Of late, we’ve been posting lists of sixty-year-old advertising slogans, taken from a 1949 book called American Slogans.
Today, we’re sharing a list of slogans culled from the same source that were utilized by companies that manufactured and marketed automobiles, trucks and buses:
All that’s best at the lowest price (Chevrolet).
America’s first car (Haynes).
America’s finest motor car for America’s finest families (Pierce-Arrow).
America’s first truly fine small car (Marmon).
America’s friendliest factory (Studebaker).
America’s greatest truck (Mutual Truck Co.).
America’s lowest-priced fine car (Pontiac).
America’s most luxurious motor car (Stearns-Knight).
America’s smartest car (Ranier).
An eye to the future, an ear to the ground (General Motors).
As fine as money can build (Chrysler).
Ask the man who owns one (Packard).
Bared to its bones, it’s still the “beauty” (Buick).
Beautiful beyond belief (Hudson).
Beauty and distinction of custom car styling, The (Kaiser).
Best bet’s Buick.
Better buy Buick
Big brother to the railroads, The (Kelly-Springfield Motor Truck).
Big-car quality at lowest cost (Chevrolet).
Brockway, the right way (truck).
Builder of trucks you can trust (Studebaker).
Builds great cars (Plymouth).
Built for business (Duplex Truck).
Car of no regrets, The (King Motor Co.).
Car for every purse and purpose, A (General Motors).
Car of a thousand speeds, The (Owen Magnetic Motor Car).
Car of the year in eye appeal and buy appeal, The (Studebaker).
Car that has everything, The (Oldsmobile).
Cat that is complete, The (Chevrolet).
Car with a longer life, The (Westcott).
Car with the foundation, The (Commonwealth).
Chief of the sixes (Pontiac).
City at your door, A (International Harvester Co). Trucks.
Comfort car, The (Hupmobile).
Complete car, completely new, The (Chevrolet).
“Coming thing” in cars–has come, The (Nash).
Dependable motor car, The (Austin).
Drive America’s safest car (Hudson).
Drive away in comfort, drive back in safety (Chevrolet).
Easy to buy new, easy to sell when old (Ford).
Eight with eighty less parts, The (Apperson Bros.).
Every Acason is a good truck.
Everybody drives a used car (L.F. Jacob & Co.).
Every road is a Maxwell road.
Fine car made finer, A (Pontiac).
Fine new value and a fine old name, A (Pontiac).
Finest of the famous “Silver Streaks” (Pontiac).
First by far with a postwar car (Studebaker).
Fit for the job; last longer (Dodge trucks).
Ford’s out front.
Ford’s out front in everything.
Ford trucks last longer.
For economical transportation (Chevrolet).
For low cost hauling (trucks). International Harvester.
For those who want the finest (Willys-Knight).
From the speedway comes their stamina, from the skyway their style (Packard).
Gem of the highway, The (Columbia Motors).
Get the plus of a Packard.
Gold standard of value, The (Reo).
Graduate to a De Soto.
Hupp has always built a good car.
If it’s made by Fitzjohn, it’s made to save you money (Motor bus).
If you care for ease and speed, a Samson-Chrysler suits your need.
In a class by itself (Bobbi Motor Car Corp.).
In name and reputation, this truck is International.
Internationals will see you through (trucks).
Invest in “The car that stands up best” (Plymouth).
It can pull more than it can carry (Fruehauf Trailers).
It’s a great automobile (Nordyke & Marmon).
It’s a short street without a Plymouth.
Just a real good car (Durant).
Just miles (General Motors Truck).
Kermath always runs, A (Kermath Mfg. Co.).
Land tug boat, The (H.J. Koehler) truck.
Leads the world in motor car value (Nash).
Let’s go (Willy’s).
Let’s you drive without shifting (De Soto).
Let the car tell its own story (Auburn).
Light duty, but ALL truck (International).
