As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans used to market clothing supplies, including fabrics, yarns, and zippers.
Action underwear for active men (Munsingwear).
America’s best-liked junior wear (Donmoor Donbrook).
America’s best ribbons (Johnson Cowdin & Co.).
An extra collar for a dollar (League Collars), Goodman Collar Co.
Artificial silk at its highest point of perfection (Tubize Artif. Silk Co.).
As good as it is beautiful (Courtald’s silks).
Band with the little hooks, The (Wick Narrow Fabric Co.), Philadelphia.
Best by any test (Darleen). Elastic fabrics.
Better fringe, The (Mendelsohn & Silver), New York.
The better the yarn the better the fabric, The (Acetate yarn), Kingsport Corp.
Blond date color styled with Loxol Extra (Sales Affiliates), New York.
Bright as the sun, wears for years (fabrics), Hexter & Co., Cleveland.
Buttons that are MORE than buttons (Costumakers).
Challenge Cleanable Collars save laundry dollars (Du Pont).
Comfort engineered (Koylon fabric).
Darbrooks silks of character and quality (Schwarzenbach Huber & Co.), New York.
Davencrepes with the invisible extra silks (Davenport Hosiery Mills).
Dispels dressing discords (Harmony Brand), Federal Snap Fastener Corp.
Double wear in every pair (U. S. Glove Co.), Marion, Ind.
Draper felts for efficiency.
Easiest belt a man ever felt, The (Pioneer Suspender Co.).
Everybody thinks it’s silk (Lingette), Fred Butterfield & Co., New York.
Every color in the rainbow (yarns), S. W. & B. W. Fleisher, Inc.
Extra strength that never fails you (Bell thread).
Fabric of tomorrow on the looms of today, The (Velon).
Favrics and workmanship, the best for the price; style and fit unexcelled at any price (Michaels Stern & Co.), Rochester.
Fabric shrinkage held to mere 1% (Sanforized).
Fabrics of integrity (Lorraince worsteds).
Fashion begins with your fabric (Peter Pan).
Fastener to fit every need, A (G. E. Prentice Mfg. Co.), New Britain, Conn.
Favorite home-sewing notion of the nation, The (Slide Fasteners, Inc.), New York.
Featured brand throughout the land, The (Sanpeck fabric).
First name in towels is the last words in sheets (Cannon Towels & Sheets).
From yarn to you, it textron all the way (textiles).
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