As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of vintage transportation slogans, collected in 1949, that were used to advertise various forms of transportation, including bicycles, railroads, motorboats, and cruise lines.
Abroad without crossing the sea (Montreal Tourist & Convention Bureau).
Across the hall or across the continent (Lakewood Fireproof Storage Co.).
Across the Atlantic (United American Lines).
America’s quality bicycle (Shelby).
America’s sleepheart (Chesapeake & Ohio Lines).
Aristocrat of winter trains, The (Atlantic Coast Line), Wilmington, N. C.
As sturdy as they are beautiful (Rollfast bicycles).
B & O is the way to go, The (Baltimore & Ohio R.R.), Baltimore.
Be American, ship American, travel American (Marine Engineers).
Be specific, say Union Pacific (railroad).
Best bicycle buy (Shelby Cycle Co.), Shelby, Ohio.
Best bike to sell (Shelby).
Best that science can create for trolleying your heavy freight (Ohio Brass Co.).
Better buy, by any comparison, A (Safticycles, Inc.), La Crosse, Wisc.
Better trains follow better locomotives (G. M. Diesel Power).
Bienvenue A’ Quebec (Canadian Pacific Steamship & R.R. Co.).
Bike you’ll like, The (Yale bicycles), Davis Sewing Machine Co.
Brake that brought the bike back, The (New Departure Mfg. Co.).
Brake with the mighty grip, The (New Departure), Bristol, Conn.
Builder of fine inboard and outboard boats (Century).
Built on reputation (Ditchburn Boats, Ltd.), Gravenhurst, Canada.
Car that grows with the child, The (The Uajustit Car), Woodstock Mfg. Co.
Century of confidence, A (Roebling Yacht pendant).
Cruiser of tomorrow (Richardson Ranger), Richardson Boat Co.,
N. Tonawanda, N. Y.
Dependable in any weather (Baltzer boats).
Dependable railway, A (Great Northern), Minneapolis.
Evinruding is rowboat motoring (Evinrude Motor Co.).
Factory to rider, save you money (Mead Cycle Co.).
First in outboards (Evinrude), outboard motor.
First of the Northern Transcontinentals (Northern Pacific Railway), St. Louis.
For emergencies, carry a Lifetime towline (Lifetime Corp.), Toledo.
For 75 years, America’s link with the Orient (American President Lines), Ships.
For those who care (Caldwell), Boat.
Forty-eight hours of glorious travel (New York-Miami service), Admiral Lines.
Four great routes for transcontinental travel (Southern Pacific Co.).
Friendly railroad for all the family, The (Baltimore & Ohio Railroad).
Go by air-conditioned train (North Coast Limited.
Good neighbor of your community, A (Baltimore & Ohio).
Good plans make good travel.
Go the motor coach way (5th Avenue Coach Co.), New York.
Greatest name in yachting, The (Consolidated yacht).
Halves the time, doubles the safety.
Handyman to the railroad (Railroad car).
Hauls more freight and handles more passengers than any other railroad in the world (Pennsylvania).
Heavy duty railroad, The (Erie).
Home afloat, The (Elco Works), Bayonne, N. J.
Honeymoon Line, The (International Railway Co.), Buffalo, N. Y.
In partnership with all America (Canadian National).
It’s a winner (Plasticraft motorboat), Plasticraft.
It’s not the first cost, it’s the upkeep (Cap-R-Nap), Preserver of sails, cord.
Knows the Pacific (Matson Lines).
Largest railway system in America (Canadian National).
Lifetime towline, a friend in need (Lifetime Corp.).
Linking 13 great states with the nation (Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Co.).
Love for travel comfort, The (Rauchbach-Goldsmith Co.), Newark, N. J.
Lucky ones go Anchor Line, The (The Anchor Line).
Make like a gun (Royal Enfield bicycle).
Made to last (Rollfast bicycles).
Matchless in outer excellence (Mercury Outboard Motor).
Mean more power to you (Nordberg engines).
Miles of travel comfort (Missouri-Kansas-Texas R.R. Co.).
Missing the boat? Own an Owens (Owens Yacht Co.), Baltimore.
Most popular route to the Rockies (Burlington Route).
Motor coach to train side, the New York idea of travel convenience (B. & O.).
Motor coach train connection, a New York travel habit (B. & O.).
Moved by Heck (Heck Transfer & Storage), San Diego, Calif.
National riders never changes his mount, A (National bicycle), Davis Sewing Mach.
Nation’s BASIC transportation, The (Assn. of American Railroads).
Newark institution, A (Yellow Cab Co.).
New standard of performance, The (Martin outboard motors).
New trains, new travellers (Budd Mfg. Co.).
Niagara to the sea (Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd.), Montreal.
One management, ship and shore (Can. Pac. Steamship & RR Co.).
One port of call for all marines requirements (equipment), Oluf Mikkelsen Co.
