As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market newspapers, magazines, and trade publications.
Actual stories of actual people (Secrets), Cleveland.
All the facts, no opinion (United States Daily), Washington D.C.
All the flexibility of a newspaper with the coverage of a national magazine (United States Daily).
All the news that’s fit to print (New York Times).
Always first, always fair (Indianapolis Star).
Always in the lead (Detroit News).
Always reaches home (Newark Evening News).
Always reliable (Philadelphia Record).
Always Springfield’s greatest newspaper (Illinois State Register).
America’s best read weekly (Liberty Magazine).
America’s biggest home magazine (Better Homes & Gardens).
America’s biggest suburban home market (Better Homes & Gardens).
America’s family magazine (Look).
America’s first service magazine (Better Homes).
America’s greatest reference book (World Almanac).
America’s investment weekly (Financial World).
America’s largest dairy magazine (The Dairy Farmer), Des Moines.
America’s largest Polish newspaper (Everybody’s Daily), Buffalo.
America’s leading power boat magazine (Power Boating), Cleveland.
America’s magazine for the outdoorsman (Field & Stream).
America’s most potent editorial force (Life).
America’s number one sportsman’s magazine (Field & Stream).
America’s quality magazine of discussion (Forum).
An American institution (Saturday Evening Post).
An illustrated weekly of current life (Outlook).
An independent newspaper (Los Angeles Evening Herald).
An international daily newspaper (Christian Science Monitor), Boston.
Aristocrat of music magazines, The (Singing), New York.
Ask us about advertiser’s cooperation (Allentown Morning Call).
As national as agriculture (Farm Life), Spencer, Ind.
Authority of industry, national and international (Iron Trade Review).
Authority of the waterways, The (The Work Boat).
Automotive business paper, The (Motor), New York.
Automotive service shop magazine, The (Motor Service).
Backbone of New York advertising, The (Sunday American).
Baltimoreans don’t say newspaper, they say SUNpaper (Baltimore Sun).
Best bet in Baltimore (News-Post).
Best comedy in America, The (College Humor).
Best of the world’s press, The (Woman’s Digest).
Better your home, better your living (House Beautiful).
Big book with the orange cover, The (Talking Machine World).
Biggest, brightest, best magazine for boys in all the world (American Boy).
Biggest in the country (Farm Journal).
Big news always first, The (Boston Telegram).
Blue book of the trade, The (Tea & Coffee Trade Journal).
Boy Scouts’ magazine, The (Boys’ Life).
Brisk magazine of Parisian life, The (Paris Nights).
Business journal of furnishing and decoration, A (Good Furniture Magazine).
Business magazine of the radio industry, The (Radio Retailing).
Business paper of the electrical industry since 1892, The (Electrical Record).
Canada’s greatest newspaper (Montreal Daily Star).
Canada’s national farm journal (Family Herald and Weekly Star).
Canada’s national magazine (MacLean’s Magazine).
Canada’s national newspaper (Toronto Globe).
Central Pennsylvania’s greatest daily (Harrisburg Telegraph).
Chicago’s best and cleanest paper (Evening Post).
Chicago’s only illustrated tabloid newspaper (Illustrated News).
Children’s own magazine, The (Child Life).
Child’s magazine, The (John Martin’s Book).
Chronicle of current Masonic events, A (Square and Compass).
Class magazine in a class by itself, A (Harper’s Bazaar).
Clean Home newspaper, A (Press-Telegram), Long Beach, Calif.
Community paper, The (Review), Decatur, Ill.
Covers Spokane and the Spokane country like the sunshine (Spokesman-Review).
Covers the country intensively (American Press Assn.).
Cover the whole field completely and intensively (York Gazette & Daily). Pa.
Dairy paper of the New York City milk shed, The (Dairymen’s League News).
Dallas is the door to Texas (Dallas Morning News).
Daytime is selling time (Morning Newspaper Publishers Assn.), Indianapolis.
Dealer’s own paper, The (Building Supply News).
Deep in the heart of Dixie (Commercial Appeal and Evening Appeal), Memphis.
Detroit’s home newspaper (Detroit News).
Devoted to the best interests of South Florida (Palm Beach Times).
Devoted to the manufacture of glass, enamel whiteware, refractory and allied products (Ceramic Industry), Chicago.
