As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market paint, varnish, and paint brushes (and take note of how many products brag about containing lead—yeesh!)
All you need to know about paint (Sherwin-Williams).
Always begin with a good finish (Pemco glass colors).
Beautifies before your eyes (Hilo Varnish Corp.).
Beauty that protects (Atlantic Drier & Varnish Co.).
Beauty through whiteness (Titanox paint).
Best buy is Bull’s Eye (brush), Zinsser.
Best known of automotive finishes ( Duco).
Better-wearing brush for every use, A (Osborn Mfg. Co.).
Between wood and weather (Jewel Paint & Varnish Co.).
Bringing the marvels of science to your home (Kemtone).
Bristles are sealed, the brush will last, The (Selastic Co.).
Brush with the permanent wave, The (Rubberset).
Carter White Lead is concentrated paint (Carter White Lead Co.).
Certified analysis takes the mystery out of paint, The (Country Gentleman).
Challenges the elements (paint), S. Friedman & Sons.
Choice of good painters, The (Merkin paints).
Clean around the world (Empire Brush Works).
Coat with nine lives, The (National Paint Co.).
Color or white you’re always right with Martin-Senour (paints).
Color work at night will next day be right (Macbeth Daylighting Co.).
Colt light is sunlight (J. B. Colt Co.).
Covers with one coat (Red Devil enamel).
Decorates as it preserves (Colophane Corp.).
Defies the elements (Flint Paint & Varnish, Ltd.), Toronto.
Disinfecting white paint, The (Carbola Chemical Co.).
Don’t put it off, put it on (Kuehnle-Wilson), paint.
Dries before your eyes (Hilo Varnish Co.).
Dries hard overnight (U. S. deck paint), Billings-Chapin Co.
Easy to thin, tint and spread (Carter White Lead Co.).
Eats paint and bites varnish (Bulldog paint remover).
Everlastingly beautiful (Egyptian Lacquer Mfg. Co.).
Everywhere on everything (paints and varnishes), Glidden Co.
Extra years of service cost no more, The (Flintkote).
Fewer gallons, wears longer (Devoe & Reynolds), lead and zinc paints.
First because it lasts (paint), Felton, Sibley & Co.
First cost is the last expense, The (New Jersey Zinc. Co.).
First on the finish (Regatta yahct paints).
For finest Frit, Chicago Vit (Chicago Vitreous Enamel Prods. Co.).
For 66 years makers of the best in paint products (Benjamin Moore).
Fresh paint is better paint (Bradley & Vrooman).
Good paint costs nothing (Bradley & Vrooman Co.).
Good paint’s other name (Dutch Boy White Lead).
“Grand product” is a “quality” product (Grand shellac).
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