It’s been more than a week since we checked in here at Cladrite Radio, and it’s because we were called away by the death of our beloved mother.
It’s been a week spent grieving, yes, but also celebrating a life uncommonly well-lived. And we spent hours upon end going through crate of old pictures and documents, and starting tomorrow, we’ll share some of those with you.
But first things first — we owe our regular readers a Pitch Perfect post, and we pay that debt below:
As part of our ongoing series of collections of old advertising slogans, culled from a 1949 book called American Slogans, we today share a list of slogans that were utilized by companies that manufactured and marketed soaps (cleaners, detergents, polishes, etc.):
Adds magic to soap (Klenzing Emulsion Co.), Frenchtown, N.Y.
Adorns your skin with the fragrance men love (Cashmere Bouquet).
America’s favorite bleach and household disinfectant (Clorox).
America’s scientifically correct cleansing process (Miraclean Istitute).
Astonishingly good (soap products). South African Oil & Fat Industries, Ltd.
At your service (cleanser), B.T. Babbitt, Inc.
Avoid cosmetic skin (Lux).
Avoid “tattletale gray” (Fels Naphtha soap).
Banishes “tattletale gray” (Fels Naphtha).
Best for you and baby, too (Albert Soaps Co.), Montreal.
Chases dirt (Old Dutch Cleanser), Cudahy Packing Co.
Clean nation has ever been a strong nation, A (Sapolio).
Cleans a million things (Oakite).
Cleans as it polishes (O-Cedar Polish), Channel Chemical Co.
Cleans as it shines (O-Cedar), Polish.
Cleans easier, works faster, won’t scratch (Sunbrite Cleanser).
Cleans hands clean (Gresolvent).
Cleans hands cleaner (D. Lorah cleaner).
Cleans in a jiff (washing powder), Dif Corp., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Cleans, relusters amd demoths upholstered furniture (Keyspray).
Cleans so well so easily, and for so little (Mystic foam),Upholstery cleaner.
Cleans with a caress (olive oil castile soap), Conti Products.
Colors while it cleans (Aladdin Dye Soap).
Complete first suds detergent, The (Prime Soap), Beach Soap Co.
Complete household soap (Oxydol).
Cream of olive oil soaps, The (cream oil), Peet Bros. Mfg. Co.
Cuts the cost of clean hands (Soapitor Co., Inc.).
Doctors prove Palmolive’s beauty results (soap).
Doesn’t scratch (Old Dutch Cleanser).
Don’t ask for “polish,” demand Brite-Lite (Britelite Co.).
Double action, single cost (Sunbrite Cleanser), Swift & Co.
Duz does everything (powder).
Easy on your clothes, easier still on your pocketbook, that’s White King Soap.
Eats dirt (Gellett’s lye).
Eats everything in the pipe (drain pipe cleaner), John Sunshine Chemical Co.
Every granule licks dirt 8 ways (Noctil), Rumford Chemical Works.
Every single time you clean, disinfect with Lysol.
Fast for dishes yet kind to your hands (Duz).
Finer than the finest castle (Castolay), Andrew Jergens.
Food for wood, A (Wilbert Products Co.).
For more than visible cleanliness (Economics Laboratory), St. Paul.
For proved beauty results (Palmolive).
For the softest adorable hands (Jergens).
Get brighter windows with Windex (cleaner).
Get ’em clean with Abbolene (Fisher Industries), Cincinnati.
Get it clean with Abbolene (Fischer Industries).
Gets windows brighter quicker (Windex).
Gleaming armor for your floors (Old English No Rubbing Wax), A.S. Boyle Co.
Good morning! Have you used Pears’ Soap? (A&F Pears, Ltd.).
Good soap is good business (Proctor & Gamble Co.), Cleveland.
Good washing wins good will (Cowles Detergent Co.), Cleveland.
Grease just vanishes from pots, pans, dishes (Rinso).
Greatest name in housekeeping, The (O’Cedar products).
Hasn’t scratched yet (Bon Ami Co.).
Have you a little fairy in your home (N.H. Fairbank Co.).
Health soap, The (Lifebuoy).
Helps stockings wear longer (Dreft).
He won’t be happy till he gets it (Wright’s coal tar soap).
Hurts only dirt (Kitchen Kleanser), Fitzpatrick Bros., Chicago.
If it’s lovely to wear it’s worth Ivory Flakes care.
If it’s safe in water, it’s safe in Lux (soap).
If you’re not using Vano, you’re working too hard (Chemicals, Inc.).
It cleans so quick (Climalene Co.), Canton, Ohio.
It floats (Ivory, Proctor & Gamble.
It’s a different cleaner (Neverring Mfg. Co.).
It’s always a shade better (Bulldog Venetian blind cleaner).
It smells so clean (Teele Soap Mfg. Co.), Cambridge, Mass.
It’s scratchless, it’s matchless (cleaner), Swift & Co.
It’s sudsy (Gold Dust Corp.).
It takes so little (White King Soap).
It takes so little for every household use (White King), Spohn & Thamer.
Ivory is kind to everything it touches (Proctor & Gamble).
Ivory-mild for safety; granulated for speed (Ivory Snow).
Just dip and rinse (dry cleaning fluid), Radbill Oil Co.
Keep it clean with Energene.
Keep that schoolgirl complexion (Palmolive soap).
Keep your furniture beautiful always (polish), Raynorshine Products.
Keep your leather goods beautiful always (Raynorshine Products).
Kindness to hands, speed in the dishpan (Ivory Snow).
Kind to everything it touches (Ivory).
Let the Gold Dust Twins do your work (N.H. Fairbank Co.), Soap powder.
Lift-action suds (Kirkman & Son), Brooklyn, N.Y.
Lovelier skin in 14 days (Palmolive).
Lovelier skin with just one cake, A (Camay).
Lovelier soap with the costlier perfume, The (Cashmere Bouquet).
Lux every day keeps old hands away (soap).
Lux girls are lovelier (Lux soap).
Luxury soap of the world, The (Yardley’s Old English).
Magic cleaner, The (Chemical Supply Co.), Cleveland.
Magic suds, The (Swerl).
Makes hard water soft (Gold Dust powder).
Makes old floors new (Schalk Chemical Co.), Renovator.
Makes old things new, keep new things bright (Britelite polish).
Mar-VEL-ous for dishes, stockings, lingerie, woolens (Vel).
Meanest chore is a chore no more, The (Saniflush).
Melts dirt away (Old English), Powdered cleaner.
More doctors advise Ivory than any other soap.
More than a polish (Raylo Corp.).
99 44/100% pure, it floats (Ivory soap), Proctor & Gamble.
No purer soap was ever made (Chiffon Soap Flakes).
Norco way is the easiest and best way to polish silverware (F.F. Horst Co.).
Now better than ever for everything (Ivory soap).
Old floors look new in six to nine minutes (Aerowax), Midway Chemical Co.
One customer sells another (Zoom).
Over a million used by millions (soap dispensers), Bobrick Mfg. Co.
Perfect clue of perfect castile, The (Lockwood Brackett Co.).
Picture of health, The (Pine Tree Soap), Pine Tree Products Co.
Polishes all metals (Dura-Gilt polish).
Polishes as it cleans (cleanser), Swift & Co.
Preferred in fine homes for many years (Hawes Floor Wax).
Products with a million friends, The (Wax and polish), Midway Chemical Co.
Pussycat-smooth hands (soap), Newell-Gutradt Co., San Francisco.
Removes the film of dirt and smudge (Keyspray), Keystone Chemical Co.
Removes the grime in half the time (Powdered hand soap), The Hanzo Co.
Rinso gives suds thick as whipped cream.
Rougher on dirt, easiest on clothes (Oxydol).
Roughest on dirt, easiest on hands (Oxydol).
Safe, gentle polish, The (Silvo).
Save yourself 2 rubs out of every 3 (P & G soap).
Scratches disappear as you polish (Old English Scratch Removing Polish).
Seems to work like magic (Magic-Keller Soap Works).
Self-polishing wax (Johnson’s).
Shine in every drop, A (Black Silk Stove Polish Works).
Shines as it dries (Simoniz for floors).
Shining success, A (G.P. Baker & Co.).
Skin you love to touch, The (soap), Andrew Jergens.
Soap of beautiful women, The (Proctor & Gamble).
Soap that agrees with your skin, The (Sweetheart), Manhattan Soap Co.
Sombre silver dulls more the dinner (Wright’s silver cream cleaner).
Sombre silver dulls the dinner (Wright’s cleaner).
Something to crow about (Supreme Polish Co., Ltd.), Vancouver, Canada.
S.O.S. keeps your pots and pans shiny bright outside, wholesome clean hands.
Speedy cleanser that “hasn’t scratched yet,” The (Bon Ami).
Spray that cleans windows without water (Windex).
Spreads like good news (Satinwax), Economic Laboratory, Inc.
Stops B.O. (Lifebuoy Soap).
Stop window washing (Whiz mirror and glass cleaner), Hollingshead Corp.
Suds in a jiffy (Jif soap flakes).
Sunbrite, the cleanser with a spotless reputation (Swift & Co.).
Sure is strong (lye). Wm. Schield Mfg. & Co., St. Louis.
Swan is different, Swan is better (soap).
Takes TOIL out of toilet cleaning (Globe Laboratories).
There’s not a cleaner like it (Monarch Cleaner Corp.), Utica, N.Y.
Use the Sweetheart Skin Diet (Manhattan Soap Sales Corp.).
Washes off printer’s ink like magic (hand soap), Cromwell Paper Co.
Washes windows without water (Windex).
When all soaps fail, Flash cleans (Flash Chemical Co.), Cambridge, Mass.
Wilbert’s double-action ammonia (Wilbert Products Co., Inc.).
Wipe and it’s bright, A (Porcelain cleaner), B.T. Babbitt, Inc.
Wipes off dirt and grease, as easy as dusting (Old English Household Cleaner).
With the fragrance men love (Cashmere Bouquet Soap), Colgate-Palmolive-Peet.
Wizard of wash (Maid-Easy Cleansing Products Corp.).
Woman who uses it, knows, The (E-Z polish). Martin & Martin.
Won’t shrink woolens (Lux).
Works wonders (Goblin Soap), Cudahy Packing Co.
World’s fastest shine (BiXby’s Jet Oil).
You can’t keep a good soap down (Queen Lily Soap), Pioneer Soap Co.
Your biggest bargain in cleanliness (Soilax), Economics Laboratory, Inc.
You’re safe with Sunbrite, it has a spotless reputation (Swift & Co.).
Your skin knows and shows the difference (Lana Oil Soap), Beaver-Remmers Co.
I have a beautiful hand soap tin for Perfect Solvent Hand Soap, mfg’d. by The Perfect Polish Co., 715 Driggs Ave., Brooklyn, NY. Tin is probably 1920’s vintage, but I’m having trouble finding history on this company. Two slogans on it of interest that maybe could be on your list. “Guaranteed not to injure the most delicate skin” and “Results will speak for itself”. Unusual tin, neat slogans to be sure.
Interesting, Andy — thanks. Here are two pics of 715 Driggs as it appears today. The first is the Driggs Avenue entrance, the second is a side view taken from 1st Street. You’d never guess from these shots that Perfect Polish Co. had ever occupied the space.