Don’t miss your chance to save up to 35% on all your favorite Cladrite Radio gear—tees, hoodies, sweats, mousepads, and yes, even coffee mugs. It’s a great chance to snag the items you’ve been eyeing at unbeatable prices. Just browse our Gear section, make your selections, and use the following coupon codes at checkout:
PFBDAY$15—Save $15 off your subtotal of $50+
PFBDAY$35—Save $35 off your subtotal of $100+
The savings also apply at our sponsor site,, where they feature all sorts of gear emblazoned with fun vintage graphics. Either way, you’ll be showing your support for our efforts here at Cladrite Radio.
Remember, you must enter the appropriate coupon code before completing checkout. And these generous discount don’t include shipping, taxes, or additional charges.
But hurry! The savings end at 11:59 p.m. MT tonight!