On time every day is the Burlington way (Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R.R. Co.).
Originator of world cruises (Frank C. Clark), New York.
Outstanding scene way west, The (Missouri Pacific R.R. Co.), St. Louis.
Pack up and go with a Travelo (Raymond Products Co.).
Perfection in rust-free protection (Ruud-Monel), Rudd Mfg. Co.
Pioneer railroad of the southwest (MKT R.R.).
Pleasure pirate pilgrimage (United American Lines).
Precision-built, water-tight (Johnson “sea-worthy” boats).
Railway to everywhere in Canada, The (Canadian National).
Relieve the strains of coupling trains (Ohio Brass Co.).
Retire in our sleepers instead of retiring your car (B. & O.).
Ride a bicycle (Cycle Trades of America).
Ride the big red cars (Pacific Electric Railway), Los Angeles.
Road of a thousand wonders, The (Southern Pacific).
Road of planned progress, The (Rock Island Lines).
Road of travel luxury (Illinois Central Railroad), Chicago.
Roll south into summer this winter (Greyhound Bus).
Rolls-Royce of coaster wagons, The (Burnham Mfg. Co.), Charles City, Iowa.
Route of the Black Diamond, The (Lehigh Valley R.R.).
Route of the Diesel-power streamliners (Baltimore & Ohio).
Safest, most comfortable way of going places fast, The (Pullman).
Safest thing on wheels, The (Servicycle Western Corp.).
Safest way to go and the sure way to get there, The (Pullman).
Safety first, friendliness, too (Assn. of American Railroads).
Safety first railroad (Southern Pacific).
Sail with the British tradition wherever you go (Cunard Lines).
Santa Fe all the way (railroad).
Saves a business day (DeLuxe Golden State Limited), Southern Pacific.
Scenic line of the world (Rio Grande Railroad).
Scenic route, The (New York Central Railroad).
Seasoned traveler goes by train, The (Union Pacific Railroad).
See America First (Great Northern Railway Co.).
See it all by train (Associated British Railways).
See the Americas first (American Republics Line).
See the FIRST of America first (Chesapeake & Ohio Railway).
See this world before the next (Canadian Pacific Steamship & Railroad Co.).
Serves all Chicago (Yellow Cab Co.).
Serves all the west (Union Pacific Railroad).
Service railroad of America, The (Chicago & Eastern Ill. Railway).
Serving the heart of industrial America (Erie Railroad).
Serving the nation (Pennsylvania Railroad).
Ships that serve Hawaii, South Seas and Australia, The (Matson Navigation Co.).
Sleep like a kitten, arrive fresh as a daisy (Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad).
Since 1877, America’s first bicycle (Columbia).
Smooth, easy “floating” ride (Safticycles, Inc.), La Crosse, Wisc.
Southern serves the South, The (Southern Railway System).
Spans the world (Canadian Pacific Railroad).
Sponsored group travel (Hayes-Hamilton, Inc.).
Standard of reliability since 1935 (Northill Co.), Anchor.
Standard railroad of the south (Atlantic Coast Line).
Starts with a quarter turn (Elto outboard motor).
Strategic middle route, The (Union Pacific Railroad).
Styled for beauty (Rollfast bicycle).
Styled for beauty, made to last (Rollfast bicycles, roller skates).
Summer route you’ll brag about, The (Burlington Route).
Sunshine belt to the Orient (Dollar Steamship Lines).
Take the sheltered route to Europe (Canadian Pacific Steamship & R.R. Co.).
Thousand miles of travel, a thousand thrills of pleasure, A (Canadian Steamship Lines, Ltd.), Montreal.
To promote the American way of life, depend on the railroad (B. & O.).
Trailways serves the nation at “scenery level” (Trailways bus system).
Travel strengthens America (U. S. Travel Bureau).
Twice a day we bridge the bay (Bay Citiies Transportation Co.), San Francisco.
Utmost in rope value, The (Whitlock Cordage Co.).
Very TOPS in low-cost motorized transportation, The (Safticycles, Inc.).
Visitrips (Baltimore & Ohio Railroad).
Voyage of your dreams, The (United American Lines).
Water level route, you can sleep (New York Central Railroad).
Whatever the weather, Pullman gets you there.
Wherever you cruise, you’ll find a Matthews (boat).
Wherever you go, go Jolly (Jolly Cabs), Memphis.
World moves, so do we, The (O. K. Storage & Transfer Co.), Memphis.
World’s greatest travel system (Canadian Pacific Steamship & Railroad Co.).
World’s outstanding small boat, The (Gibbs).
World’s standard of quality, The (New York Central).
World’s supreme travel experience, The (American-President Lines, Ltd.).
World-wide favorite (Johnson “sea-horse” motor).
You don’t have to park your street car (Northern Texas Traction Co.).
You’re safer in a Steelcraft (boat).
You ride right in a Brown and White, day or night (Rochester Taxicab Co.).