As our long march continues through the final few remaining categories of commercial slogans collected in Williams Sunners’ 1949 tome, American Slogans. This week, slogans beginning with the letters A through L from the chapter entitled “Slogans from the British Empire.”
Above them a’ (Lang’s Scotch whiskey).
Abroad without crossing the seas (Montreal Tourist Bureau).
Adopt it now, adapt it later (Flowline conveyer system).
Afore ye go (Bell’s old Scotch whiskey).
All-purpose electric hammer, The (Kango).
All that’s best in coffee (Red White and Blue).
All work is eye work, eye work is my work (Burgham & Croydon), Opticians.
Always a good companion (Tata’s cologne).
Always the choice of connoisseurs (Adams 15 port).
American technology, British engineering (Head Wrightson processes).
Andrews for INNER cleanliness (liver salt).
Approved by a thousand million thirsts (Clayton’s fruit squashes).
As silent as the G in diaphragm (Saunders diaphragm valves).
Aspirin with a difference (Alasil).
Astonishingly good (soap), South African Oil & Fat Industries.
At any time of strain or pain Genasprin sees you through (aspirin).
At its old-time best (Curtis Gin).
Babies love it (Cow and Gate milk food).
Background to every lovely hair style (Eugene waver), Machine.
Be-fitting pride (B. B. Parkes pipe fittings).
Beer of superior quality, The (Castle).
Bell-dyed is well dyed (Bell dye works).
Best can never be surpassed, The (Clubland white post).
Best cement in the world used all over the world (Ciment Fondu).
Best company is the company that does the most good, The (Mutual Life Ins. Co.).
Best for you and baby, too (Albert Soaps Co.), Montreal.
Best in any measure, The (Grant whisky).
Best in the trade (Wright’s biscuits).
Best-known name in fire-protection, The (Pyrene Co.).
Best of taste, The (Poyner’s tea and coffee).
Best possible, The (Senior’s fish and meat pastes).
Best you can buy, sweet or dry, The (Vanour vermouth).
Better balanced bread, The (Hovis).
Better beer, The (Ansell’s).
Better methods, better marketing, better milk (Dairy Farmer), Magazine.
Bienvenue a’ Quebec (Canadian Pacific Steamship & RR Co.).
Born 1820, still going strong (Johnnie Walker whiskey).
Brand that puts flavor first, The (Del Monte fruits).
Breeder’s choice, The (Ful-O-Pep feeds).
Bright future (Science polish for shoes, floors, etc.).
Britain’s best-known makers of rope (British Ropes, Ltd.).
Britain’s best-known brassière (Kestos).
Britain’s leading oil journal (Petroleum Times).
Builders of better ships from every angle (Batram Sunderland).
Canada’s greatest newspaper (Montreal Daily Star).
Canada’s national air service (Trans-Canadian Air Lines).
Canada’s national farm journal (Family Herald & Weekly Star).
Canada’s national magazine (Maclean’s Magazine), Toronto.
Canada’s national newspaper (Toronto Globe).
Cares for your skin (lotion), Irish.
Centre of the world (Addenino’s), Hotel and restaurant.
Choice of champions, The (A. G. Spalding & Bros.).
Choice of the connoisseur, The (Gem cigarettes).
Cigarette of distinction, A (Embassy).
Cleans as it polishes (Karpol), Car polish.
ConfiDENTALly it’s Kolynos (dentrifice).
Constant in performance (Ford).
Cooler that does everything, The (Signet range).
Connoisseur’s favorite, The (Palomino & Vergara).
Connoisseur’s port, The (Clubland).
Correct-shape toothbrush, The (Wisdom).
Corset that fits like a glove, The (My Lady).
Count the stars who use them (A. J. Reach sports equipment).
Countless chins are comforted (Palmolive shaving cream).
Covers the country (Ratin Service), Exterminators.
Craftsmen in keeping things new (Langley’s, Ltd.).
Crawford’s biscuits are GOOD biscuits.
Creme de menthe with character, The (Vanryck).
CURRENT way of telling the time, The (Temco), Electric clocks.
Daily tonic everybody needs, The (DCL yeast tablets).
Defies the elements (Flint Paint & Varnish, Ltd.).
Does not affect the heart (Cephos headache tablets).
Does not harm the heart (Phensic), For colds, flu.
Dominant newspaper of the rich Montreal and Quebec Province market, The (Montreal La Presse).
Don’t just say brandy, say R. G. B. (Rouyer, Guillet Brandy).
Drink the drink the pirates drank in 1661 (Jamaica Rum).
Easy to take any time, anywhere (Rennies), Tablets.
Effortless cleaner, The (Vactric), Vacuum cleaner.
Evertite locknuts are “self-taut” in the most exacting school.
Everything for safety everywhere (Siebe, Gorman & Co.), Safety devices.
Expansion for our business is not at the expense of the VALVE, the (Searle).
Extra quality cigarettes, The (Players No. 3).
Eye line of smartness, The (hosiery), St. John Silk Co., Ltd.
Fair deal with safety, A (Equity Permanent Building Society), Investments.
Famed for its flavor (Gold Stream tea).
Family tonic, The (Vironita).
Famous for fine quality (Neil Gwynn jam).
Fine as a rare jewel (Persona precision blades).
Fine in the rain (Swallow trench coats).
Finest leaf, The (Kensitas cigarettes).
Film, flexible and free from vibration (Silentbloc bearings).
