As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market paint, varnish, and paint brushes (and take note of how many products brag about containing lead—yeesh!)
All you need to know about paint (Sherwin-Williams).
Always begin with a good finish (Pemco glass colors).
Beautifies before your eyes (Hilo Varnish Corp.).
Beauty that protects (Atlantic Drier & Varnish Co.).
Beauty through whiteness (Titanox paint).
Best buy is Bull’s Eye (brush), Zinsser.
Best known of automotive finishes ( Duco).
Better-wearing brush for every use, A (Osborn Mfg. Co.).
Between wood and weather (Jewel Paint & Varnish Co.).
Bringing the marvels of science to your home (Kemtone).
Bristles are sealed, the brush will last, The (Selastic Co.).
Brush with the permanent wave, The (Rubberset).
Carter White Lead is concentrated paint (Carter White Lead Co.).
Certified analysis takes the mystery out of paint, The (Country Gentleman).
Challenges the elements (paint), S. Friedman & Sons.
Choice of good painters, The (Merkin paints).
Clean around the world (Empire Brush Works).
Coat with nine lives, The (National Paint Co.).
Color or white you’re always right with Martin-Senour (paints).
Color work at night will next day be right (Macbeth Daylighting Co.).
Colt light is sunlight (J. B. Colt Co.).
Covers with one coat (Red Devil enamel).
Decorates as it preserves (Colophane Corp.).
Defies the elements (Flint Paint & Varnish, Ltd.), Toronto.
Disinfecting white paint, The (Carbola Chemical Co.).
Don’t put it off, put it on (Kuehnle-Wilson), paint.
Dries before your eyes (Hilo Varnish Co.).
Dries hard overnight (U. S. deck paint), Billings-Chapin Co.
Easy to thin, tint and spread (Carter White Lead Co.).
Eats paint and bites varnish (Bulldog paint remover).
Everlastingly beautiful (Egyptian Lacquer Mfg. Co.).
Everywhere on everything (paints and varnishes), Glidden Co.
Extra years of service cost no more, The (Flintkote).
Fewer gallons, wears longer (Devoe & Reynolds), lead and zinc paints.
First because it lasts (paint), Felton, Sibley & Co.
First cost is the last expense, The (New Jersey Zinc. Co.).
First on the finish (Regatta yahct paints).
For finest Frit, Chicago Vit (Chicago Vitreous Enamel Prods. Co.).
For 66 years makers of the best in paint products (Benjamin Moore).
Fresh paint is better paint (Bradley & Vrooman).
Good paint costs nothing (Bradley & Vrooman Co.).
Good paint’s other name (Dutch Boy White Lead).
“Grand product” is a “quality” product (Grand shellac).
Heelproof, marproof and waterproof (Varnish), Pratt & Lambert.
Hit it with a hammer (varnish), Pratt & Lambert.
Houses painted with Carter White Lead stay painted.
If it’s worth painting, it’s worth a Wooster brush.
It costs less to pay more (John Lucas & Co.).
It covers, it beautifies, it lasts, it protects, it’s economical (Lucas).
It’s all in the finish (American Cyanmid Co.).
It’s more than paint, it’s liquid aluminum (Reynolds Metals).
It’s the finish that counts (paint), Carpenter-Morton.
Keep everything beautiful always (Raynorshyne Products).
King of shine for surface fine, The (F. F. Horst Co.).
Lacquer finish that stays new, The (Zapon Co.).
Laughs at time (E. I. du Pont).
Lead Soaps mean fine paint (Dutch Boy).
Lead with the spread, The (Carter White Lead Co.).
Leaves no brush marks (Flo-Glaze paint).
Lengthens your days (paints), Arco Co.
Lifelong paint, The (Murphy Paint Co.).
Life of paint, The (linseed oil), Spencer, Kellog & Sons.
Life of the surface, The (Kyanize paints).
Light in the darkest corner (Gardco Paint Co.).
LINER makes the closure, The (Irving Varnish & Insular Co.).
Liquid finish that decorates as it preserves, A (Colfanite Prods. Co.).
Little varnish makes a lot of difference, A (O’Brien Varnish Co.).
Logical oil for paint, A (Werner G. Smith Co.), Cleveland.
Long life line (Atlantic Drier & Varnish Co.).
L. S. M. F. P. (Dutch Boy paint).
Maker who is proud of what he makes, uses Egyptian Lacquer, The.
