As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans used to market electrical appliances and accessories.
Above all, dependable (Universal motors).
Balanced construction means durability (Johnson outboard motor).
Battery with a kick (Prest-O-Lite).
Better light brings better living (Consumers Public Power District).
Built for the best (Apollo Magneto Corp.).
Come on, breeze, let’s blow (electric fan), Wagner Electric Co.
Cook electrically and enjoy the difference (Reddy Kilowatt).
Creative electrical engineering (Leland Electric Co.), Dayton.
Crest of American engineering (Deusenberg Motors Co.).
Cup for two or two for you, A (percolator), Metal Ware Co.
Don’t buy motors, buy Motor-Gard (emergency motor protector).
Electricity gives you matchless cooking (L. A. Bureau of Power and Light).
Electricity gives you matchless water heating (L. A. Bureau of Power and Light).
Everything electrical for home and industry (Canadian Westinghouse Co.).
Everything electrical for the theatre (Major Equipment Co.).
Faithfulness of an old friend, The (North East Electric Co.).
For lifetime service (wiring sytem), General Electric Co.
For wonderful ironings (elastic hot startch).
From the smallest to the largest (motor troubles rectified), Anessen Elec.
From the tiniest to the mightiest (motors), General Electric Co.
Give Red Bands your hard job (Howell Electric Motors Co.).
Good mechanic’s choice, The (U. S. Electrical Tool Co.), Cincinnati.
House of magic, The (General Electric).
Industrial efficiency depends on electrical control (Cutler-Hammer Co.).
In electricity, it’s Edison from start to finish (Edison-Splitdorf Corp.).
Instantly known when blown (Royal Crystal fuse plug), Royal Electric Co.
It’s an “open and shut” case (K & M Kontrol), Motor valve.
It’s a real fuse, built for real service (Trico Fuse Mfg. Co.).
Key to better grinding, The (Black and Decker Mfg. Co.), Towson, Md.
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