As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market radios, phonographs, televisions, and even radio and television broadcasting stations.
ABC of radio satisfaction, The (Ray-O-Vac batteries), French Battery Co.
Air unlox to Magnavox (Magnavox Co.), Oakland, Calif.
Air-Way’s best by any test (Air-Way Electric Appliance Co.).
All phonographs in one (Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.).
All that is best in radio (Eagle Radio Co.), Newark, N. J.
Alone in tone (Magnavox), Receiving sets.
Always a year ahead (Zenith radio).
Always good company (Radio Industries Corp.).
America’s most copied radio (Zenith).
America’s smart set (Admiral), Radio-phonograph.
And when you listen you’ll buy this Westinghouse (radio).
Arvin sets the pace, lead with Arvin (radio), Noblitt-Sparks.
As easy as listening (Cortinaphone), Cortina Academy of Languages (phonographs).
At the right of your dial (Station WKW), St. Louis.
Beautiful beyond belief in tone and styling (Bendix Radio Division).
Behind the panels of better built sets (General Radio Corp.).
Believe your own ears (G. E. Radio).
Best by test for high fidelity (phonograph needles).
Best in radio, The (American Bosch Co.).
Best in radio is better with a Bendix, The.
Better, costs less (Crosley Radio Corp.).
Better results with less effort (Independent Radio Supply Co.).
Blue tube with the life-like tone, The (Arcturus Radio Tube Co.).
Bring ’em in dead, take ’em out alive (The Radio Hospital), Youngstown, Ohio.
Build that set on Kelbrakets (Kelleradio, Inc.), San Francisco.
Built like a fine watch (Lombardi Radio Mfg. Co.), Derby, Conn.
Built like a violin (Teletone radio speakers).
Cheney tone is nature’s own, The (Cheney Talking Machine Co.).
Choice of noted music critics, The (All-American Radio Corp.).
Clear as a bell (Sonora Phonograph Sales Co., Inc.).
Clear to the ear (Magnavox Co.).
Comparison proves its superiority (Hallock & Watson Radio Corp.).
Costs more, but does more (Zenith Radio Corp.).
Covers the whole range (Sander loud speaker), Farrang Mfg. Co.
Dependable long life (radio tubes), Ken-Rad Corp.
Depend on Farnsworth for fidelity (radio).
Dial of pleasure (North electric radio).
Distance without distortion (Perryman Electric Co.).
Electroneering is our business (Rauland), Radio—radar.
Emblem of worth in radio, The (Kodel Radio Corp.).
Entertaining New York and New Jersey 24 hours a day (Station WNEW).
Every one a good one (Davidson Radio Corp.).
Everything for the radio man (Midwest Radio Co.).
Everything in music (radio), Grunewald’s.
Excellence in electronics (Raytheon), Tubes.
Expanded coverage for E-X-P-A-N-D-I-N-G mid-America (Station KCMO).
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