As part of our ongoing series of collections of old advertising slogans, culled from a 1949 book called American Slogans, we today share a list of slogans that were utilized by companies that manufactured and marketed breakfast cereals, both hot and cold:
America’s favorite bran flakes (Post’s).
America’s grandest cereal assortment (Kellogg’s).
America’s new breakfast banquet of shredded whole wheat (Cubs Cereal).
America’s popular year ’round breakfast (Quaker Oats).
An ounce of prevention for everybody, everyday (Post’s Bran Flakes).
Best because it’s pan-dried (Robin Hood), Rapid Oats.
Bite size (Shredded Ralston).
Breakfast of champions (Wheaties), General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis.
Cereal in slices (Cracked Wheat Bread), Freihofer Baking Co., Philadelphia.
Cereal you can serve a dozen ways, The (Nabisco Shredded Wheat).
Delicious whole wheat cereal, The (The Wheatens Co.), Rahway, N.J.
Eat it all the year (Quaker Oats Co.).
Famed for flavor (Purity Oats Co.).
Favorite for flavor, this finer-milled bran (Bran).
Food shot from guns (Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice).
For a livelier life (Cubs Cereal). National Biscuit Co.
For bracing up digestion, nerves and appetite (Quaker Oats).
Fresh as the morning (Campbell’s Corn Flakes).
Fresh from the mill to you (Livingstone’s Oats).
Full meal in two biscuits, A (Shredded Wheat Co.), Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Great American family cereal, The (Cream of Wheat).
Had your Wheaties today?
Health and growth for boys and girls (Ralston Purina Co.)
Health insurance for the whole family (Shredded Wheat).
Health without hazard (Kellogg’s All-Bran).
Help yourself to health (Kellogg’s cereals).
Here’s a thrill for breakfast (Grape Nuts Flakes).
Hot weather hot cereal, A (Zoom), Fisher Flouring Mills Co., Seattle.
It’s mother who guards the family health (Shredded Wheat).
Join the “regulars” with Kellogg’s All-Bran.
Keep going with Pep (Kellogg’s Pep Bran Flakes).
Life is swell when you keep well (Post’s Bran Flakes).
Light, white and flaky (Comet Rice Co.), New York.
Makes kids husky (Three Minute Cereals Co.), Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Makes kids husky (The National Oats Co.)
National breakfast, The (Shredded Wheat).
Nation’s breakfast food, The (Amerikorn), Chas. A. Krause Milling Co.
New to look at, new to taste (corn KIX).
Nothing added, nothing taken away; it’s all in the shreds (Can. shredded).
Now you’ll like bran (Postum Cereal Co., Inc.), New York.
One delicious flavor in two delicious forms (Grape Nuts and Grape Nuts Flakes).
Original, The (Kellogg’s Corn Flakes).
Original corn flakes, The (Kellogg’s).
Parade of the immortals, The (The Kellogg Co.), Battle Creek, Michigan.
Peppy Bran Food, The (Kellogg Co.).
Plus food for minus meals, The (Kellogg’s All-Bran).
Quickest Hot Cereal, The (Quick Cooking Oast), Hecker H-O Co., Inc., Buffalo.
Rainbow ’round your breakfast table (Welch Grape Juice Co.) All products.
Ready to eat (Wheaties).
Right road to health, The (Old York cereal).
Rounded shredded wheat, The (Muffets).
Shot from guns (Quaker Puffed Rice).
Stay crisp in milk or cream (Post Toasties).
Sweetheart of the corn, The (Karo). Kellogg Toaster Corn Flake Co.
Tastes good (Wheatene Co.).
There’s a meal in every Muffet (Muffets Co.).
There’s a reason (Grape Nuts). Postum Cereal Co.
Thrill for breakfast (Grape Nuts Flakes).
To keep happy, keep well (Kellogg’s All-Bran).
Top of the morning (Cream of Wheat).
Totally different (Purity Oats Co.).
Whatever you do, eat Krumbles (Kellogg’s Toasted Corn Flakes Co.).
Wheat shot from guns is elegant eatin’ (Quaker Sparkies).
Whole Wheat, deliciously different because it’s hammered (Educator Thinsies).
Won its favor through its flavor (Kellogg’s Toaste Corn Flakes).
World’s best-tasting breakfast food (Quaker Oats).
You’ll like the Taste (Corn flakes), Armour Grain Co.
Yours for a good morning (Carnation Albers cereals), Albers Bros. Milling Co.