Dime that covers the world, The (News Week).
Dominant newspaper of the Great Northwest, The (Minneapolis Tribune).
Dominant newspaper of the rich Montreal and Quebec Province Market, The (La Presse).
Dominate Philadelphia (The Bulletin).
Don’t say “paper,” say “Star” (St. Louis Star).
Dry goods daily, The (Daily News Record).
Edited by yachtsmen for yachtsmen (Yachting).
Elizabeth’s growing newspaper (Times), New Jersey.
Engineering journal of the industry, The (Oil Field Engineering).
Engineering magazine, The (Industrial Management).
Everything in Baltimore revolves around the Sun (Baltimore Sun).
Farmer’s service station, The (Successful Farming).
Farm paper of service, The (Michigan Business Farmer).
Farm paper with a mission, The (American Farming).
Farm weekly with of largest circulation and most influence, The (Progressive Farmer), Birmingham, Ala.
Fastest-growing newspaper and fastest-growing city in Texas, The (Houston Post-Dispatch).
Fileworthy (Post-Dispatch), St. Louis, Mo.
First, by merit (Milwaukee Journal).
First for the South (Times-Picayune), New Orleans.
First in Chicago (Daily News).
First in Cleveland (Press).
First in Dayton, third in Ohio (Daily News).
First in film news (Film Daily).
First in the farm field (Farm Journal), Philadelphia.
First in the field (Moving Picture World).
First in the Halifax country (Daytona Beach Journal), Florida.
First national newspaper network, The (Metropolitan Newspapers), New York.
First really different magazine in a generation, The (Interlude).
First to last, the truth: news, editorials, advertisements. (Herald-Tribune), N. Y.
Florida’s fastest-growing newspaper (Miami Tribune).
Florida’s great home daily (Tampa Daily Times).
Florida’s most important newspaper (Miami Herald).
Florida’s oldest farm paper (Florida Farmer), Jacksonville.
Follow the journal and you follow the oil industry (Oil and Gas Journal).
For busy business men (Forbes), New York.
For home lovers in cities, towns, and suburbs (Better Homes & Gardens).
For more than 25 years the national magazine of the furniture trade (Furniture Record), Grand Rapids, Mich.
Fortune means business (Fortune Magazine).
For you and your town (Kansas City Kansan), Kansas.
Founder of better homes in America (Delineator).
Gateway to the Chicago market, The (Herald and Examiner).
Gateway to the Jewish market (Daily Forward), New York.
Giant of the South, The (Southern Agriculturalist), Nashville.
Give light and the people will find their own way (Scripps-Howard papers).
Globe sells Boston, The (Boston Globe), Mass.
Go as a travel adventurer (Travel Adventures), Philadelphia.
Goes home and stays home (Baltimore News-Post).
Goes to the home, stays in the home (Cincinnati Enquirer).
Good newspaper, A (Chicago American).
Go where money is (Consolidated Press Financial Pages), Washington D.C.
Greatest concentration in the world’s richest farm region (Successful Farming).
Great national shoes weekly (Boot and Shoe Recorder), Boston.
Great newspaper of the great southwest, The (Los Angeles Examiner).
Grinding, polishing and buffing authority, The (Abrasive Industry).
Growing just like Atlanta (Georgian and Sunday American).
Grow with the Chicago Tribune (Illinois).
Happy medium, The (Judge).
Hitch your wagon to a conteSTAR (National Contest Bulletin).
Home craft magazine, The (People’s Popular Monthly), Des Moines.
Home newspaper, The (Detroit News), Michigan.
Home newspaper, The (Detroit Times), Michigan.
Home paper of the industrial worker and the farmer, The (Industrial News).
Home town news for home town folks (White Leader), South Dakota.
Human interest newspaper, A (Evening Graphic), New York.
Industry’s original product information reporting service (Industrial Equipment News), New York.
Inland Florida’s greatest newspaper (Morning Sentinal), Orlando.
In New Orleans it is the Item-Tribune (Florida).
In Philadelphia nearly everybody reads the Bulletin.
Iowa’s greatest evening paper (Evening Tribune), Des Moines.
Is the Telegram on your list? (World-Telegram), New York.
It costs no more to reach the first million first (Nat. Geographic Magazine).
It is our business to help your business (Building Supply News).