Low cost transportation (Durant, Star auto).
Lowest priced car you can buy is your own, The (Thompson Products).
Make every road a boulevard (Edward V. Hartford).
Makers of America’s must useful vehicles (Willys-Overland).
Master of the highway (Hudson).
Master of the load on any road (Master Trucks).
Million dollar beauty in the lowest priced field (Nash).
More of everything you want with Mercury.
More trucks in use than any other (Republic Motor Truck).
Most beautiful car in America, The (Paige).
Most beautiful thing on wheels, The (Pontiac).
Most imitated car on the road, The (Graham-Paige).
Name insures the quality, The (Velie Motors Corp.).
Nation’s freight car, The (Diamond T Motor Car).
New-day car for new-day needs, A (Paige).
No hill too steep, no sand too deep (Jackson 4-wheel drive trucks).
Nothing could be finer (Lincoln).
Not one American car lasts as long as Reo, not one.
ONE great name that identifies fine cars exclusively, The (Pierce-Arrow).
One of America’s most distinguished motor cars (Nash).
Only complete low-priced car, The (Chevrolet).
Over 50 years of building well (Gardner).
Paige, the master of the highway.
Performance counts (Mack Truck).
Pick of the field, The (Herschell-Spillman Motor Co.).
Pinnacle of performance, The (Acme Motor Truck Co.).
Power and light with the quiet Knight (Willys Light).
Powerful as the nation (Continental).
Price of a Moon is an appeal to your reason, The (Moon).
Quality at low cost (Chevrolet).
Quality goes clear through (Dort).
Relax in a stabilated car (John Warren Watson Co.).
Repeat order truck, The (Fulton).
Restful car, The (Packard).
Rising higher and higher in public esteem (Gardner).
Royal family of motordom, The (LaSalle and Cadillac).
Safe behind a Stewart-Warner.
Satisfy yourself with something better; buy a Pontiac.
Sets the pace (Pontiac).
Sets the style (De Soto).
She drives a Dusenberg.
Since 1900, America’s hardest working truck (Mack).
Smaller fine car, The (Allen).
Smart to be seen in, smarter to buy (Studebaker).
Smoothest “afloat” (Dodge).
Smooth way to rough it (trailer).
Socially, America’s first motor car (Packard).
Some day you will drive a Velie.
Spend the difference (Ford).
Spotlight car of the year, The (Studebacker).
Standard of the world (Cadillac).
Strength, safety, style and speed (Hudson).
Style leader, The (Lincoln Zephyr).
Superfine small car, The (Templat).
Switch to Dodge and save money.
Take the Studebaker third degree road test.
There is no saturation point for honest value (Dodge).
There’s a Ford in your future.
They cost more because they’re worth more (Autocar).
Tomorrow’s car today (Durant Star).
Trailer for every load, A (Warner Mfg. Co.).
Trailer that leads, The (Nutting Truck Co.).
Trailer that makes its own temperature.
Truck of continuous service, The (Maccar Truck Co.).
Truck of proved units, The (Acme Motor Truck).
Truck of value, The (GMC Truck).
Trucks for every purpose (Mack).
Twentieth century expression of the French civilization, A (Renault).
Unchallenged for quality (Cadillac).
Uncommon carriers (Oneida Motor Truck).
Universal car, The (Ford).
Users know (Garford Motor Truck).
Vacation where you please (Karriall trailer).
Watch the Fords go by.
Well-built car, A (Elcar Motor Co.).
When better cars are built, Buick will build them.
Where friend meets friend (Chevrolet).
Wilson, that’s haul (truck).
Winning and holding good will (Oakland).
With an engine you’ll never wear out (Willys-Knight).
Work horse of the world (Jeep).
World’s safest low-priced car (Plymouth).
You get the good things first from Chrysler Corp.
You’ll be ahead with Chevrolet.
You’ll be ahead with Nash.
Your money goes further in a General Motors car.