As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, and laxatives—lots and lots of laxatives.
Acts well, tastes swell (Ex-lax).
Ah, there’s the rub (Somerville Co.), Buffalo, N.Y.
Alkaline antispetic, The (Glyco-Thymoline), Kress & Owen Co.
Alkalize with Alka-Seltzer.
America’s physic (Pluto Water), French Lick Springs Hotel.
An inexpensive luxury (Greaseless medicated cream), Chem. Research Corp.
Antiseptic liniment, The (Absorbine, Jr.), W. F. Young, Inc.
Aspirin of quality, The (Smith, Kline & French Co.).
Athletes know it’s best (Olympene), medicine.
At the first sign of infectious dandruff (Listerine).
At the first sneeze, Vick’s VapoRub (Vick Chemical Co.).
At the first symptom (Listerine).
At your call with alcohol (Canadian Industrial Alcohol Co.).
Balanced prescription, The (The Stanback Co.).
Bandage that breathes, The (Sealtex).
Be as regular as a clock (Serutan), Healthaids, Inc.
Beauty laxative, The (Dr. Edward’s Olive Tablets.
Be bright. Feel right. Take Eno (laxative).
Before any date (Listerine).
Better than a mustard plaster (Musterole).
Better than whiskey for a cold (Dr. Miles Medical Co.).
Blessing in disguise (A Tastyeast, Inc.).
Candy-mint alkalizer, The (Alkaid).
Casco kills colds (Casco Co.).
Cheapest health insurance in the world, The (cough drops), Smith Bros.
Chewing laxative, The (Feen-a-mint), Health Products Co.
Chew with a purpose (Oralgene Chewing Gum).
Children are delighted with Astypodyne.
Children cry for it (Fletcher’s Castoria).
Children’s laxative, The (Castoria).
Chlorine ointment, The, better than iodine (Minox Chemical Corp.).
Citrated laxative, The (Howard Jackley Co.).
Cleans teeth all around (The Sealastic Co.).
Cleans them CLEAN (tooth brush).
Cod liver oil with the plus value, The (Scott’s emulsion).
Come over to the easy side of life (Glasglos Laboratories).
Cool off feet with an Ice-Mint treat (foot salve).
Corn-free happy feet (corn salve), Kohler Mfg. Co.
Criminal within, The (Eno), laxative.
Doctor in candy form, The (Partola).
Doctor’s prescription, The (Father John’s Medicine).
Does not harm the heart (Bayer aspirin).
Dots for periodical pains (Medical Mfg. Co.).
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