Film with the farms, The (Osmond & Sons), Medicines for animals.
First and foremost (Iron Fireman stoker).
First and the best, The (Widia dies).
First birth control clinic in the British Empire (Mothers’ Clinic), London.
First in the field and first out (Trusty tractor).
First name for lasting service, The (Tractair), Pneumatic tools.
First name you think of in biscuits, The (Huntley & Palmer).
Fits a good man for a better future (British Army).
Fits on the foot like a glove on the hand (Daly’s).
Five dollar razor with 1000 new edges (Super Razor), London.
Fly with the stars (British South American Airways).
Food drink of the people, The (Bournville cocoa).
Food for speed (gasoline), British Petroleum Co.
For a nice clean mouth (Halex toothbrush).
For all-round enjoyment (Bovril beef).
For cheerful livers (Eno’s fruit salad).
For good reception (Ferranti radio).
For Rigid Efficient Everlasting Light Strong (Reels, Ltd.).
For sheer loveliness over Chatelaine silk hosiery (St. Johns Gas Council).
For simplicity and control, the choice will be gas (British Gas Council).
For tireless energy (Ovaltine).
Foundation of fortunes, The (Pitman Correspondence School).
Fragrant soap with the rich lather, The (Embassy).
Free your feet (Liberty shoes).
From childhood to womanhood (Liberty foundations).
From the finest vineyards of France (Golden Guinea muscatel).
From the largest cyder apple orchards in the world (Whiteways cyder).
Gardener’s green fingers, The (Clay’s fertilizer).
Gentle as a lamb (Scotch whiskey), Train & McIntyre, Ltd.
Gentle as a lamb, cleanses like magic (Tepalin), Cleansing detergent.
Gentle laxative, The (Sudex).
Gentleman’s drink, A (Cutty Sark whiskey), Berry Bros. & Co.
Gets whites whiter without bleaching (Oxydol).
Gin at its old-time best (Curtis).
Give every man his dew (Tullamore Dew liquer whiskey).
Golden spirit, The (Lemon Hart rum).
Good as gold (London Life Insurance).
Good cars deserve Lodge plugs; others need them (sparkplugs).
“Good morning” begins with Gillette.
Good-natured laxative, The (Lixen).
Gourmet’s paradise (Le Chapon Fin), Paris.
Grand old Canadian name, A (Corby’s whiskey).
Grand piano of the radio world (Fada Radio, Ltd.).
Grate with the greatest life, The (Crosthwaite furnaces).
Greatest name in rayon, The (Courtaulds).
Greatest name in wireless, The (Marconi Telegraph Co.).
Greatest of all tonics, The (Phosferine).
Guinness is good for you (ale).
Heart of reliability, The (Kirk & Co.), Valves.
He won’t be happy till he gets it (Wright’s Coal Tar Soap Co.).
Home of steel, The (Sheffield community ware).
Household name for sixty years, A (Parozone bleach).
House-proud woman’s choice, The (Treece’s floor polish).
Ideal baking agent, The (Bextartar).
If it’s Bird’s it’s pure (ice cream powder).
Inner cleanliness comes first (Andrews liver salt).
If it’s built by Youngman, it IS built (floor trucks).
Is always the best (Hotspur sports footwear).
It makes all the difference (Frenlite flour).
It simplifies ALL soldering (Fluxite).
It’s a good habit (Lifebuoy).
It’s a small world by Speedbird (British Overseas Airways Corp.).
It’s dependable, it’s durable, it’s a Dodge.
Its extra lather does it (Oxydol).
Its indications and standardizations are based on solid foundations (Rhyso-Val sedative).
It’s the movement that counts (Smith’s Sectric Clocks).
It’s triple-distilled (old Scotch whiskey).
It’s true you need one only (Witch fire lighters).
It’s whole wheat, it’s wholesome (Nabisco’s shredded wheat).
Jewel of Switzerland, The (Grisons canton of Switzerland).
Just plug it in, then tune in (Batteryless radio sets ), Standard Radio Corp., Ltd.
Keep death off the road; learn the highway code (safety slogan).
Keep dogs fit (Bob Martin’s), Powder tablets.
Keep moving (R. Appleton & Sons), Moving and storage.
Keep that lovely schoolgirl complexion (soap).
Keeps coloureds brighter (Oxydol).
Keep your feet “on their toes” (Cuticura ointment).
Keep you on the sunny side (Alka-Seltzer).
Key to faster travel (British-European Airways).
Kindest to your hair (Lucas), Bicycle lamps.
Kitcheneers to the nation (cooking apparatus).
Knocks out that “knock” (Ethyl gasoline), Imperial Oil Co.
Knight Protector of wood and metal, The (Hermator paint).
Lace with the extra long wear, The (Herculaces for shoes).
Lady with a line, The (Gossard line of corsets).
Lamp with the 1500-hour guarantee, The (Solex Co., Ltd.).
Largest in the world, The (Halifax Building Society).
Largest railway system in North America (Canadian National).
Leather for the land, The (Beva shoe).
Let the Clark Kitchens help you (W. Clark, Ltd.), Montreal.
Let your lines flow on Flowlines (conveyors).
Lithe line of good design, The (Berlei foundation garments).
Little lightens, whitens, brightens, A (White paints).
Little Switzerland within Switzerland (Grisons canton of Switzerland).
Looking to the future (Linzi dresses).