There’s been a spot for a vintage clock in the Cladrite kitchen since we were college, so when Ms. Cladrite recently melted our current one while cooking, it was time to start looking for a replacement.
We found one we liked at an antique/vintage market while in Oklahoma City for the holidays, and after taking it apart (not the motor, the external parts) and giving them a good cleaning, it looks virtually brand new.
But we like to know a bit more about our vintage doodads. I was familiar with the clock’s maker (Telechron), but what model is it and when was it made?
For the answer, we turned to the delightful online hub of all things Telechron,, a web site we heartily recommend to all Cladrite listeners with a fondness for vintage clocks.
Turns out the Telechron in our kitchen is model 2H21 — known as The Decorator — and it was on the market in the postwar years, 1945-1949.