Of late, we’ve been posting lists of sixty-year-old advertising slogans, taken from a 1949 book called American Slogans.
Today, we’re sharing a list of slogans culled from the same source that were utilized by companies that manufactured and marketed coffee, tea, and cocoa:
All-purpose cocoa, The (Runkel Bros.).
All the good left in (Cheek-Neal Coffee Co.), Brooklyn, N.Y.
Always fresh (Jewell Tea Co., Inc.)
Always in good taste (Royal Blend Coffee), Granger & Co., Buffalo.
Always the same, always good (Old Reliable Coffee), Dayton Spice Mills Co.
Always the same good coffee (The Haserot Co.), Cleveland.
America’s largest selling high grade coffee (Maxwell House), Cheek-Neal.
American’s No. 1 Mountain Grown coffee (Folger).
Any time is tea time (Ceylon).
Aristocrat of packaged cocoa, The (E. & A. Opler, Inc.), Chicago.
As delicious as coffee can be (Hanley & Kinsella Coffee Co.), St. Louis.
Be coffee-wise, not coupon-foolish (Merchants Coffee Co. of New Orleans).
Best cup of coffee at great profit (Amerin coffee-making system), Buffalo.
Best drinking coffee in the world, The (Lowrey Coffee Co.).
Brings happiness (Blue Bird Tea Co.), Halifax, N.S.
Brisk flavor, never flat (Lipton’s Tea).
Butter-nut, the coffee delicious (Paxton & Gallagher Co.).
Children like it better than milk (Ghirardelli’s hot chocolate).
Chocolate drink in every package, A (Richardson Corp. Rochester.
Cocoa with more chocolate flavor, The (Baker’s).
Cocoa with that chocolaty taste, The (Runkel Bros.).
Cocoa from the magic mountains (Folger), Kansas City, Mo.
Coffee is our business (Harrison Co.).
Coffee — 95% of the Caffeine removed (Kaffee Hag Corp.)
Coffee of inspiration, The (Schwabacher Bros.), Seattle.
Coffee that lets you sleep, The (Kaffee Hag Corp.), Cleveland.
Coffee that’s “always good,” The (Schwabacher Bros.).
Coffee, the American drink (Joint Coffee Trade Publicity Committee), New York.
Coffee, the perfect drink (Canby Co.).
Coffee without a regret, The (Barrington Hall Coffee), Baker Importing Co.
Coffee you don’t have to make, The (George Washington Coffee).
Completely automatic drip coffee maker, The (S.W. Farber, Inc.). New York.
Contains no caffeine or other harmful stimulants (Postum).
Cup of southern hospitality, The (Duncan Coffee Co.), Houston, Tex.
Cup that cheers, The (Reichardt Cocoa & Coffee Co.), New York.
Depend on, insist on Don Leon.
Double smooth (Rockwood & Co.). Brooklyn, N.Y.
Drink it and sleep (Sanka), General Foods Co., New York.
Ehlers is pronounced “A”lers.
Empire’s best, The (Lyon’s Tea).
Even a child can tell the difference (Reichardt Cocoa & Chocolate Co.).
Every cup’s a cup of joy (American Coffee Co.).
Every drop delicious (Nash Coffee Co.), Minneapolis.
Famous for flavor (New State Coffee). Williamson-Halsell-Frasier Co.
Favorite of housewives for 150 years. (Baker’s Cocoa).
Fine things and Edwards go together (Dwight Edwards Co.), San Francisco.
First sip tells, The (Fletcher Coffee & Spice Co.), Little Rock, Ark.
First taste tells you it’s good to the last drop, The (Maxwell House).
First thought in the morning, The (Folger’s).
Flavor can’t be matched because only Nescafe knows the secret, The.
Flavor is roasted in, The (Dwinnel-Wright Co.), Boston, Mass. (Coffee)
Flavor sensation that sold the nation on coffee made in the cup, The (Nescafe).
Flavor’s the thing, The (Arbuckle Bros.), New York.
Flavor-tested coffee, The (Haserot Co.), Cleveland.
For goodness sake buy Admiration Coffee (Duncan Coffee Co.).
For particular people (Salada Tea Co.), Boston.
For richer, fuller flavor (Del Monte coffee).
Fresh because vacuum-packed (Hanley & Kinsella Coffe & Spice Co.).
Fresh from the gardens (Salada).
Friendly drink from good neighbors, The (Pan-American Coffee Bureau).