Makes every house a White House (Mineral Refining & Chemical Co.).
Makes old paint brushes new (Savabrush cleaner).
Makes white stay white (White Cap Blue), Beach Soap Co.
Makes your house a White House (O’Brien Varnish Co.).
Make the home look cheerful (Dozier & Gay Paint Co.).
Makes your trucks help sell your business (Nason Paint Co.).
Modern miracle wall finish, The (Kem-Tone).
Moulding the future through chemistry (American Cyanmid Co.).
Neighbor tells neighbor (Foy Paint Co.), Cincinnati.
New Fabric Paint, The (Paintex Products Corp.).
No brush marks (Red Devil enamel).
No other paint stays brighter under the sun (Felton, Sibley & Co.).
One coat covers all surfaces (Elliott Paint & Varnish).
Only brush worth using is the best brush you can buy, The (Baker).
Pacemaker in paints (Glidden).
Paint comes first (Truscon Laboratories), Detroit.
Painters’ friend, The (Pal), Alkyd liquid.
Paint for all interiors, The (Luminal).
Paint for profit instead of expense (Nason Paint Co.).
Paint is as its best only when it is properly mixed (Springfield Tool Co.).
Paints and disinfects, dries white (Carbola Chemical Co.).
Paints saves the surface, zinc saves the paint (New Jersey Zinc Co.).
Paints fast as man walks (Tennessee Tool Works).
Paints that are different (Wilbur & Williams).
Paint that does it right, The (Valspar).
Paint with Pettit and see what service means (paint).
Paint with the two bears, it wears (Bear Bros.).
Paint your house to stay painted (Carter White Lead Co.).
Park anywhere, never mind the weather (Refiners, Inc.).
Partner of light (Barreled Sunlight), paint.
Pittsburgh stands for quality glass and paints.
Plastics that fit the job (Durez).
Purposely made for every purpose (paints), John Lucas.
Quality in every drop (Canada paint).
Quality perpetuates preference (Wooster paint brush).
Recoat with Spracoat (Spracoat Products Paint Corp.).
Rely on lead (Lead Industries Assn.).
Resins that fit the job (Durez).
Resists heat and moisture (Neptolac quick drying enamel).
Right kind for every purpose, A (Montauk Paint Mfg. Co.).
Right on the floor (Jewel Paint & Varnish Co.).
Sana-Wall make stile and paint old-fashioned (plastic wall coverings).
Save the surface and you save all (Paint and Varnish Assn.).
Save two ways (National Paint Co.).
Shows only the reflection (varnish), Pratt & Lambert.
Sign of paint success, The (Acme White Lead & Color Works).
Simply brush it on (Kyanize), Boston Varnish Co.
Skill is in the can, The (paint), Bradley & Vrooman.
Spirit of the nation (Rossville alcohol).
Spreads like backyard news (Golden Harvest), Wheat paste.
Stands up fine (Valspar paints).
Start with Savogran (painters’ supplies).
Start with the finish (paint products), I. F. Laucks, Inc.
Surface satisfaction (Scarfe paint).
Tested in the waters of the world (Valspar paints).
There’s a Jewel for every use (paints and varnishes), Wadsworth Howland.
There’s quality written all over Bradley-Vrooman unusual paints.
Tough as the hide of a rhinoceros (Rhino enamel).
Tough as they make them (Purity liquid tile).
Varnish that won’t turn white, The (Valentine & Co.).
Varnish invulnerable, The (The Morgan Co.), Peoria, Ill.
Voice of quality (paints and varnishes), Martin-Senour Co.
Waterproof is weatherproof (Waterproof products), Truscon Laboratories.
Waterproofs everything (Atlantic Drier & Varnish Co.).
Weather armour for homes (Valspar paint).
Weathers our weather (Utley Paint Co.), New Orleans.
We make it, we guarantee it. Norfolk Paint & Varnish Co.).
White paint that stays white (New Jersey Zinc Co.).
Whiter, finer, softer, Carter (Carter White Lead Co.).
White white lead, The (Carter).
World’s best varnish, The (Rylard).
World walks on ’61, The (varnish), Pratt & Lambert.
You may dent the wood, but the varnish won’t crack (Pratt & Lambert).
You’re money ahead when you paint with White Lead (Lead Industries Assn.).
Your guide to quality in aluminum (paint), Alcoa.