Pitch perfect: building supplies

As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans used to market building supplies.

According to Hoytt (Hoytt Constr. Co.), Los Angeles.
Admits might, retards heat (Awens-Illinois Glass Co.), Toledo, Ohio.
Airedale brick, like Airedale dogs, so darned ugly they are beautiful.
All fire are not alike, nor are all fire extinguishers (Foamite Childs Corp.).
Always one step ahead of the weather (Rusco), Screen and storm sash.
Anchors like a rock (Chicago Steel Post Co.).
Aristocrat of American Roofing, The (American Sea Green Slate Co.).
Aristocrat of Building Materials, The (Indiana Limestone Quarrymen’s Assn.).
Asbestos cannot burn (Asbestos Shingle, Slate and Sheathing Co.), Ambler, Pa.

Back-bone of better plastering (Milwaukee Corrugating Co.).
Beautiful, Enduring, Strong, Tough (Stainless Steel), Electro Metallurgical.
Beautiful windows at low cost (Clopay), Window shades.
Beauty and Economy burned in (Common Brick Mfrs. Assn. of America), Cleveland.
Beauty of wood and the strength of steel, the (The Send Co.).
Best in asbestos (K & M).
Best that man can build, The (fixtures), R. Mansfield & Son, Louisville, Ky.
Better than plaster to withstand disaster (The Upson Co.), Lockport, N. Y.
Bonded Termite Insulation (E. L. Bruce Co.), Memphis, Tenn.
Bronze as strong as nickel steel, A (Am. Manganese Bronze Co.), Holmesburg, Pa.
Budget sets the pace, The (Otis elevator).
Builder’s Department Store, A (Mississippi Valley Struct. Steel Co.), Decatur.
Builder’s Department Store, The (Mox, Inc.), Los Angeles.
Builder’s selection for unfailing protection, The (Amer. Tar & Chem. Co.).
Building for the ages (Queenston Limestone).
Building Material Headquarters (Pioneer Sand & Gravel Co.), Seattle.
Build on Certain-teed, the well-known name (roofing).
Build right, with Insulite (The Insulite Co.), Minneapolis.
Build the Nation securely with the nation’s building stone (Indiana Limestone).
Build to endure (Certain-teed Products Corp.), St. Louis.
Build with machine tool accuracy (Black-Clawson Co.), Hamilton, Ohio.
Bulit by Aberthaw (Aberthaw Contruction Co.).
Built first—to last (Reynolds Shingle Co.), Grand Rapids, Mich.

Cabinet-wood of the elect, The (American Walnut Mfrs. Assn.).
Cement manufacturers for nearly a century (Louisville Cement Co.).
Choice of the crew and the big boss, too, The (Ohio Brass Co.), Mansfield, Ohio.
Concrete for permanence (Portland Cement Assoc.), Chicago.
Cork-lined houses make comfortable homes (Armstrong Cork & Insulation Co.).
Correctly Building Insulation and sound control material (Flax-li-num), St.
Cuts costs, creates sales (Molybdenum), Metal.

Dedicated to progress in the clay industry (Brick & Clay Board), Chicago.
Designed to guard the integrity of the contents (Dodge cork closures).
Distinctive as your thumb print (National Mfg. Corp.), Tonawanda, N. Y.
Door that stands the famous soaking test, The (Wheeler, Osgood Co.), Tacoma.
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