ladrite Radio has been a presence in online radio for years now, but we’re always looking for ways we can improve the listener’s experience. Unfortunately, running even an online radio station can be costly (for example, our licensing fees for the music we play recently doubled), and that’s where you come in. If you enjoy the programming on Cladrite Radio and would like to help ensure that we remain alive and streaming, there are several ways you can do so.
One way to show your support for Cladrite Radio is to visit our page at and become a patron. For as little as $5 a month, you can help keep our toe-tapping tunes alive and streaming, and we’ve come up with some thank-you gifts at every level of support.
You can also directly donate the dollar amount of your choice, on a one-time basis or a recurring payment, through It’s secure, easy, and fast.
Another easy way to support Cladrite Radio is to visit us each time you wish to purchase something from You’ll find links to Amazon throughout our site, and if you click on any one of them to reach Amazon, we’ll receive a percentage of the cost anything you purchase there.
And you needn’t purchase a product we’ve featured. If you start here, we’ll get credit from Amazon, no matter what you end up buying. It couldn’t be easier—just start at Cladrite Radio anytime you wish to purchase something from, click through one of the Amazon links on our home page, and start shopping!
We love this music, and we take great pleasure in sharing it with the world (listeners from more than 185 countries have tapped into Cladrite Radio in recent months). We greatly appreciate any help you can offer in helping us do that. (Please note: All donations to Cladrite Radio go to help meet our operating expenses. Donations are considered final, completed transactions and are non-refundable. Donors can end recurring payments made via or at any time.) And please remember that we are not a recognized nonprofit. Any financial support you give us is not tax deductible.
Thanks for listening and for supporting Cladrite Radio in a tangible way!
Your pals at Cladrite Radio