Double-X Floor Cleaner).
Makes washday a heyday (Fleecy White Laundry Bleach).
Makes your cookin’ good-lookin’ (Gravy Master).
Man with a family snapshot in his pocket is never far from home, A (Kodak).
Marines beat tough scrapes with cool shaves (Ingram’s).
Mary’s no longer contrary (Dentyne Gum).
Matchless music, lilting lyrics, entrancing dancing (Cover Girl), Movie.
Meat makes the meal, The (Swift’s Premium).
Meat you can eat at prices you can pay.
Men call it glamor; women call it Varady.
Men like the quiet type (Servel Refrigerator).
Men look, men linger, until she smiles (Ipana Toothpaste).
Merchant in mileage (General Motors).
Merrily we bowl along (American Magazine).
Merry crispness (Proctor Toaster).
Mighty good thought, A (Perfection Bread).
Million little plumbers from a can, A (Plumite).
Millionaire holidays for common “cents” budgets (Miami Chamber of Commerce).
Moulded leather “bed,” that’s the new cradled Tred, A (Freeman shoes).
More beauty outside, more features within (Frigidaire).
More by the pair, less by the year (Stetson Shoes).
More graceful stairsteps in Magic Air-Steps (shoes).
More life for clothes, more leisure for you (Laundry Assn.).
More manpower to you, sweet siren you (Jergen’s Face Powder).
More miles per gal (Rhythm Shoes).
More pillow-y than willow-y (Ry-Krisp).
More pleasure per puff, more puffs per pack (Camels).
Morning upsetting exercises (Schick Injector Razor).
Most little pigs go to market but the best little pigs go to Jones (sausage).
Most walked about shoes in America, The (Florsheim).
Motors cry for it (Sohio Motor Oil).
Must for rust, A (Rustmaster).
MUST for the man who would travel UNMUSSED, A.
My beer is the DRY beer (Rheingold).
My life is an open LOOK (Calox Tooth Powder).
My reputation rests in your mouth (dentist).
Nature is always near in Canada (Canadian C. of C.).
Nature made aluminum friendly to food (Wear-Ever).
Navel Oranges dripping with health (California Citrus Co.).
Neatest trick up your sleeve (Kreisler Watch Band).
Nerves as jumpy as popping corn (nerve tonic).
Never a dull moment (Wiss Shears).
Never upset an upset stomach (Pepto-Bismal).
New bed that is almost sinfully comfortable, A (Danersk Furniture).
New angle on brushing teeth (Squibb Tooth Brush).
New driving FEEL that’s slick as silk (Plymouth).
New life to weak arches, long life to healthy ones (Florsheim Shoes).
New lower price, a new higher value, A (Florsheim Shoes).
New tender touch tissues, The (YES Tissues).
New wings for a new world (Douglas Aircraft).
NEXT to mine I like your face (Star Razor Blades).
Now less money buys more miles (Goodyear Tires).
Niagara Frontier, America’s power (Capital).
Nice work, and you CAN get it (Schick Shaver).
No more cooking by guess (Westinghouse Electric Oven).
No over-soaped feeling (Swan).
No priorities on color and charm (Chrysler).
No rust for the wary (DuPont Acid and Rust Inhibitor).
No watching, no burning, no turning (Toastmaster).
Nobody ever had enough TIME (Telechron).
Nostalgic as the 90’s (Ostrich trimmed hats).
Not how many, but how good (Florsheim Shoes).
Nothing old-fashioned but the hospitality (Statler Hotel).
Now I lay me down to … sleep like a kitten (Chesapeake & Ohio R. R.).
Now, less money buys more miles (Goodyear tires).
Nu-Made tastes home-made (mayonnaise).
Number One on the FIT parade (Holeproof Hosiery).
Often imitated but never duplicated (Pilsner Beer).
Oh, my aching back! Oh, my Absorbine, Jr.
Old South’s treasure now all American’s pleasure, The (Maxwell House Coffee).
On rearing children from crib to college (Parents Magazine).
On the air and everywhere (Phillip Morris).
On your wrist, off your mind (Croton Watch).
One drop for your beauty, two drops for a beau, three drops for romance, it’s Frolic, you know (perfume).
One good ton deserves another (Doughtridge Fuel Co.).
One hot dish and no hot kitchen (Campbell Soups).
One look proves they are styled right, one step proves they are made right (Douglas Shoes).
One look to know they are styled right, one step to prove they are made right.
One of the good things in life (Kaywoodie Pipe).
Our ads neither coax nor hoax (Phillip Morris).
One of the South’s finest traditions (Maxwell House Coffee).
One whiff and they’re stiff (Flit), Insecticide.
Only Hydromatic is completely automatic.
Only ten minutes a day to keep birthdays away (face cream).
Our business is good when things are dull (knife grinder).
Our business is SOUND (Sound Engineering Co.).
Outer beauty, inner worth (Tober-Saifer Shoes).
Out of some cold figures came a story to warm America’s heart (War Bonds).
Out of this world, into your heart (Packard Eights for ’48).
Outpulls, outperforms, outsaves (GMC Truck).
Paint your checks from the inside (Alamite Dairy).
Paint yourself a new house (Pittsburgh Paints).
Paint-box colors in tissue-weight Foundettes (Munsingwear).
Paris approves the colors, America perfects the wear (Cutex Polish).
Park & Tilford has a treat in RESERVE for you (whiskey).
Particular suit to suit the particular, A.
Peace is something to fight for (World Peaceways).
Peach of a bleach, A (Fleecy White).
Perfect gift, to give, to get (Better Homes and Gardens).
Perfect host to a host of friends (Budweiser Beers).
Perfect platemates, Treet and tomatoes.
Perfume that spins a moment into a memory (Charbert’s).
Personalize your home.
Pertness and terseness are rejected (Retap Restaurant).
Pet of the petite, The (Betty Rose), Clothing.
Phew! And far between (tobacco ad).
Piano is the soul of the home, A (Musette).
Pin-up favorites since 1900 (Moore Pins).
Plenty of juice pork and spicy “down East” sauces (B & M Baked Beans).
Plump and buttersweet (Pictsweet Canned Corn).
Pontiac for pride and performance.
Pontiac moves to the head of the class.
Poreless-as-porcelain complexion, A (Revlon), Face make-up.
Pot-luck or full dress (Shefford Cheese).
Pour Glenmore, you get more (Glenmore Kentucky Bourbon).
Pour these down your shirt front (Arrow Ties).
Pour yourself an apple pie (Comstock pie-sliced apples).
Precisely right, in TIME, in design (Telechron Clocks).
Pride of the pantry, The (Military Brand Camembert).
Pride with prejudice (French Line).
Printing and Typography are related (Nala Press), New York.
Protect horsepower; that’s horse sense (Mobilgas).
Protection you can see and see through (Cellophane).
Prunes give you so much for so little (Del Monte).
Punch and power on point-of-purchase (Transitads).
Put an overcoat on that chilly house (Capital Insulation).
Put your feet on Comfort Street in Wolverine (work shoes).
Put your money on Nettleton Shoes, they win in a walk.
Puts a kick in your motor and takes out the knocks.
Puts sunshine in your wash, even on rainy days (Rinso).
Puts the YOU in Irresistible YOUth (Irresistible Lipstick).