As our long march continues through the final few remaining categories of commercial slogans collected in Williams Sunners’ 1949 tome, American Slogans. This week, slogans beginning with the letters M through Z from the chapter entitled “Slogans from the British Empire.”
Machines that put the rings in springs, The (Universal Spring Coiler).
Machines that you will eventually buy (Alfa-Laval milker).
Made especially to prevent sore throats (Craven “A” cigarettes).
Magazine from farm and home, A (The Grain Growers Guide).
Makes your hair beautiful (Sta-Blond Shampoo).
Man who knows wears Drescott Clothes.
Mark that means that “little more” in quality, The (Johnson & Phillips cables).
Martin Winns again (M. Martin Winn Co.), Bolts.
Melt in every mouth (Mayfair), Toffees and chocolates.
Metal that never gets fired, The (Telcon metals).
Mighty insect destroyer, The (Secto DDT).
Mildest of all (Petite cigarettes).
Milk that is milk, The (S. Caulfield & Sons, Ltd.).
Millions use it (Simpson’s foot ointment).
Mine’s a Minor (De Reszke Minors), cigarettes.
Modern sanitary towel, The (Luna Inserts, Ltd).
Modern treatment for indigestion, The (Stomatex), powder and tablets.
More than a good soap (Lifebuoy).
More than a set, it’s a service (Ultra radio).
More than a shade better (Hartley shade headlamp mask).
Most Delicious (M & D Biscuits).
Name speaks for itself (Clarke’s blood mixture).
Name speaks for itself, The (Whiteway’s British wines).
Names that carries weight, The (Brockhouse Sprinklers, stokers).
Name to remember, The (Invecta radio).
Name to remember in dredging, The (Lobnitz dredges).
Name with a meaning, The (Kleen-e-eze brushes).
National beverage for health, The (Ovaltine).
National industry with an assured future, The (Mines).
Nation’s family cereal, The (Welgar), Shredded wheat.
Nature’s only rival (Callinan hair dresser).
Nature’s partner (Plesox), Stomach medicine.
Never say DIE, say Ardox (dies).
Newest in men’s watchbands, The (Estrades).
Next to myself I like Vedonis (underwear).
Niagara to the sea (Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd.).
No better food (Fry’s cocoa).
No boil, no toil (Brobat), non-poisonous disinfectant.
No pain or no pay (Shadforth tablets), Sciatica.
No problem can “floor” us (Great Metropolitan Flooring Co.).
No sooner VIM than done (cleaner).
Noble Scotch, A (whiskey), Train & McIntyre, Ltd.
Noble Scotch, gentle as a lamb, A (Old Angus).
Old favorite with the fine flavor, The (Mazawattee tea).
Old man’s brain in a young man’s body (Carlson), Wine cellar machiner.
Oldest purely fire office in he world, The (Sun Insurance Office).
100 years’ test, still is the best (Borwick’s), Baking powder.
One of Britain’s fine cars (Rover).
Only the choicest is good enough (C W. S. jam).
Original and the aristocrat of cocoa, The (Van Houten’s).
Original gin sling, The (Pimm’s No. 1).
Owned by the policy holders (Mutual Life Assurance of Canada).
Peer of the whiskey realm (House of Lords).
Perfect pen, The (Wyvern), Fountain pen.
Perfect spread, The (Sunny Spread).
Perfection in saddlery (Whippy Stegall & Co., Inc.).
Perfection of confections (Palm toffee).
Perfection of old Scotch (Teacher’s).
Perkins for particular people (H. Perkins & Sons, Ltd.).
Physicians remedy, The (Cephos headache tablets).
Pick of Canada’s burley tobacco, The (Picobac).
Pine disinfectant that smells good, The (Sanpic).
Pioneer farm journal of western Canada, The (Nor’ West Farmer).
Pioneers of scientific filtration (Vokes).
Playground of the air (Canadian Westinghouse Co., Ltd.).
Points the way to success (Vernon’s football pool).
Policies “good as gold” (London Life Insurance Co.).
Power in plenty (Wolseley engine).
Pram with the floating motion, The (Osnath).
Protection with profit (Great West Life Assurance Co.).
Protects profits (Trumeter).
PUBLIC and CIVIL service, A (Yates taverns).
Published to promote good farming and right living (Nor’ Wet Farmer), Canada.
Put wings on weight, fly your freight (Air India, Ltd.).
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