As part of our ongoing look at old advertising slogans, culled from a 1949 book called American Slogans, we today feature a collection of slogans that were utilized by companies that manufactured and marketed various foodstuffs, including condiments, sauces and a strikingly large number of salts and marmalades.
Added touch that means so much, The (Lee & Perrin’s sauce).
Adds zest (Snider’s Tomato Products), Chicago.
All in good taste (Louis Milani Foods, Inc.), Maywood, Calif.
All the wheat that’s fit to eat (Wheatlet), Franklin Mills Co.
America’s most famous dessert (Jell-O).
America’s own fragrance (early American old spice), Shulton, Inc.
America’s supreme dessert (plum pudding), Richardson & Robbins.
Aristocrat of the breakfast table (marmalade), Chivers & Sons, Ltd.
As a change from potatoes (macaroni), C.F. Mueller Co.
As fresh as the sea itself (clam juice cocktail), Bay Food Products, Inc.
As good as it tastes (American Rice Products Co.).
As nature made it (River brown rice).
As they eat ’em in New England (brick-oven beans). Burnham & Morrill Co.
At your grocer’s, at your fingertips (Campbell’s soups).
Avoid shaker-clog (International Salt Co.), Scranton.
Awful fresh (MacFarlane Nut Co.).
Babies are our business, our only business (Gerber’s baby foods).
“Baby talk” for a good square meal (Biolac), Borden’s Prescription Prods.
Balanced multi-vitamin ingredient, The (A-1 fish blend).
Because it’s sweet, not bitter (marmalade), Welch Grape Juice Co.
Before the grocer can sell your product, you’ve got to sell the grocer.
Behind the labels of America’s finest products (Continental Can Co.).
Best of everything, The (food packing), Chisholm-Ryder Co.
Best of everything for the food processor, The (Chisholm-Ryder Co.).
Better, naturally (Van Camp Sea Food Co.), Terminal Island, Calif.
Better spread for our daily bread, The (Interstate Cotton Oil).
Better tasting, mothers say (Campbell’s baby foods).
Better than mayonnaise, yet costs less (Miracle Whip salad dressing).
Betty Lou means better flavor (Betty Lou foods), Oakland.
Bovril puts beef into you (Bovril Ltd.), England.
Brands that made tuna famous, The (Chicken of the Sea).
Brand that always puts flavor first, The (Del Monte fruit cocktail).
Brand they ask for first, The (Allsweet oleomargarine).
Builds bonnie babies (baby food), Glaxo, Ltd., London.
Builds brain, nerves and body (Ovaltine), Wander Co., Chicago.
Builds for the years ahead (Maltcao), Merckens Chocolate Co., Buffalo.
Canned food is grand food (American Can Co.).
Catch them yourself or buy Fowler’s (Fowler Sea Products Co.), New York.
Chef’s flavor in home cooking, The (Kitchen Bouquet, Inc.).
Come rain or fog there’s no shaker-clog (International Salt Co.).
Cooks in nine minutes (Macaroni and noodles), C.F. Mueller Co., Jersey City.
Cooks tender, quicker (macaroni and noodles), C.F. Mueller Co., Jersey City.
Costs less when used (Dr. Price’s Vanilla).
Cream of the catch, direct from the sea (Ballard Fish & Oyster Co.).
Cube makes a cup, A (Steero cubes), Schieffelin & Co.
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