As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market home refrigerators and commercial refrigeration equipment.
Aristocrat of refrigerators, The (Herrick Refrigerator Co.).
Best dealer in town sell Norge, The (refrigerator).
Better always better (Kelvinator). Refrigerator.
Better products for a better world (Norge).
Better way of living, A (electric refrigeration), Soc. for Elec. Development.
Built for connoisseurs of refrigeration (Kelvinator).
Built right for over forty years (ice boxes), Belding-Hall Electric Corp.
Buy your last refrigerator first (Jewell Refrigerator Co.).
Chest with a chill in it, The (Maine Mfg. Co.).
Coat-O-Cold (refrigeration plates), Portable Elevator Mfg. Co.
Cold and silent as a winter night (Sparton refrigerator).
Colder-than-ice refrigeration (Iron Mountain Co.).
Cook with cold (“Ice Maid”), Lamson Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Crisp dry cold of a frosty night, The (Iroquois Electric Refrigeration Co.).
Defrosts itself, saves shut-downs (Belding-Hall).
Dependable electric refrigeration (Lamson Co.).
Dry constant cold of the mountain top, The (General Refrigeration Co.).
Electrical refrigeration, a way to better living (Soc. for Elec. Development).
Electric ice is self-defrosting, The (Belding-Hall).
Electric refrigeration, a way to better living (Soc. for Elec. Development).
Fills a universal need (Universal Cooler Corp.).
Fits any ice box (iceless refrigeration), Isko Co.
Flame that freezes, The (Servel, Inc.).
For better living (G.E. refrigerator).
General Motors means Good Measure.
Get the best thing first, get Kelvinator.
Good reputation has to be earned, A (Blu-Cold Refrigerators), Lehigh Mfg. Co.
Ice by wire (Servel).
Ice cubes instantly, tray to glass (Inland Mfg. Co.), Dayton.
Ice is cheaper, better, safer (Ice Publicity Assn.).
Ice that never melts (Sanat Refrigerating Co.).
Is your refrigerator a Success? (Success Mfg. Co.).
Keeps things to eat good to eat (Sunshine Ice Co.).
Kelvination, cold that keeps (Kelvinator Co.).
Life preserver for foods, A (Alaska Refrigerator Co.).
Like a clean China dish (Grand Rapids Refrigerator Co.).
Lowers the cost of making frost (Carbondale Machine Co.).
Made a little better than seems necessary (Rhinelander Refirgerator Co.).
Mighty monarch of the Arctic (electric refrigerators), Grisby-Grunow.
Million in service ten years or longer, A (G. E. refrigerators).
More and better things for more people (General Motors).
New queen reigns where ice was king, A (Ice Maid refrigeration), Lamson Co.
No Jewett has ever worn out (Jewett Refrigerator Co.).
Oldest name in electric refrigeration, The (Kelvinator).
Only dual automatic refrigerator, The (Westinghouse).
Original drawer type freezer, The (Portable Elevator Mfg. Co.).
Perfect server, The (Electric refrigeration), Copeland Products.
Record is trouble-free, The (Kelvinator).
Refrigerators for all purposes (McCray Refrigerator Corp.).
Roller rolls and there’s ice, A (Norge).
Saves food, chills water (Illinois Refrigerator Co.).
See Norge before you buy (freezer).
Set it and forget it (Kelvinator).
Silent refrigeration at low cost (National Refrigerating Co.).
Silent servant, The (National Refrigerating Co.).
Simplest electric refrigerator, The (Electro-Kold Corp.).
Simplified electric refrigerator, The (Electro-Kold Corp.).
Stays silent, lasts longer (Servel).
Store that never closes, The (Coldspot Freezers), Sears Roebuck.
Stream-lined budget plan (American Ice Co.).
There is no substitute for experience (Kelvinator).
There’s nothing like a cool drink of water (Electric water coolers), Sunroc.
They keep their head (San Diego Ice and Cold Storage Co.).
This much more in a Shelvador (refrigerator).
True in the long run (Triumph Ice Machine Co.).
Try it, then buy it (Polar Ice Laboratory).
Try me, then buy me (Polar Ice Laboratory).
University of air conditioning, The (York refrigeration).
Winter enchained in silent service (Copeland Products, Inc.).
Wonder flame that cools as well as heats, The (Gas).
Working for today, planning for tomorrow (Norge).
World’s greatest value in dependable refrigeration (Copeland Products).
Year in, year out, the perfect servant (Electric Refrigeration), Copeland.
You’ll always be glad you bought a General Electric (refrigerator).
You’re twice as sure with Frigidaire.
You’re twice as sure with two great names (Frigidaire, General Motors).