Our long march through the Williams Sunners’ 1949 tome, American Slogans, ends with this installment, which comprises vintage political slogans beginning with the letters S through Y from the chapter entitled “Political, Historical, Patriotic, Military.”
This chapter’s an odd one, as so many of the entries are personal statements and not slogans at all, and many, unlike those found in the book’s other chapters, date much farther back than the first half of the 20th century.
Still, the completist in us wouldn’t let us consider not sharing this chapter with you.
The Cladrite Reading Room continues next Monday, so check this space. We think you’ll like what we have in store for you.
Labor is king (Republican Presidential campaign), 1880.
Labor omnia vincit (State of Oklahoma).
Labor conquers all things (State of Oklahoma).
Lafayette, we are here (General John J. Pershing), June 13, 1917, France.
Land divided, the world united, The (Governor’s seal, Panama Canal Zone).
Let arms yield to the gown (State of Wyoming).
Let it be short, sharp, and decisive (Northern slogan), 1861.
Let liberty be national, and slavery sectional (Republican Pres. camp. 1860).
Let no guilty man escape (U. S. Grant), 1875.
L’etoile du nord (State of Minnesota).
Let the people rule (Andrew Jackson), 1832.
Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law (State of Missouri).
Let there be light (Carnegie libraries).
Let there be light and there was light (Order of Free and Accepted Masons).
Let us alone (big business), 1905.
Let us have peace (Republican Presidential campaign), 1868, for Grant.
Let us keep this honest man (1920).
Libertas et fidelitate (on reverse of State seal of Virginia).
Liberty and independence (State of Delaware).
Liberty and independence or death (American Revolution slogan).
Liberty and prosperity (State of New Jersey).
Liberty and Union (Abraham Lincoln), 1861-1865.
Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable (Daniel Webster).
Liberty dearer than union (John C. Calhoun).
Liberty or death (Virginia Revolutionary regiments).
Liberty, prosperity and no stamps (anti-Stamp Act slogan), 1765.
Life of the land is preserved by righteousness (Hawaii).
Long live the President (George Washington’s adherents, 1791).
Look up, not down; look forward, not back; look out, not in and lend a hand (Edward Everett Hale).
Love thine enemy (Democratic National Convention), 1940.
Make American the arsenal and the larder of Democracy (F. D. Roosevelt, 1941).
Make the world safe for Democracy (Woodrow Wilson), 1917.
Manly deeds, womanly words (State of Maryland).
Mayest thou endure forever (State Idaho).
McKinley and the full dinner pail (Republican Presidential campaign), 1900.
Meliorem lapsa locavit (State of South Carolina).
Millions for defense but not one cent for tribute (C. C. Pinckney).
Montani semper liberi (State of West Virginia).
Mountaineers are always free men (State of West Virginia).
My country, right or wrong (Stephen Decatur).
National Guard is for the Union, The (New York National Guard).
New Hampshire has no slogan or motto.
New order of ages, A (translation of slogan, obverse side of U. S. Great Seal).
Nil sine numine (State of Colorado).
No compromise, no more slavery (Republican Presidential campaign), 1846.
No fourth term, either (Republican presidential campaign), 1940.
No free trade (Republican Presidential campaign), 1880.
No more ’76 (Democratic Presidential campaign), 1876.
No quarter for Tories (Francis Marion).
No taxation without representation (American Colonies), 1765.
No terms except unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted (U. S. Grant).
No third term (Republican Presidential campaign), 1940.
No union with slaveholders (W. L. Garrison).
Not worth a Continental (Money from American Revolutionary period).
Nothing without the Divinity (State of Colorado).
Novus ordo seclorum (Great Seal of the United States).
Now or never (pro-Annexationists), 1846.
N U T S! (General McAuliffe), World War II.
Off for Washington (Confederate soldiers), 1861.
Old Abe Lincoln Rode His Horse (old song about Honest Abe).