It’s the life they lead, it’s the book they read (Better Homes & Gardens).
It takes Emotion to move merchandise — Better Homes & Gardens is PERPETUAL EMOTION.
Jewish market at its best, The (Workmen’s Circle Call), New York.
Journal covers Dixie like the dew, The (Atlanta Journal).
Journal for all who write, A (Writer’s Monthly).
Journal of diagnosis and treatment, The (Modern Medicine).
Key magazine of industry, The (Manufacturer’s News), Chicago.
Key to happiness and success in over a million farm homes, The (Comfort Mag.).
Largest Catholic magazine in the world, The (Columbia).
Largest daily circulation in Brooklyn of any Brooklyn newspaper (Brooklyn Standard Union).
Largest daily in the 49th State, The (Globe-Democrat), St. Louis, Mo.
Largest evening circulation in America (Evening Journal), New York.
Largest magazine for men, The (Elks Magazine).
Largest morning and Sunday circulation in Ohio (Plain Dealer), Cleveland.
Largest morning and Sunday circulation west of St. Louis (Examiner), Los Angeles.
Largest net paid circulation in the textile field (Textile World).
Leading business and technical journal of the world in printing and allied industries (Inland Printer).
Leading clay journal of the world (Brick and Clay Record), Chicago.
Leading journal of the Episcopal Church, The (The Churchman).
Leads among the leaders of today — and tomorrow (Legion Magazine).
Liberal church journal A (Churchman), New York.
Live picture tabloid newspaper for all the family, A (Daily Mirror), New York.
Livest lumber journal on earth, The (Gulf Coast Lumberman), Houston.
Louisiana-Mississippi farm paper, The (Modern Farming), New Orleans.
Made to order for America’s business farmer and his wife (Successful Farming).
Magazine farm people believe in, The (Capper’s Farmer).
Magazine for all Americans, A (American Legion Monthly).
Magazine for farm and home, A (Grain Growers Guide), Winnipeg, Canada.
Magazine for farm women, A (The Farmer’s Wife), St. Paul.
Magazine for Milady, The (Fashionable Dress), New York.
Magazine for parents, The (Children), New York.
Magazine for smart young women, The (Mademoiselle).
Magazine for southern merchants, A (Merchants Journal and Commerce), Richmond.
Magazine of a re-made world, The (Red Book).
Magazine of better merchandising for home finishing merchants, A (Furniture Record), Grand Rapids.
Magazine of business, The (System), Chicago.
Magazine of good, clean humor, A (Laughter), Philadelphia.
Magazine of management, The (Factory), Chicago.
Magazine of opportunities, The (Money Making).
Magazine of Romance, The (McClure’s).
Magazine of service, The (The Rotarian), Chicago.
Magazine of the fifth estate, The (Photoplay).
Magazine of the hour, The (Radio Age), Chicago.
Magazine of the paper industry, The (Paper Trade Journal).
Magazine of the radio trade, The (Radio Merchandising).
Magazine of the toiletries trade, The (Good Looks Merchandising).
Magazine of today and tomorrow (American).
Magazine that brings the outdoors in, The (Outdoor Recreation).
Magazine that grew up with the industry, The (Frozen Foods Magazine).
Magazine with a mission, A (Hearst’s Magazine).
Magazine women believe in, The (Ladies Home Journal).
Magazines of clean fiction (All Fiction Field).
Man’s Magazine, The (Beau).
Manufacturing and construction journal of the Textile industry, The (Cotton).
Market with the “rainbow round its shoulder,” The (Pacific Rural Press and California Farmer), San Francisco.
Massed market with the mind and money to buy, A (Herald Tribune).
Minister’s trade journal since 1899, The (The Expositor), Cleveland.
Modern farm paper, The (Country Gentleman).
Monthly business paper for chain store executives, A (Chain Store Age).
Monthly magazine devoted to more profitable painting, A (American Painter and Decorator), St. Louis.
More than a magazine, an institution (Christian Herald).
More than a magazine, a national institution (Maclean’s Magazine), Toronto.
Most influential hardware paper, The (Hardware Age).
National broadcast authority, The (Radio Digest), Chicago.
National dairy farm magazine, The (Hoard’s Dairyman).
National filling station magazine, The (Gas Station Topics).
National guide to motion pictures, The (Photoplay Magazine).
National inspirational monthly for men and women who sell, The (Specialty Salesman Magazine), South Whitley, Ind.
National magazine of the grocery trade, The (The Progressive Grocer).
National magazine of the hardware trade, The (Good Hardware).
National magazine for dry goods and department stores, A (Dry Goods Merchants Trade Journal), Des Moines.
National magazine for mothers of infants (American Baby).
National magazine of sports and recreation, The (Sportlife).
National magazine with local influence, The (American Weekly).
National newspaper of marketing (Advertising Age).
National publication devoted to ship operation and shipbuilding, A (Marine Review), Cleveland.
National publication for the wholesale grocer, A (Groceries), New York.
National voice of the shoe trade (Boot & Shoe Recorder).
National weekly, The (Collier’s), New York.
National weekly newspaper devoted to the fraternal interpretation of the World’s current events (The Fellowship Forum).
National weekly of programs and personalities, The (Radio Guide).
Nebraska’s farm paper, The (The Nebraska Farmer), Lincoln.
Necessary two million, The (True Story).
News and management monthly of the graphic arts (Printing Magazine).
Never underestimate the power of a woman (Ladies Home Journal).
New England’s greatest Sunday newspaper (Sunday Advertiser), Boston.
News magazine of art, The (The Art Digest).
News of the day in the newsiest way, The (Daily Metal Trade).
Newspaper for everybody; it goes into the home, A (Boston Traveler).
Newspaper of the buying population, The (Detroit Times).
Newspaper of the 49th State, The (Globe-Democrat), St. Louis.
Newspaper for the makers of newspapers, A (Fourth Estate).
News unbiased and unbossed, The (Ohio State Journal), Columbus.
New York’s picture newspaper (The Daily News).
No matter what kind or what priced merchandise you make, the Plain Dealer alone will sell it (Cleveland Plain Dealer).
Northwest’s only weekly farm paper, The (The Farmer), St. Paul.
Nothing to serve but the public interest (Des Moines Capital).
Ohio’s greatest home daily (Columbus Dispatch).
Oklahoma’s greatest newspaper (Tulsa World).
Oldest farm paper in America, The (Southern Planter), Richmond.
One hundred years young (Youth’s Companion), Boston.
One of the west’s great newspapers (Oakland Tribune), Calif.
Only one magazine edited for rural women exclusively (Farmer’s Wife).
Pacific coast magazine of motoring, The (Motor Land), San Francisco.
Paper that blazes trade trails, The (New York Commercial).
Paper that IS England, The (Punch), London.
Pathfinder is the Ford of the advertising field (weekly magazine).
Personal element in news service, A (Blair News Co.), Altoona, Pa.
Philadelphia’s newspaper (Evening Bulletin).
Pioneer farm journal of Western Canada, The (Nor’West Farmer), Winnipeg.
Plumbing and heating weekly, The (Domestic Engineering), Chicago.
Point of penetration to the shoe market, The (Boot and Shoe Recorder).
Poultry authority, The (Poultry Tribune), Mount Morris, Ill.
Power farming is profit farming (Power Farming), Mt. Clemens, Mich.
Powerful constructive force in the development of Georgia, A (The Georgian and Sunday American), Atlanta.
Practical poultry paper for practical poultry people, The (American Poultry Advocate), Syracuse, N.Y.
Practitested recipes (Talbot Publications), Des Moines.
Predominant with the 18 to 30 age group (Photoplay Magazine).
Preferred position before a preferred audience (United States Daily).
Printers’ Ink of the dental profession, The (Oral Hygiene).
Prints the news, tells the truth (The Signal), Zanesville, Ohio.
Prosperity follows the plow (Agricultural Publishers Assn.).
Proud paper for a proud industry, A (Tavern Weekly).
Public policy advertising (National Geographic Magazine).
Published in the heart of America: most prosperous district of the world (Kansas City Post).
Published to promote good farming and right living (Nor’West Farmer), Canada.
Quality magazine of the boating field, The (Yachting), New York.
Quality magazine of the radio industry, The (Radio Broadcast), New York.
Reaches the mother through her child (Child Life), Chicago.
Reaching influential America (United States Daily).
Read by everybody, everywhere (All Fiction Field).
