As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market auto parts and accessories, especially tires. Lots and lots of tires.
Add miles to tire life (Tirometer Valve Co.).
All steel and a car wide (Stewart-Warner bumpers).
Always the right answer with a Wayne (pump).
America’s biggest-selling brake lining (Raybestos).
America’s supreme ignition system (Bosch).
Analyze the 5-point law of Ford lubrication (R. J. Brown).
An eye for your gas tank (Marquette Mfg. Co.), Ford gas gauge.
Any day, any hour, anywhere, any weather (Packard Renting Corp.).
Aristocrat of auto jacks, The (Duff Mfg. Co.).
Around the world on Dunlops (Tires).
Asbestos brake lining, The (Thermoid Rubber Co.).
Asks no favors, fears no road (Olds Motor Works).
As necessary as brakes (Bosch), windshield wiper.
Automotive distributors (Norman Sales Corp.).
Battery charging equipment for every purpose (Automatic Elec. Devices).
Bear for wear, A (Gillette Rubber Co.), Tires.
Bear in mind (Grizzly brake lining).
Beauty, service and comfort (Haynes-Hunt Corp.). Motor car bodies.
Best in the long run (Goodrich tires).
Better business bodies (Hercules Corp.).
Better tires for every farm need (U. S. Royal).
Big difference in tires is action-traction, The (General).
Big three lines of the defense, The (Sheldon Axle & Spring Co.), bumpers.
Bites deep, stays clean, like a plow (Seiberling tires).
Blowout-proof tire, The (General).
Brake inspection is your protection (Asbestos Brake Lining Assn.).
Brake linings tailored to the needs of your brake (Multibestos).
Broad, black and a brute for wear (Cupples Co.), tires.
Builder of business (Service Motor Truck Co.).
Built better to wear better (Gutta Percha & Rubber, Ltd.), tires.
Built from the road up (Biltwell tires).
Built layer on layer (Miller tires).
Built to excel (Savage tire).
Built to last (Armstrong tire).
Built to wear better (Gutta Percha & Rubber, Ltd.), tires.
Chief of the tire tribe (Standard Four Tire Co.).
Chosen by the majority (Fordson governors), Strand Mfg. Co.
Clark equipment is found only on good motor trucks (Clark Equipment Co.).
Cleans the oil the cleans the motor (Fram filter).
Commands the car (Russell Mfg. Co.), Brake lining.
Costs more by the gallon, less by the winter (Prestone anti-freeze).
Cuts down delivery costs (Steinmetz Elec. Motor Car Corp.).
Cut your tire upkeep with a Diamond.
Dependable for every engine (Champion spark plugs).
Dependable in service (Walker Mfg. Co.), Jacks.
Dipstick tells the story, The (Fram oil filter).
Does not boil away (Prestone).
Don’t be a dead-eye Dick (American Chain Co.).
Don’t wait ’til it storms (Trico windshield blades).
Doubles your ability to handly your car (Ross Steering Gear).
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