Get more out of life with coffee (Pan-American Coffee Bureau).
Glass-sealed, the perfect coffee, the perfect package (Iris).
Good Coffee Folks, The (P.W. Eastham & Co.), Chicago.
Greatest name in coffee-brewing equipment, The (Cory).
Guest Coffee, The (Yuban).
Has ’em all beat (Internation Coffee Co.).
Healthful and good (Kaffee Hag Corp.), Cleveland.
Hint of many good things to come, A (Baker).
India produces the finest tea in the world (India Tea Bureau), New York.
Inspiration Coffee, The (Schwabacher Bros.).
It beats the Dutch (Phillips Cocoa).
It more than satisfies, it agrees (Coffee Products of America), Los Angeles.
It’s dated (Chase & Sanborn).
It’s flavor-tested (Haserot Co.), coffee.
Its flavor wins favor (Tetley’s Tea).
Its high quality makes it economical (Folger & Co.), Kansas City, Mo.
Its rare bouquet sealed in to stay (Haserot Co.).
It takes less to give more flavor (Lipton’s Tea).
Just as you’d expect, right EVERY way (Del Monte Coffee), Calif. Packing Corp.
Kind to buckle to, The (Silver Buckle Coffee), E.R. Godfrey & Sons.
Learn the economy of quality in Solitaire Coffee (Morey Mercantile Co.).
Life begins at breakfast with McLaughlin’s Coffee (Chicago).
Loko for the date on the tin (Chase & Sanborn).
Made in the cup at the table (George Washington).
Makes good tea a certainty (Joseph Tetley & Co., Inc.).
Makes hot days cool (Chase & Sanborn), iced coffee.
Matched flavor (Dwight Edwards Coffee).
Maxwell House, too, is part of the American scene.
More cups of better coffee (Griggs Cooper Co.), St. Paul.
More flavor per cup, more cups per pound (Albert Ehlers), Brooklyn, N.Y.
More flavor per cup (Mannings, Inc.), San Francisco, Calif.
Morning’s first thought (Royal Blend Coffee), Granger & Co., Buffalo.
Most expensive tea grown, The (Ming, Inc.), New York.
Mountain of flavor in every spoonful, A (Folger’s Coffee).
None finer in any package at any price.
Officially certified as the finest tea grown (Ming, Inc.).
One good cup deserves another (Beechnut Coffee), Canajoharie, N.Y.
100% pure (Baker’s Cocoa).
Only instant coffee that’s caffeine-free, The (Instant Sanka).
Opler’s Selected Pure Cocoa.
Personal blend, A (Mother Parker’s Tea).
Quality product for every chocolate use (Baker’s), General Foods Corp., N.Y.
Red Rose Tea is good tea.
Remember the name, Folger’s; you’ll not forget the taste.
Right from the start (A&P Coffee).
Roster-fresh coffee made in the cup (Nescafe).
Safe-Tea First (Ridgeways, Inc.).
Saves your nerves (Kaffee Hag).
Sets you right (iced coffee).
Seven great coffees in one (Del Monte).
So good you want a second cup (Savarin).
Start the day right with Yale Coffee (Steinwender-Stoffregen Coffee Co.).
Tetley Teas please.
There’s more to it (Indea Tea Bureau).
“T” stands for Tetley’s — Tetley’s stands for finest TEA.
Vacuum packed to preserve the flavor (Hanley & Kinsella).
Vigorous flavor (Folger).
We roast it, others praise it (Big Horn Coffee), Interstate Grocer Coffee.
When you change to Boscul, you change for good (Wm. S. Scull Co.), Camden, N.J.
Where only the best will do (Hanley & Kinsella coffee).
Wings of the morning (Schilling Coffee), San Francisco.
Without grounds for complaint (Alexander Balart Co.), San Francisco.
World’s largest selling tea (Lipton).
You can drink it and sleep (Sanka coffee).
You can have your cake and drink it, too (ground chocolate), Guittard Choc. Co.
You can’t describe it until you’ve tried it (Ronnoco Coffee Co.).
You can’t drink Folger’s Coffee withotu smiling — try it and see.
You can’t mistake the flavor (Crescent Mfg. Co.), Seattle (coffee).
You’ll like it, too (Hanley & Kinsella Coffee).
You might as well have the best (Tea & Coffee), W.S. Quimby Co., Boston.
You never had coffee like this before (Borden’s Instant Coffee), New York.