On to Atlanta (slogan of the Union Army), 1864.
On to Canada (War of 1812).
On to Richmond (Union slogan), 1861.
On to the halls of Montezuma (Texans’ slogan), 1846.
On to Vicksburg (Union slogan), 1863.
On to Washington (Confederate slogan), 1861.
Once a State, always a State (Andrew Johnson).
One good term deserves another (Democratic Presidential campaign), 1940.
One money for the bondholder and for the plowholder (Reconstruction slogan).
Only thing we have to fear is fear itself, The (F. D. Roosevelt), 1933.
Onward with O’Dwyer (Democratic Mayoralty campaign, 1941 and 1945).
Open door, The (American policy towards China), 20th century.
Organize the unorganized (Congress of Industrial Organizations), 1938.
Oro y plata (State of Montana).
Our Federal Union, it must be preserved (President Andrew Jackson).
Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain (State of Iowa).
Over the top (Franklin Delano Roosevelt), 1933.
Peace (Father M. J. Divine).
Peace, it’s wonderful (Father Morgan J. Divine).
Peace, security, prosperity (Victory celebration, War of 1812).
Peace without victory (Woodrow Wilson), 1917.
People rule, The (State of Arkansas).
Pike’s Peak or bust (gold prospectors), 1858.
Please pass the biscuits, Pappy (W. L. O’Daniel), 1938.
Politics is adjourned (Woodrow Wilson), 1917.
Prepare for war in times of peace (old American slogan).
Preserve home industries (Republican Presidential campaign), 1884.
Preserved by concord (Tammany Society of New York).
Pro patria et gloria (New York National Guard).
Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all of the inhabitants thereof (Inscription on the Liberty Bell), Philadelphia.
Prosperity is just around the corner (Republican Presidential campaign. 1932.
Public be damned, The (W. H. Vanderbilt), 1883.
Public office is a public trust, A (Democratic Presidential campaign), 1884.
Qui translulit sustinet (State of Connecticut).
Rally behind the Virginians (General B. E. Bee), Battle of Ball Run.
Rat a day, A (Workingmen’s and Labor Union), 1890.
Ready in soul and resources (State of South Carolina).
Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God (Thomas Jefferson).
Reelect our President (Democratic Presidential campaign), 1940.
Regnat populus (State of Arkansas).
Rely on your brakes instead of your horn (N. Y. Noise Abatement Comm.), 1934.
Remember Lexington and Concord (New York National Guard).
Remember the Alamo (Texans’ battle cry).
Remember the Maine (Spanish American War).
Rugged individualism (Theodore Roosevelt).
Rugged individualism (Franklin Delano Roosevelt).
Saloons must go, The (Frances E. Willard).
Salus populi suprema lex esto (State of Missouri).
Save the Union (Northern slogan), 1861.
Scuto bonae voluntatis tuae coronasti nos (reverse of seal of Maryland).
Semper paratus (United States Coast Guard).
She flies with her own wings (former slogan of State of Oregon).
Ships will win the war (World War II).
Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice (State of Michigan).
Sic semper tyrannis (State of Virginia).
Sit lux et lux fuit (Order of Free and Accepted Masons).
Sixteen to one (Democratic Presidential campaign), 1896.
Slavery is a moral and political wrong (Republican Presidential Camp.), 1860.
Smash the trusts (anti-trusters and William Jennings Bryan).
Soak the rich (New Deal Democrats’ slogan).
Solid South, The (Democratic slogan), 1877.
Speak softly and carry a big stick (Theodore Roosevelt).
Stand pat (Republican Presidential campaign), 1908.
Star of the north (State of Minnesota).
State sovereignty and national union (State of Illinois).
Stick with Roosevelt (Democrat National Convention), 1940.
Take the profits out of war (Franklin Delano Roosevelt), 1940.
Taxation without representation is tyranny (American Colonists), 1765.
Texas or disunion (slogan of the South), 1844.
Thank God for Wilson (1920).
