As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market watches, jewelry, and silverware.
Accurate beyond comparison (Warren Telechron Co.), Ashland, Mass.
America appreciates good time (Ribaux watches).
America runs on Bulova time (watches).
America’s best-dressed women wear Coro jewelry.
America’s distinguished timepiece (Harvel Watch Co.), Newark, N. J.
America’s most distinguished timepiece (Elgin).
Art in diamond rings (B. & E. J. Gross Co.), New York.
Bejeweled by Gaylin (Gaylin Jewelry Co.), New York.
Beloved by brides for almost a century (Art-carved rings).
Best at the price, The (silversmiths), Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.
Best-known name in sterling (Gorham).
Bright jewels bridge the gap, join the ideal and the real, dreams and love.
Bulova Watch time, the gift of a lifetime.
Choice you make once for a life-time, The (silverware), Wallace Sterling.
Clocks that most people want most, The (G. E. Heralder).
Day-Craft gifts are the gifts worth while (Day-Craft, Inc.), Springfield, Mass.
Deal with Diel means a good deal, A (Diel Watch Case Co.).
Dependable time (Sessions Clock Co.), Forestville, Conn.
Dessau diamonds true the wheels of industry (Maurice S. Dessau).
Diamonds win hearts (Loftis Bros. & Co.), Chicago.
Dominant influence in the jewelry industry, A (The Keystone), Philadelphia.
Do keep time (clocks), Phinney-Walker Co., New York.
Engineered for accuracy (Rensie Watches).
Every day is a gift day (Nat. Gift and Art Assn.), Philadelphia.
Everything in rings (Istby & Barton Co.).
Express your individuality (Continental Jewelry Co.).
Exquisite at America’s beauties (Rensie watches).
Family plate for seventy years, The (International Silver Co.).
Finer than ever before (Hamilton watch).
Finest clock since time began (Brock).
Finest silverplate, The (Community).
First American watch (Waltham).
First among find watch bands (Bretton).
First he whispers, then he shouts (Big Ben).
First name in time, last word in watch styling (Omega watch).
First word in quality, the last word in style, The (watchbands). J. Kreisler.
For gifts that last consult your jeweler (Nat. Jewelers Pub. Assn.).
For perfection of the Swiss watchmaking art (Marvin).
For that breath-taking moment (diamond rings), Lady Crosby.
Full measure of time (watch), Kelbert.
Gifts and art gladden the heart (Nat. Gift and Art Assn.).
Gifts that last (Loftis Bros. & Co.), Chicago.
Gifts that suit the needs of every taste and purse (Black, Starr & Frost).
Gift that lives and grows, The (Add-A-Pearl Co.), Chicago.
Give the girl of your choice the ring of her choice (A. H. Pond Co.).
Guard your precious time (watches).
Guard your time (Elgin National Watch Co.).
Here and there it’s Sterling (silverplate), Holmes & Edwards.
If it’s Community, it’s correct Silver.
In rhyme with time (Kingston Watch Co.).
It is Sterling, more cannot be said (Sterling Silversmiths of America).
It remembers so YOU can forget (automatic clock), James Clock Mfg. Co.
It’s smart to choose the finest sterling (Reed & Barton), Sterling silver.
It S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-S and springs back (watch bands), Speidel Corp.
It’s worth the difference to get a Big Ben.
Jewelers to the sweethearts of America for three generations (Loftis Bros.).
Jewelry for gentlemen (Krementy & Co.), Newark, N. J.
Jewelry for years to come (watch bands), Speidel Corp., New York.
Keeping company with America’s finest watches (Bruner-Ritter, Inc.).
Keeps America on time (Big Ben Westclox).
Kestenmade means better made (watch bands), Kestenmen Bros., Providence.
Laughs at time (Big Ben).
Leadership in design authority (Community Plate), Silverware.
Let’s make it for keeps (Community silver).
Made in America by American craftsmen (Elgin watches).
Makes a smart watch look smarter (watch bands).
Makes night time plain as day (Gilbert Clock Co.), Radium dial clock.
Man’s treasure, A (Brock watch).
Mark of American leadership since 1865 (Elgin).
Modern silver with the beauty of old masterpieces (Watson Sterling).
Never a love so true, never a ring so cherished (Keepsake), diamond ring.
Never fasten or unfasten it (watch band), Speidel Corp.
One of America’s fine watches (Harvel Co.).
One of the few great watches of the world (Adolphe Schwob, Inc.).
Particular people prefer Hamilton (watch).
Precision watch, America’s choice, The (Gruen).
Protected where the wear comes (Holmes & Edwards Silver Co.).
Railroad timekeeper of America, The (Hamilton Watch Co.).
Right choice for the right time, The (Harvel watch).
Right time since 1817 (New Haven Clock & Watch Co.).
Runs accurately without winding (Croton watch).
Serve it in silver (Benedict Mfg. Co.), East Syracuse, N. Y.
Shop of beautiful gifts, The (E. A. Morgan), Atlanta.
Silver with a past, a present, and a future (International Sterling).
Smart jewels for the smart set or anyone else (S. B. Hindleman).
Solid silver where it wears (Homles & Edwards Silver Co.).
Sterling of lasting good taste (Lunt silverware).
Swivel says it’s a Simmons, The (R. F. Simmons Co.), Attleboro, Mass.
Tells time in the dark (Radiolite), Robt. H. Ingersoll & Br.
Tells time, saves time (Hawkeye Clock Co.), Muscatine, Iowa.
Their beauty is unfading, ever right, ever new (jewels).
There is no finer solid silver than National (sterling).
There is no finger sterling silver than Fine Arts (Fine Arts Sterling Silver).
There is nothing more beautiful than snake chain (jewelry).
There’s economy in a few steps around the corner (E. A. Morgan), jewelry.
There’s no better time (Big Ben Westclox).
There’s no Radiolite but the Ingersoll Radiolite (R. H. Ingersoll & Bro.).
This is for keeps (Community silver).
Time before your eyes, The (auto clocks), Phinney Walker & Co.
Timed to the stars (Elgin watches).
Time for a lifetime (Gotham watches).
Time in sight, day or night (radium dial clocks), W. L. Gilbert Clock Co.
Times hurries in every factory (S. Rennus time clock).
Time for a lifetime and longer (Gotham watch).
Time to rejoice (Waltham).
Time will tell (Kenro jewelers).
Tomorrow on every wrist (watch band), Speidel Corp.
Washington time from the light socket (Warren Telechron Co.).
Watchband that was taken from history is now making history (Golden Knight).
Watches of tested accuracy (Pierce).
Watches out for your watch (watch band), Speidel Corp.
Watch for busy men, The (Harvel).
Watchful of the time (Hawkeye Clock Co.), Muscatine, Iowa.
Watch of railroad accuracy, The (Hamilton Watch Co.).
Watch that made the dollar famous, The (Ingersoll), Waterbury, Conn.
Watch that times the airways, The (Benrus Watch Co.).
Watch that times the stars, The (Harvel Watch Co.).
Watch with the purple ribbon, The (South Bend Watch Co.).
Watch word of elegance and efficiency, The (Elgin National Watch Co.).
Wherever good jewelry is sold (Ostby & Barton Co.).
World’s finest reproductions (Deltah pearls).
World’s most “carefree” watch (Croton Aquamat).
World’s most honored watch, The (Longine).
World’s watch over time, The (Waltham Watch Co.).
Wrought form solid silver (International Silver Co.), Meriden, Conn.
Your wrist watch deserves the best (Hadley watch band).
Kingston Watch, 14K gold. My mother owned one for many years, (sinc the 50’s) I would like to know what it is worth.