As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market furniture, beds, rugs and baby furniture.
America’s finest mattress (Spring-Air), Holland, Mich.
America’s most luxurious mattress (Englander).
America’s quality mattress (Ostermoor)
Ask for Karpen furniture, find the nameplate before you buy.
Baby’s best bed builders (Gem Crib and Cradle Co.), Gardner, Mass.
Beautiful sheets with wear woven in, The (Pepperell).
Bedspring luxurious, The (Rome Co.), Rome, N. Y.
Berth of a nation, The (Greenpoint Metallic Bed Co.).
Better bedding by Burton.
Better sleep makes better husbands (Englander).
Better your home, better your living (Drexel furniture).
BETTER your home, better your LIVING (Drexel furniture), New York.
Built for sleep (Ostermoor & Co.), mattress.
Built for sleep (beds), Simmons Co.
Burlington, the scatter rug of beauty (Lack Carpet Co.).
Buy Castle Furniture for your castle.
Buyword for quality, A (Wellsville Upholestering Co.).
Chair of amazing comfort, The (Jamestown Upholstery Co.), Jamestown, N. Y.
Come take a trip around our Castle (Castle Furn. Co.), Union City, N. J.
Comfort first (Nachman Spring Filled Co.).
Cradle of liberty, The (Paragon Furniture Co.), New York.
Double your pleasure out of doors, sleep on air anywhere (Hodgman Rubber Co.).
Enduring masterpieces (Kiel Furniture Co.).
Everything in floor coverings (Claflins, Inc.).
Famous overnight (Eclipse Sleep Products), Brooklyn.
Feels like kid (Gunn Furniture Co.), Grand Rapids.
Feels like walking on velvet (Clinton Carpet Co.), Chicago.
First in sleeping comfort (blankets), G. E. Automatic.
For America’s royalty (bedding).
For better baby furniture (Glass Novelty Co.), Chicago.
For controlled warmth (thermostatic blankets), Fieldcrest Mills
For gracious living (Northern Furniture Co.).
For lucky babies (Whitney Carriage Co.), Leominster, Mass.
For relaxation and sleep (Manhattan-Rome Co.).
For the best night’s rest you ever had, sleep on a Hodgman Air Bed.
For the REST of your life (Slumber Chair), C. F. Streit Mfg. Co.
For the sleep that rests (Burton Dixie Corp.), Chicago.
Gold seal is your insurance of beauty, cleanliness and endurance (Congoleum).
Good furniture honestly advertised (Harold Furniture Co.), Reading.
Handy kitchen means living room leisure, A (Marsh Furniture Co.).
Holmes rugs for artistic homes (Archibold Holmes & Sons).
Homemaker to millions (Ludwig Baumann), Furniture.
Home of Windsor Chairs, The (Nichols & Stone Co.).
If it’s Permaset, it’s Bigelow (carpets).
If you’d walk without a care do your sleeping on Spring-Air.
Individualism in good furniture (Elgin A. Simmonds Co.), Syracuse.
Invest in rest (Better Bedding Alliance of America).
It’s your protection and our guarantee (Crex Carpet Co.).
Kaltex hand-woven furniture, with (heart of steel), Michgan Seating Co.
Let us feather your next nest with a little down (furniture).
Like sleeping on a cloud (Sealy mattress).
Line with the go, The (Conewango Furniture Co.).
Look for the spinning wheel label (Magee Carpet Co.).
Loomed by American labor to beautify American homes (Magee Carpet Co.).
Made by the makers of fine furniture (Tennessee Furniture Corp.).
Magee rugs and carpets make a house a home (Magee Carpet Co.).
MAINE idea in recreation, The (The Kennebunks).
Makers of the world’s only electronic blanket (Simmons).
Makes good beds better (Wittliff Furniture Brace Co.).
Making more kind of casters; making casters do more (The Bassick Co.).
Making the world safe for baby (Trimble Nurseryland Furniture, Inc.).
Mattress that feels so good, The (Spring-Air) Holland, Mich.
Mattress that will never grow old, The (United Mfg. Co.), Oakland, Calif.
Mill of 2000 dinner pails, The (Magee Carpet Co.).
More than a cedar chest, a piece of fine furniture (Tennessee Furn. Corp.).
Nature’s sweet restorer (mattresses), Simmons Co.
No sag in any WAY (Minneapolis Bedding Co.).
Oak for charm and livable character, furniture for your children’s children. Oak Service Bureau (Hardwood Institute), Memphis, Tenn.
One name in furniture everybody knows (Kroehler), Chicago.
One third of your life is spent in bed (Simmons Bed Co.), Chicago.
Permanent furniture for your home, The (Curtis Service Bureau).
Pillow for the body, A (Sealy Mattress Co.).
Present with a future, The (West Branch), Cedar Hope Chest.
Prevent schoolroom slouch (American Seating Co.), Grand Rapids.
Production for sleep and rest (Englander Spring Bed Co.).
Protects every step of the way (Kold-Hold furniture).
Proven best for rest during 73 years test (Ostermoor & Co.).
Push the button rack—recline (Royal Bay Chair Co.).
Real restful rest on steel feathers (Hercules Bed Spring).
Recline on Eclipse and the rest is easy (Eclipse Sleep Products), Brooklyn.
Replete with hidden values, free from hidden dangers (Snyder’s Sani-Bilt Furn.).
Rest assured (Marshall mattress).
Rest assured on “Shur Rest” bedding (Greenpoint-Southern Co.).
Rug for every room, A (Bird & Son, Inc), East Walpole.
Sag Pruf will never let you down (Sag Pruf Furniture Foundation), Waterbury.
Scheme is in the seam, The (mattress), Minneapolis Bedding Co.
Scheme is in the seam, The (Way Never-Spread Mattress).
Sleep on Spring-Air (mattress).
Sleepshield service for safe sleep (Gwynne L. Marion).
Sloane does both (furniture), W. & J. Sloane.
Smooth and soft as a baby’s cheek (perfect sleeper mattress).
Solid and true, walnut clear through (Gibbard furniture).
Spiral bedsprings that support the spine, The (Foster Bros. Mfg. Co.).
Storkline thinks of everything (baby carriage).
Strong enough to stand on (Samson folding table).
Styled in California, appplauded by all America (Pabco linoleums).
There is only one In-A-Dor bed, the Murphy (Murphy Dor Bed Co.).
There is only one Ozite, look for the name (Clinton Carpet Co.).
They wear and wear and wear (Armstrong Cork Co.).
To look well and feel well, sleep well (blanket).
Warm as sunshine, light as floating clouds (Torfeaco bedding).
We brush aside all competition (Hegel Furniture Co.).
We furnish the great outdoors (Old Hickory Chair Co.).
We make for “America’s royalty” (Wells Bedding).
When experts buy, they demand Spring-Air.
Where every day is market day (N. Y. Furniture Exchange).
With the exclusive slumber sentinel (Universal electric blanket).
Wonder rug of America, The (Karastan Rugs).
World’s greatest table makers (Imperial Furniture Co.).
World’s largest makers of furniture (Kroehler).
World’s largest manufacturers of distinctive infant furniture (Glass Novelty).
World’s most comfortable mattress (Beautyrest).
Worthy of its name (Red Cross Mattress).
Woven with a warp of honesty and a woof of skill (Magee Carpet Co.).
Years of wear in every yard (Congoleum-Nairn).
You know the quality when it’s King-Fisher made (King-Fisher Mattress Co.).
Your home should come first (Nat. Retail Furn. Assn.).
YOUR lovely baby deserves a Thayer coach.
You sleep ON it, not IN it (Serta Perfect Sleeper Mattress).