We’re less than a week away from the end of the fundraising drive to keep Cladrite Radio alive and streaming; the renewal of our annual contract with Live365, our streaming provider, comes due April 16. If we’ve not reached our goal of $500 by then, the best-case scenario is that the number of recordings, the range of performance styles and genres of music, of orchestras and singers will become much narrower than what you’ve grown accustomed to.
Worst-case scenario? The music will stop altogether.
We realize that sounds a bit dramatic, but we’re giving it to you straight. The budget is quite tight this year, and unless you, our listeners, come through for us, a belt-tightening (or worse) will be unavoidable, and there will be less of the music we all love to be enjoyed.
The good news is, you can still play a role in keeping alive the stream of toe-tapping tunes you’ve come to expect from us. Every dollar helps, of course, but we’ve got some enticing premiums to for those who chip in at various levels.
$10 — A ten-spot will bring you a Cladrite Radio magnet for your refrigerator, your office cube, any metallic surface that could do with some decorating.
$25 — Send us twenty-five dollars and we’ll let you assist us in creating an hour of programming on Cladrite Radio: We’ll devote sixty minutes to playing your favorite songs from the Cladrite Era, your favorite artists, and when possible, your favorite songs performed by your favorite artists. And we’ll do our best to schedule that hour of programming in a time slot that suits you, so that you can invite friends, colleagues and family to listen in. $50 — Slip us fifty bucks, and we’ll send you a Cladrite Radio t-shirt in your size of choice, plus you’ll get to help us create an hour of programming (and what the heck, we’ll throw in a magnet, too). |
There are not many outlets today for enjoying the music of the 1920s, ’30s and ’40s, and whether you listen to Cladrite Radio once a month, once a week or every day, ask yourself how much you’d miss us if our stream of toe-tapping tunes suddenly wasn’t there for you to tap into.
And if you come to the conclusion that life would be just a smidge less fun if we were to have our plug pulled, then do your part by chipping in what you can to help us keep the proverbial wolf from the door.
But don’t wait. Act today. Or else there may not be a Cladrite Radio tomorrow.