As part of our ongoing series of collections of old advertising slogans, culled from a 1949 book called American Slogans, we today share a list of slogans that were utilized by companies that manufactured and marketed beverages (soft drinks and juices):
America’s Dry for dry America (ginger ale)
America’s finest cola drink (Lime-Cola)
America’s finest ginger ale (Anheuser-Busch)
America’s finest mixes (White Rock club soda)
An aristocratic beverage at a democratic price (Hires)
Appollinaris mixes best with holiday spirits (carbonated water)
Aristocrat of flavors, The (Certified Extracts, Inc.).
Aristocrat of ginger ales, The (Saegertown Mineral Water Co.)
Automatic water (Jacuzzi Bros.)
Base for soft drinks and desserts (Kool-Aid)
Be alert, bottle Alert (Alert Beverage Co.)
Best always costs more, The (Celo Company of America).
Best by taste test (Royal Crown Cola), Nehi Corp.
Blended for and by appointment to H. R. H. King Palate (Citrus Juice Co.).
Bottled only at the springs (White Rock).
Bottled sunshine (Sun Spot Co. of America).
Buy a rack of Rooties (Krueger Beverage Co.).
Canada’s Fresh-up (Dominion Seven-up Co.).
Carbonated with its own natural gas (Appollinaris).
Champagne of table waters, The (Perrier).
Corking good drink, A (Korker) Virginia Dare extract.
Delicious and refreshing (Coca-Cola Co.).
Delicious food drink, A (Cocomalt).
Difference is in the flavor, The (Aromint Mfg. Co.).
Drink a bunch of quick energy (Welch Grape Juice).
Drink Coca Cola.
Drink for you, The (Honey Dew).
Drink your apple a day (S. Martinelli & Co.).
Drink that tastes like real fruit, The (Peachy).
Drink you remember, The (O’Keefe’s ginger ale).
Drink your prunes (Calif. Prune & Apricot Growers Assoc.)
Fagged? Drink a bunch of quick energy (Welch Grape Juice).
Feel fine, go alkaline (Saratoga Vichy Spring Co.).
5-minute vacation, The (Dodger).
First aid for thirst (Lime Cola Co.).
Flavor-aged ginger ale, The (Cliquot Club).
Flavor for every purpose, A (Fritzche Bros., Inc.).
Flavors as it tints (Chr. Hansen’s Lab.).
Flavor sealed in the brown bottle (Orange Crush).
Flavor you can’t forget, A (Nu-Grape).
For a better tomorrow (Hires).
For occasions and all occasions (Sheboygan Beverage Co.). Ginger ale.
For pleasure and energy, too (Welch Grape Juice).
For PURE enjoyment (Welch’s).
For year ’round health, drink the waters of Saratoga Spa.
Fresh-up with Seven-up.
Friendly service from coast to coast (Pure Carbonic, Inc.).
Gentleman’s set-up, A (Esquire).
Get chummy with Rummy (Wonder Orange Co.).
Get Kist and you get a franchise with a future (Chicago).
Get on the ball with Sun Ball Juices (Thomas & Howard Co.).
Ginger ale with the long-life bubble, The (Pabst).
Ginger ale with piquant personality (Cliquot Club).
Global high-sign, The (Coca Cola).
Good, every drop (Alga syrup). Alabama-Georgia Syrup Co.
Good for life (Pepper).
Good for the nerves (Celo Co. of America).
Health … your happiness, our business (Mountain Valley Water).
Hires to you for a better tomorrow.
Hits the spot (Pepsi-Cola).
If you like chocolate, you’ll like Mavis.
Imprisoned carbonation makes the sparkle last (Hoffman club soda).
Is a toast to good health (Hires).
It had to be good to get where it is (Coca Cola).
It’s as cool as it’s tall, and it’s good for you (The Tall-One Co.).
It’s wonderful, it’s Welch’s.
It was inevitable (Silver Spray). Fitger Co.
Keeps YOU sparkling, too (White Rock water).
Kind that sparkles, The (Weisbrod & Hess).
Kola drink that’s uni-blended, The (Nichol Kola).
Made from REAL oranges (Nesbitt’s).
Make food taste better, the chef’s way (Virginia Dare Extract).
Makes any liquor taste like a better liquor (Hoffman’s).
Makes drinks taste better, costs less (Evervess).
Meal in a glass, A (Toddy). Maltop, Inc.
Mellow as the greeting of old friends (Canada Dry ginger ale).
Mixes in any society (Celo Co. of America).
Mixes well with any friend (Indian Hill ginger ale).
More dry, less sweet (Hoffman Pale Dry).
Name on any orange drink is like “sterling” stamped on silver (Nesbitt’s).
National drink, The (Welch Grap Juice).
Nationally known name, A (Nedick’s).
Nation’s cheer leader, The (Ko-Lo Corp).
Naturally good (Mission).
New sparkling water, The (Evervess).
Not twice as much, but twice as good (Lime Cola).
Now it’s a pleasure to be thirsty (Nedick’s).
Ochee beverages make friends on taste (Ochee Spring Water Co.)
Pause that refreshes, The (Coca Cola).
Picked with pride, packed with skill since 1869 (Welch Grape Juice).
Pick-up for a let-down, A (Lime Cola).
Pippin of a drink, A (Virginia Fruit Juice Co.).
Puts pep in your step (Kalak Water Co.)
Refresh yourself (Coca Cola Co.).
Relax and enjoy (Nehi Corp.).
Rest-pause that refreshes, The (Coca-Cola Co. of Canada).
Rich in flavor (Richardson rootbeer).
Safe way is the Welch way, The
See it made (Sunkist Fresh Fruit Drinks).
Serve summer’s most delicious drink (Welch Grape Juice).
Seven-up, the “fresh-up” drink.
Sign of better taste, The (Mott’s Apple Juice).
Soul of the grape, The (Monet).
Stays alive (Hoffman Club Soda).
Stilled breath of nature, The (Sparhawk flavors).
Sunshine drink, The (Richmond Chase Co.).
Surrounds and protects the beverage industry (United Bev. Bureau).
Sweet-tart of a drink, A (Squirt).
Taste champ of the colas (Nehi Corp.).
Taste test proves the quality (Bokay soda).
Taste test winner (Nehi Corp.).
That marvelous winner (Waukesha mineral water).
That South American thrill (Don X Inc.) carbonated beverage.
There is no finer (Oil of orange), Felton Chem. Co.
There is no substitute for Kalak.
There’s more hard cash ahead (Welch Grape Juice).
Thirst come, thirst served (Goody Root Beer).
Those who think are proud to drink (Hires).
Toast to good taste, The (Hires).
Tops for quality (Pepsi-Cola).
Tops in taste (Nehi Corp.).
Tops the meal (non-alcoholic peach cordial). Jung & Wulff Co.
Trademarked sugar that F-L-O-W-S, The (Flo-Sweet).
Water of health, The (Mount Zircon Spring Water Co.).
We know what we CAN ’cause we can what we grow (Donald Duck orange juice).
Winner wherever it’s sold, A (Fruit Bowl Drink).
With real root juices (Hires).
World’s best table water, The (White Rock).
Yes, he’s used to the best (Evervess).
You always pay more for the best (Celo Corp. of America).
You like it, it likes you (Seven-up).
Your body guard against colds (grapefruit juice).
Your favorite carbonated drink is best bottled (Am. Bottlers, Carb. Bevs.).
You taste its freshness (Cuyamaca Water Co.).
Zip in every sip (Spur).