There stands Jackson like a stone wall. Rally behind the Virginians. (Gen. B. E. Bee), Battle of Bull Run.
There is no royal road to learning (old slogan).
30 dollars every Thursday (Old Age Plan), California, 1939.
Throw the spenders out (Democratic Presidential campaign), 1932.
Thus ever to tyrants (State of Virginia).
Tippecanoe and Tyler, too (Whig Presidential campaign), 1840.
To be rather than to seem (State of North Carolina).
To the stars through rugged ways (State of Kansas).
To the victor belongs the spoils (W. L. Marcy).
Tools of ignorance, The (Walker Cooper, New York Giants), Regarding his catching equipment. Broadcast by Frank Frisch, July 29, 1948, WMCA.
Truth, injustice, and Constitution (National Democratic Convention), 1860.
Tuebor (State of Michigan).
Turn the rascals out (Democratic Presidential campaign), 1884.
Trust in God and keep your powder dry (New York National Guard).
Ua mua ke ea O ka aina I ka pono (Territory of Hawaii).
Under God the people rule (State of South Dakota).
Union, The (State of Oregon).
Union, it must and shall be preserved, The (Andrew Jackson).
Union, justice and confidence (State of Louisiana).
Unite or die (slogan of the South), 1861.
United we stand, divided we fall (State of Kentucky).
Unity in diversity (General Federation of Women’s Clubs).
Vicksburg must be taken (U. S. Grant), 1863.
Victory or death (Battle of New Orleans), 1815.
Virtue, liberty, and independence (State of Pennsylvania).
Virtute et armis (State of Mississippi).
Volens et potens (former slogan of State of Nevada).
Vote as you shoot (Republican Presidential campaign), 1864.
Wallace or War (Progressive Party Presidential campaign), 1948.
War in the east, peace in the west (Democratic Presidential campaign), 1920.
War to end war (Woodrow Wilson), 1918.
Watchful waiting (Woodrow Wilson), 1913.
Waving our bloody shirt (Republican Presidential campaign), 1876.
We do our part (NRA slogan), 1933.
We don’t want Eleanor, either (Republican Presidential campaign), 1940.
We give up the fort when there’s not a man left to defend it (Gen. Croghan).
We have just begun to fight (John Paul Jones).
We have just begun to fight (Franklin Delano Roosevelt), 1933.
We have met the enemy and they are ours (Oliver Hazard Perry), 1813.
We have nothing to fear but fear itself (Franklin Delano Roosevelt), 1933.
We love him for the enemies he has made (Democratic Presidential camp.), 1884.
We must all hang together (American Revolution slogan).
We must all hang together or assuredly we will hang separately (Ben Franklin).
We must have the forts (secret South Caroline convention), 1841.
We want Willkie (Republican Presidential campaign), 1940.
We will be free (American Colonists), 1776.
We will carry on (Franklin D. Roosevelt), 1933.
What this country needs is a good 5-cent cigar (Thomas R. Marshall).
When in doubt, fight (Ulysses S. Grant).
While I breathe, I hope (State of South Carolina).
Willing and able (former slogan of State of Nevada).
Wilson and peace with honor or Hughes with Roosevelt and war (Democratic presidential campaign), 1916.
Win the war now (Republican slogan), 1919.
Win with Willkie (Republican Presidential campaign), 1940.
Wisdom, justice, and moderation (obverse of State seal of Georgia).
With malice toward none, with charity for all (Abraham Lincoln).
With the shield of Thy good will Thou has protected us (Seal of Maryland).
With the sword she seeks peace under liberty (State of Massachusetts).
Work or fight (World War II).
Worst is past, The (Democratic Presidential campaign), 1932.
You ARE your brother’s keeper (Community Chest Drive), 1938.
You can’t keep a good man down (popular American slogan).
You HAVE to go out, you don’t have to come back (U. S. Coast Guard).
Young elk, a (Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks).