As part of our ongoing series of collections of old advertising slogans, culled from a 1949 book called American Slogans, we today share a list of slogans that were utilized by companies that manufactured and marketed candy (confectionery, sweets, etc.):
After every meal (Wrigley’s gum).
Aids digestion (Beechnut gum).
All you can eat for a nickel (Baby Ruth), Curtis Candy Co., New York.
All you want for a nickel (Curtis Candy Co.), Chicago.
Always refreshing (Beechnut gum).
America’s finest chocolates (Miss Saylor’s Chocolates), Alameda, Calif.
America’s finest confection (Brown & Healey), Tacoma.
America’s finest confection (Almond Roca).
An agreeable chewing digestant (Bi-Car Gum Co.), New York.
An American institution since 1840 (Park & Tilford Candy).
Appreciated chocolates, The (Johnston’s).
Approved gift, The (Walter M. Lowney Co.).
As sweet as love songs (butter scotch), Kerr Bros., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Be Chic-Chew Chicks (American Chewing products).
Be Chic-Chew Chicks (American Chewing Products Corp.), Newark, N.J.
Best nickel candy there iz-z-z (Whiz). Paul F. Beich, Bloomington, Ill.
Be sweeticular (Imperial Candy Co.). Seattle.
Breathless sensation, A (Pioneer mints), Strong,Cobb & Co., Cleveland.
Butter in Bamby makes it better, The (Cushman’s Sons, Inc.), New York.
Buy Baby Ruth by the box (Curtis Candy Co.).
Candies of character (Wallace & Co.).
Candies of distinctive quality (Tiffin Products, Inc.).
Candy aristocrats (Block Candy Co.).
Candy delicacy, A (J.H. Slingerland), Bellwood, Ill.
Candy has energy and taste (Rebbor Candies), Dreddin, Ark.
Candy makers to the American nation (Curtis Candy Co.).
Candy mint with the hole, The (Life-Savers), Mint Products Co.
Candy of good taste, The (MacDonald’s Candy Shops, Inc.), Pittsburgh.
Candy of the South, The (Nunnally Co.).
Candy with a hole, The (Wint-o-Green).
Candy with a smile, The (Candy Butcher Shops, Inc.), Buffalo, N.Y.
Chewing Digestant, The (Bi-Car Gum, Inc.), New York.
Chocolate of excellence, The (Page & Shaw, Ltd.), London, England.
Chocolates with the wonderful centres, The (Liggett’s Chocolates).
Confection of the fairies, The (Liberty Orchards Co.). Cashmere, Wisc.
Confection that wins affections (Punke), LaCrosse, Wisc.
Cut to fit the mouth (Salt water taffy). James Bros.
Dear to your heart but not to your purse (Candy mint), Strong, Cobb & Co.
Delicious health confection, A (Post’s bran chocolates), Postum Cereal Co.
Deliciously good candies (Southern Candy Co.).
Eat candy for energy (Nat. Confectioners’ Assn.), St. Louis.
Eat more Jolly Time pop corn (American Pop Corn Co.), Sioux City, Iowa.
Everybody’s chewing it (gum). Val, Blatz Brewing Co., Milwaukee.
Every piece a sweet surprise (Milady Chocolates), American Candy Co.
Exclusive makes of the original old-fashioned molasses candy in delightful modern flavors (Bishop Candy Co., Inc.), Lynbrook, N.Y.
Famous Southern Praline, The (Southern Candy Co.).
Favorite wherever buddies bunk, A (Almond Candies).
Fine for the breath (Wrigley’s P.K.’s).
Finest chocolate in the world, The (Bachman Chocolate Mfg. Co.).
Flavor lasts, The (William Wrigley, Jr., Co.).
For beauty exercise (Wrigley’s).
For entertaining royalty or royally (Richardson’s mint).
For kissable breath (B-Wise Gum).
For the lady of your heart (Sierra Candy Co.), San Francisco.
For the sparkle of youth (Miss Saylor’s Chocolates).
Gift candy of America, The (Huyler’s, Inc.). New York.
Gift to remember, A (Princesse de Conde Chocolates).
Give Whiteman’s Chocolates, it’s the thoughtful thing to do.
Good candy for all the family (Chuckles), Fred W. Amend Co., Danville, Ill.
Goodness knows they’re good (Elmer Candy Co.), New Orleans.
Grand slam favorite, A (American Chewing Products Corp.).
Greatest name in chocolate, The (Nestle’s).
Great name for quality candy, A (Clark).
Gum with the fascinating artificial flavor, The (Wrigley’s).
Handy candy, The (mints), Beechnut Packing Co.
Happiness in every box (United Retail Candy Stores).
