Pitch perfect: ladies' undergarments

As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market brassieres, corsets, and other women’s undergarments.

Above all, under all (Dove Skin undies).
Always-fresh, wet-proof panties, The (Nata-Pax).
Arrow aims at allure (Arrow bra).
As modern as tomorrow (Royal Worcester Corset Co.), Worcester, Mass.

Beautiful corset worn by beautiful women to make them more beautiful (Lily of France Corset Co.), New York.
Bien Jolie creates the world’s finest corsetry.
Boast of the gown, The (Prim Miss Brassieres and Girdles), Sidley Co.
Bra that fits like magic, The (Genie).

Checks your figure but not your freedom (Marvelette, Inc.), Worcester.
Covers the subject (foundation garments), Sid Levy & Sons, San Francisco.
Custom-corseted look, The (Newman & Sons, Inc.), New York.

Difference makes the difference, The (Anne Alt brassiere).
Don’t say underwear, say Munsingwear.

Eventually yours (slip), Corette.
Every corset guaranteed (rust-proof corsets), Warner Bros. Co.
Everything is under control (Vogue Foundations, Inc.), Newark, N.J.
Every woman needs a little Vanity (foundation).

Fantasy in freedom (undies), Blue Swan.
Fashioned each season to fit each season’s fashions (Royal Worcester Corset).
Fast becoming the greatest name in corsetry (Diana).
Figure magic of feather lightness (brassiere).
Fit as a fiddle (Society Girl foundations).
Fit-from-any-angle, patented pantie girdle, The (Sport-Tights).
Fits the feminine clan (girdle), Sidley Co.
Fits to precision (Pre-cize girdle).
“Fitting” tribute to the feminine figure, A (Primrose Foundations).
Fitting the purse as well as the figure (Cusette Foundations).
Flatters where it matters (Adola brassiere).
For a figure to remember (RumBRA).
For beauty to have and to hold (Petalpoint Motif bra).
For that certain “lift” (Elaine bra).
For that priceless young look (Formaid brassiere).
For the full figure (Youthline foundation).
For the lift of your lifetime (Life bra).
For the modern miss (Charmese foundations).
For youthful figures of all ages (Lasticraft Foundations).
Foundation of American beauty, The (Best Form Corset), New York.

Girdles of grace (Real-form).
Glamour for every figure (Kabo corest).
Glamour for teen-age and queen age (Kabo bra).
Gossard line of beauty, The (girdles).

Hips are fashionable, fat isn’t (girdle), Sidley Co.
Hold the bustline and you hold youth (La Resista Corset).
House of complete corsetry, The (Kops Bros., Inc), New York.

Inner secret of outer beauty, The (Charm underlift brassiere).
In silver, it’s sterling, in corsetry, it’s “Wonderform” (Leo corsets).
In tune with fashion and keyed to fit (Lori-Lou girdles).
It fits like magic (Genie bra).
It fits the form because it’s formed to fit (De Luxe sanitary belt).
It moulds and holds you to beautiful perfection (bra).
It’s Doveskin for loveliness (undies).
It’s sharp to be sure (slip), Her Majesty.
It’s smart to conform with Reo-Form (Reo-Form Lingerie Co.), New York.
It’s time to Re-form (Helene bra).
It ventilates (girdle), Perfolastic, Inc., New York.

Just two ways about it (girdle), Sid Levy & Sons.

Keep in touch with Prospect (foundations).
Keeps you in form (Debu-Form girdles).

Life of fine corsets, The (J.R. Kendrick Co.), Philadelphia.
Lift that never lets you down, The (Perma-Lift bra).
Light as sea-foam, strong as the tide (underwear), Paris-Hecker Co., Phila.
Line of beauty (Gossard), Girdle.
Live mode corset (Kabo Corset Co.).

Mould your figure perfectly (Lady Mac Valusettes), girdles.

Name easy to remember, a girdle you “easily” forget, A (Sidley Co.).
Naturally yours (Lilyette Brassiere Co.).
Never comes up anytime (brassieres and girdles), Sid Levy & Sons.
Next to my heart (Renee bra).
Nips the waist, not the purse (girdle), Sid Levy & Sons.
No bones about it (girdles).
No finer fit at any price (Bestform).
No hips, no hips, hooray (girdles), Sid Levy & Sons.
No name in corsetry is better known (Rengo Belt).
Nothing rivals Nature’s Rival (corset).
No woman is too stout to be stylish (Wenigarten Bros.), New York.

Perfect fit not only in the cup, but all around the torso (La Trique bra).
Puts your best figure forward (Francette corsets).

Rest assured (brassieres), Manzelle.

Secret’s in the circle, The (bra), Peter Pan.
Slim miss, the Sidley reducing girdle.
Slimtite for magic control (girdles), Western Underwear Co., New York.
Skip that discovers your figure, The.
Smart set, The (Prim Miss brassieres), Sidley Co.
Standard corset of the world for 70 years, The (G.C. Batcheller Co.).
Standard of corset fashion, The (Redfern corsets), Warner Bros. Co.
Stays up without stays (girdles).
Strapless bra that stays up, The (Daring).
Styled to prevent twisting or riding (slip), Corette.

That finished look (Venus foundations).
There is a Maiden Form for every type of figure (brassiere).
There’s a future for YOUR figure in Foundettes (Musingwear foundations).
There’s magic in La Mode (foundations).

Ultimate in fine corsetry (The Corselette), Warner’s Le Gant.
Undergarment that adds charm to your outergarment, The (Heart’s Quest).
Underneath it all (corsets and girdles), Warner Bros. (Bridgeport).
Uplift that stays up, The (Surprise bra).

We create a design especially for you (corset), Berger Bros., New Haven.
Without the shadow of a stout (corset), Stylish Stout.
With that hand-made look (Faerie undergarments).
With the wire part for the part of beauty (Formost foundations).

Year-round pantie, The (Chafe-O’-Tex).
You’ll be lovely, too, in a Lovable brassiere.
Young girl’s best friend, The (Petit Point bra).
Your closest friend (Cupid foundations).
You’re always in good form with Reo-Form (slips).
Yours for a glorified lifeline (foundation garment).

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