As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market hotels and restaurants.
Aglow with friendliness (Hotel Fort Shelby), Detroit.
All that is best (Biltmore Hotel).
America’s smartest resort hotel (Ritz-Carlton, Atlantic City, N.J.).
An eating place of distinction (Cifaldi’s Villa Nova), Indianapolis.
At the crossroads of the world (Hotel Astor), New York.
Balanced meals for balanced budgets (Ken’s Diner, Brooklyn).
Be our guest (Restaurant), The Patio, San Rafael, Calif.).
Big hotel that remembers the little things, The (New Yorker), New York.
Boston’s most famous hotel (Parker House).
Champion resort, A (Tony Canzoneri’s Country Club), Marlboro, N.Y.
Coast to coast, we give the most (Milner Hotels).
Convenient to everywhere (Rittenhouse Hotel), Philadelphia.
Cooked the way you like it (Quaint Inn), Indianapolis.
Desert resort by the sea, The (Playa de Cortes), Guaymas, Mexico.
Downtown St. Louis at your doorstep (Hotels Mayfair and Lennox).
Dream your dreams at the wishing well (restaurant), The Patio, San Rafael.
Eat here or we’ll both starve (Heshy’s Diner).
Eat in your car or at our bar (Zeubie’s Curb Service), Wilmington, Del.
Famous for food (Hotel Indiana), Fort Wayne.
Friendly hotel, The (Hotel Wentworth), New York.
Good food is good health (National Restaurant Assn.).
“Grand” hotel in every sense (Grand Hotel), High Mount, N.Y.
Has the quiet refinement of an exclusive club (Mayfair House), New York.
Home away from home, A (Park Central Hotel), New York.
Home of hospitality, The (Kenilworth Hotel), Ashevile, N.C.
Homey hotel for home folks, A (The Westminster), New York.
Hotel of distinction, An (Mayfair Hotel), New York.
House of hospitality (Hotel Lincoln), New York.
House of plenty, The (Walker House).
In keeping with a fine old tradition (The Coronado Hotel), St. Louis.
In our line, we lead the world (lunch wagon), Jerry O’Mahoney, Elizabeth, N.J.
In San Francisco it’s the Palace (Palace Hotel).
It serves you right (Richmond Grill), Massachusetts.
Largest in the northwest (Curtis Hotel), Minneapolis.
Live in the atmosphere of an exclusive club (Hotels Mayfair and Lennox).
Luxury hotel of the northwest (Lowry), St. Paul.
Meal a minute, A (BIG Sandwich Shops, Inc.), Chicago.
Nassau’s only sea beach hotel (Fort Montagu Beach).
Nation’s host from coast to coast, The (Child’s Restaurants), New York.
One of the world’s great hotels (Bellevue Stratford), Philadelphia.
Pay attention to what you eat, but MORE to where you eat it (Wheeler’s Lunch).
Plaza pleases, The (Hotel), New York.
Plump on the boardwalk (Alamac Hotel), Atlantic City, N.J.
Public appreciates quality, The (Horn and Hardart restaurants, automats).
Public be dined, The (Knickerbocker Grill), New York.
Register socially (Hotel Delmonico).
Residential hotel of refinement, A (The Greystone, N.Y.).
Restaurant is known by the companies it keeps, A (Forbeeka Restaurants).
South’s supreme hotel (Altanta Biltmore).
Suttonly (Sutton’s Cafe).
Take home a Snack in a sack (sandwiches), Snack Shack System, Omaha.
There is no better place to eat (Hotels Mayfair and Lennox).
There is no compromise with quality at Longchamps (restaurants).
They all speak well of it (DeWitt Clinton Hotel), Albany, N.Y.
Travel follows good food routes (Nat. Restaurant Assn.).
Unrivalled playground of the world, The (Gleneagles Hotel), Scotland.
Untouched by human hands (Chock Full O’ Nuts Restaurants), Federal Nut Co.
What food these morsels be (J.N. Adams Tea Room), Buffalo, N.Y.
Where good cheer abides (Hotel Touraine), Buffalo.
Where quality is a tradition (Bismarck Hotel), Chicago.
Where southern hospitality flowers (Atlanta Biltmore).
Where the best costs less (Hotel New Yorker).
Where the guest is always right (Hotel Statler).
Where the man who travels stops (Webster Hall Corp.), Detroit.
Where to stop when you go (Nat. Hotel Management Co.), New York.
Where town and country meet (Kenwood Apts.), Great Neck, N.Y.
You will feel you’re welcome (Savoy Hotel).