Happy Hour Chocolates (D. Auerbach & Sons).
Heaven-sent nougat, The (National Nougat Co.), New York.
High as the Alps in quality (Peter Cailler Kohler Swiss Choc. Co.), New York.
It’s butter rich (Snacks), 160 N. Loomis St., Chicago 7, Ill.
It’s different, naturally (Tendermint gum).
It’s smart to choose what Hollywood chews (Mint Cocktail Gum).
Kind that pops, The (pop corn). Albert Dickinson Co., Chicago.
Leaves you breathless (gum), L.P. Larson, Jr. Co., Newport, R.I.
Life of the party, The (Boston Confectionary Co.).
Love at first bite (Suchard chocolate bars), Wilber-Suchard Choc. Co., Philadelphia.
Magna-fy the goodness of your confections (Magnus, Mabee, Reynard), Flavoring.
Make it a habit, take “her” a bar (Mary Lincoln Candies, Inc.), Buffalo.
Make life sweeter (Brecht Candy Co.), Denver, Colo.
Makes the best beer taste better (salty confection), World’s Products Co.
Making the world sweeter (Nut Tootsie Rolls), Sweets Co. of America.
Make the greeting sweeter (Quaker Maid Candies), Philadelphia.
Marshmallow Treat (J.H. Slingerland).
Mellow as moonlight (Vogan Candy Co.).
Message of purity, A (Angelus Marshmallows, Crackerjack Co., Chicago.
Mint within your reach, The (Strong, Cobb & Co.).
Money-saver — butter flavor (Ohio Butterine Co.).
More than sweetness (J.N. Collins Co.), Minneapolis.
More you eat, the more you want, The (Crackerjacks), Ruechheim Bros. & Eckstein.
My goodness, such goodness (Welch).
Name to remember (Brown & Haley), Tacoma, Wash.
Nickel lunch, The (Planter’s Nut & Chocolate Co.), Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Old England’s finest chocolates (Cadbury’s, Ltd.)., Birmingham, England.
Old-fashioned goodness in every piece (Mary Lincoln Candies, Inc.).
One and only one cocktail gum, The (Warren’s Chewing Gum).
One taste invites another (Angelus Marshmallows).
Only natural flavors last longer, naturally (Topp’s gum).
Packed with good taste (Clark’s Teaberry Gum).
Penny a pound profit, A (Loft).
Peppermint that is peppermint (Clark’s Gum).
Perfect candy for smart entertaining, The (Brach).
Perfect gift, The (Puritan Chocolate Co.), Cincinnati.
Perect gum, The (Wrigley).
Perfection in a confection (Snacks), Confections, Inc., Chciago.
Popular at contract or auction games (Amer. Chewing Products Corp.).
Proudly given, happily received (chocolates).
Pure as the mountain air (D.L. Clark Co.).
Refreshing as the rising sun (Amer. Chewing Products Co.).
Refreshing grape flavored chewing gum, The (Val, Blatz Brewing Co.).
Richest in cream (Nestle’s milk chocolate bar). Peter Cailler Kohler.
Served by modern hostesses (American Chewing Products Co.).
Something more than sweetness (Honey Scotch Candy), J.N. Collins Co.
South’s most famous confection, The (Creole Pralines). Hotel Grunewald.
Superior quality chewing gum, A (Topps).
Sure winner, A (Amer. Chewing Products Corp.).
Sweet among sweets, A (Kerr’s butterscotch).
Sweet magic (O.P.Baur Confectionary Co.), Denver.
Talk of the town (Park & Tilford), New York.
Tastes like a million, millions love its taste (5th Avenue Candy Bar).
Taste the difference (Chase Candy Co.), St. Joseph, Mo.
That good Pittsburgh candy (Reyner & Bros., Inc.), Pittsburgh.
They’re pure (mints). Thos. D. Richardson Co., Philadelphia.
Too good for words (O.C. pecan fudge).
Untouched by human hands (Sweet Message Chocolates), Denver.
Welcome partner, The (American Chewing Products Corp.), Newark, N.J.
When you crave good candy (Milky Way Co.), Minneapolis.
When you think of sweetness (J.N. Collins Co.), Minneapolis.
Wherever good candies are sold (Park & Tilford).
Wholesome sweets for children (Laura Secord Candy).
Woman never forgets the man who remembers, A (Whitman’s Chocolates).
I have in my posession a one pound chocolate box. On the front is ‘1840 Old Tyme Chocolates Park & Tilford, Newyork and Paris’. The printed picture is of a obviously elderly woman dressed in period clothes, knitting by candle light.
I would love to find out the aproximate age of the box. It is in relativly good shape if it is an old piece.
If there is any way to date it I would like to know how to do that. Can anyone help?