Really perfect printed pattern, The (Pictorial Review).
Real magazine of the small towns, The (American Woman).
Retailer’s daily newspaper, The (Women’s Wear), New York.
Safest to use the best (Agricultural Publishers Association).
Salt of the earth, the subscribers to Needlecraft, over one million of them (Needlecraft Magazine).
San Francisco’s leading evening newspaper (San Francisco Call).
Saskatchewan’s only farm magazine (Saskatchewan Farmer), Regina.
Save your money, time and shoes; read Missoula Shopping News (Montana).
Seattle’s only morning newspaper (Post Intelligence).
Service magazine, The (Architecture), New York.
Simplified travel guide, The (Motor Trips), Hartford.
South America’s greatest newspaper (La Prensa), Buenos Aires.
Southern Ohio’s greatest newspaper (Cincinnati Post).
South’s fastest-growing newspaper, The (Times-Herald), Dallas.
South’s greatest newspaper (Birmingham News).
South’s greatest newspaper (Commercial Appeal), Memphis.
South’s standard newspaper, The (Constitution), Atlanta.
Spokesman for the independent paint dealer, The (Paint Logic).
Standard farm papers of known value (Standard Farm Paper Unit).
Standard southern newspaper, The (Constitution), Atlanta.
Star is Kansas City and Kansas City is the Star, The (Missouri).
Starts the day in Detroit (Free Press).
Start with the “heart” where farmers are worth 2 for 1 (Successful Farming).
State’s greatest newspaper, The (Arizona Republican), Phoenix.
St. Louis’ largest daily (Globe-Democrat).
Story-telling pictorial of stage, art, screen, humor, A (American Beauties).
Supreme in the laundry industry (Laundry Age).
Texas’ oldest newspaper (Galveston News).
Text book of the confectionery trade, The (Candy and Ice Cream).
There’s a difference in farm papers (Successful Farming), Des Moines.
They almost talk to you (Pictorial Review).
Three-cent quality medium of America’s greatest market, The (World), New York.
Three magazines in one (McCall’s).
Through pictures to inform (Life).
To build a stronger nation (Physical Culture).
To sell SUCCESSFUL farmers buy Successful Farming (Des Moines).
Trade authority, The (Automobile Topics).
Trade magazine for independents, The (Tire Rebuilders News).
Trade paper of the home, The (Modern Priscilla). Boston.
Trade paper of the tire industry, The (Tires).
True stories from real life (Smart Set).
Truth without courting favor or fearing condemnation, The (K.C. Post), Missouri.
12-hour papers, The (Dispatch and Pioneer Press), St. Paul.
Useful facts in advertising (Industrial Equipment News).
Voice of the master barber, The (Barber’s Journal).
Weekly for the whole family, A (Liberty).
Weekly journal of the electrical industry, The (Electrical World).
Weekly magazine of philately, A (Stamps).
Weekly news magazine, The (Time), Cleveland.
Weekly newspaper of insurance, A (National Underwriter).
We print it before it happens (Clancy Publications, Inc.).
West’s great national magazine, The (Sunset), San Francisco.
West’s great paper, The (Tribune), Salt Lake City.
Where buyer and seller meet (Assn. of North American Directory Publishers).
Where important people turn to say important things (American Magazine).
Wherever metals are cast you’ll find “The Foundry” (Cleveland).
While there is life there is hope (Life).
Wichita’s only evening newspaper (Wichita Beacon).
Widen your circle of influence (Harris Publications).
Wisconsin’s greatest community newspaper (Herald), Sparta.
With youth, first impressions last (Scholastic Magazines).
World’s greatest Catholic monthly, The (Extension Magazine).
World’s greatest industrial paper, The (Iron Age).
World’s greatest newspaper, The (Chicago Tribune).
World’s greatest travel publication, The (Golfer’s Magazine).
World’s largest newspaper (Times), Los Angeles.
World’s only tourists’ magazine, The (Tourist), Los Angeles.
World’s outstanding boxing magazine (The Ring).
World’s textile authority, The (Textile World).
World trade UNITES nations (Time and Life magazines).
Written so you can understand it (Popular Mechanics).
Young man’s magazine, The (Varsity).
You ought to be in pictures (Parade Magazine).
Your home state farm paper (Montana Farmer), Great Falls.