As the Pitch Perfect series continues, today we feature a 1949 collection of advertising slogans used to market schools and institutes.
America’s foremost school of commercial art (Federal Schools).
Better things for better living through chemistry (Institutional Advertising).
Better vision for better living (Better Vision Institute).
Be wise, protect your future (Cal-Aero Technical Institute), Glendale.
Broadcasts as she bakes (Radio Cooking School of America).
Business leaders of today are the I. C. S. School students of yesterday, The (International Correspondence Schools), Scranton, Pa.
Business leaders of tomorrow are the I. C. S. students of today, The.
Country day school for boys, A (University School), Cleveland.
Earn while you learn (I. C. S.).
Executive training for business leadership (Woodbury College), Los Angeles.
First step to first job (Wood School).
For a better tomorrow for everybody.
For hair growth (Saburo Institute, Inc.).
Go to high school in bedroom slippers (I. C. S.).
Help the blind to help themselves (Industrial Home for the Blind).
House of smartness, The (correspondence course), Alma Archer.
Industrial headquarters of the south (Atlanta Industrial Bureau).
Industry, concentration, self-reliance (I. C. S.).
Justice for genius (Ascap).
Keeps clothes clean longer (Miraclean Institute of U. S. and Canada).
Knowledge we put in your head guides the skill we put in your hands, The (Michigan State Automobile School).
Make the best better (4-H Club).
Meet yourself and opportunity (Career Testing), Broad Brook, Conn.
Men finders (Interstate Employment System).
Need of a good job for every man is no greater than the need of a good man for every job, The (Accredited Personnel Course), Philadelphia.
Not charity, but a chance (Good Will Industries).
Oldest in America (School of Optics).
Originators of radio home-study training (National Radio Insurance).
Patents make jobs (National Patent Council, Inc.), Gary, Ind.
Personalized home study training (Markus-Campbell Co.), Chicago.
Religion often brings better education regularly (Retfil Haven).
Sales specialists in every market area (Nat. Food Brokers Assn.).
Scouts of the world, building for tomorrow (Boy Scouts of America).
Service measure not by gold but by the Golden Rule (Order of the Golden Rule).
Shaw way, the sure way, The (Shaw School).
That particular person for that particular job for that particular boss (Helen Edwards & Staff), Employment agency.
To earn more, learn more (I. C. S.).
Tomorrow’s citizens (Juvenile Group Foundation).
Universal university (I. C. S.).
University of the night (I. C. S.).
Voice of mother nature, The (health talks), Dr. E. L. Taylor.
West Point of Christian service, The (Moody Bible Institute of Chicago).
We teach wherever the mails reach (I. C. S.).
Where business and labor unite to win the war and peace (Massachusetts Development and Industrial Commission), Boston.
Wherever the mails reach, there we teach (I. C. S.).
World’s largest business training institute, The (LaSalle Extension University).
Your druggist is more than a merchant (Nat. Assn. of Retail Druggists).