This week’s collection of slogans from William Sunners’ 1949 effort, American Slogans, is taken from a chapter entitled Political, Historical, Patriotic, Military. We’ll split this chapter into two entries, beginning this week with slogans from A-K.
Ad astra per aspera (State of Kansas).
Addition, division and silence (1872).
Agriculture and commerce (State of Tennessee).
Aid short of war (World War II).
Alis volat propriis (former slogan of Oregon).
Alive and happy (Democratic presidential election of 1916).
Alki (State of Washington).
All for our country (State of Nevada).
All men are created equal (Declaration of Independence).
All quiet along the Potomac (in Washington D. C. during Civil War).
All we ask to be let alone (Confederate pre-Civil War slogan).
Although he is silent, he speaks (Modern Woman of the World).
Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest. (Governor Cross, Conn.).
Always ready (U. S. Coast Guard).
America calls (Democratic slogan, 1940, in behalf of Franklin D. Roosevelt).
America first (America First Part, 1939-41).
America first, last and all the time (World War II).
America for Americans (Know-Nothing Party), 1855.
America wants Wilkie! (Republican slogan, 1940, Presidential election).
Americans must rule America (Know-Nothing Party), 1855.
Americans to rule America (Know-Nothing Party), 1855.
An empire within an empire (former Ohio slogan).
An injury to one is the concern of all (Industrial Workers of the World).
Animis opibusque parati (State of South Carolina).
Annuit coeptis (Great Seal of the United States).
Anything to beat Grant (Democrats, Presidential campaign, 1880).
As Maine goes, so goes the nation (pre-election fallacy).
Atlanta must be destroyed (Union slogan, 1864).
Aut Caesar aut nihil (Democratic Presidential campaign, 1884).
Away with the New Deal and its inefficiency (Republican Presidential slogan, ’40).
Back to normalcy with Harding (Republican Presidential campaign), 1920.
Be prepared (Boy Scouts of America).
Be sure you’re right, then go ahead (David Crockett), 1828.
Best of all governments is the one which teaches us to govern ourselves, The (John Adams High School, Cleveland).
Better a third-teamer than a third rater (Democratic Pres. Campaign, 1940).
Better to wear out than rust out (W. C. T. U.), Frances Elizabeth Willard.
Both regiments or none (Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1770).
Breathing spell (Franklin Delano Roosevelt), 1935.
Bury the hatchet (slogan for peace by American Indians).
By and By (State of Washington).
By valor of arms (State of Mississippi).
By her sword she seeks under liberty a calm repose (Massachusetts).
Capitol is in danger, The (Washington D. C.), 1861 (Union slogan).
Cash and carry (Franklin D. Roosevelt’s slogan, 1937).
Cedant arma togae (State of Wyoming).
Cervus alces (Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks).
Charge! And remember Jackson (Confederates at second Chancellorsville Battle).
Chicken in every pot, A (Republican Presidential campaign, 1928).
Chinese must go, The (Workingmen’s Trade and Labor Union), 1890.
Constitution and the Flag, one and inseparable, now and forever (National Democratic Convention), 1900.
Coolidge or chaos (Republican Presidential campaign), 1924.
Cotton is king (slogan of the South).
Crescit eundo (State of New Mexico).
Crossroads of America, The (State of Indiana).
Death rather than surrender our guns on our own soil (Penna. Light Art., 1865).
Death to traitors (slogan of North during Civil War).
Deeds, not words (famous in New England in 1750).
Defeat the New Deal and its reckless spending (Rep. Pres. campaign 1936).
Defend America by aiding our Allies (World War II).
Defender of the mothers will be the protectors of the daughters, The (Tribute to George Washington for first inaugural, 1789).
Delenda est Atlanta (Union slogan), 1864.
Deo vindice (Confederate States of America).
Dirigo (State of Maine).
Ditat Deus (State of Arizona).
Do a good turn daily (Boy Scouts of America).
Do it better yet (Alexander Hamilton).
Do something; if that doesn’t work, try something else (Franklin D. Roosevelt).
Do the day’s work (Calvin Coolidge).
Don’t fire till you see the whites of their eyes (william Prescott at the battle of Bunker Hill).
Don’t give up the ship (Captain James Lawrence), 1813.
Don’t sell America short (anonymous).
Don’t swap horses in the middle of the stream (Republican slogan of 1864 and Democratic slogan of 1940).
Don’t tread on me (first American naval flag).
Down with Hoover (Democratic Presidential campaign slogan, 1932).
Down with Lincoln (anti-Lincoln slogan, 1861).
Down with the draft (1863 in New York City).
Down with Van Burenism (Whigs Presidential campaign slogan), 1840.
Down with Wilson (Republican Presidential campaign slogan), 1920.
Dry up America (Anti-Saloon League of America).
Dum spiro, spero (State of North Carolina).
Dum tacet, clamat (Modern Woman of the World).
Duty is ours, consequences are God’s (Gen. T. J. “Stonewall” Jackson).
Duty is ours, results are God’s (Liberty Party), 1847.
E pluribus unum (Great Seal of the United States).
Eat no meat (Consumers League of New York), 1946.
Either Caesar or nothing (Democratic Presidential campaign slogan), 1884.
Elect McKinley, advance agent of prosperity (Republican Pres. slogan), 1896.
End poverty in Calif (EPIC), Gov. Sinclair’s slogan in 1933.
Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem (State of Massachusetts).
Entangling alliances with none (popular American slogan).
Entrenched greed (Franklin Delano Roosevelt).
Equal rights (State of Wyoming).
Equality before the law (State of Nebraska).
Esse quam videri (State of North Carolina).
Esto perpetua (State of North Carolina).
Eureka (State of California).
Every man a king (Huey Long), 1929.
Every man is as good as his neighbor (popular American slogan).
Excelsior (State of New York).
Fatti maschi parole femine (State of Maryland).
FDR carry on (Democratic National Convention), 1940.
Fear God and take your own part (World War I).
Fifty-four forty or fight (U. S.-Canadian border dispute), 1846.
Fire faster (U. s. Navy, 1812).
First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen (General Henry Lee, concerning George Washington).
Flag of a republic forever, of an empire never, The (Democratic, 1940).
Flag of our Union forever, The (George P. Morris).
Food will win the war (both World Wars).
Foof will win the war, don’t waste it (World War I).
For country and honor (New York National Guard).
For three long years (Republican Presidential Campaign), 1936.
Forty acres and a mule (slogan of the South), 1865.
Forward (State of Wisconsin).
Forward to Richmond (Union slogan), 1861.
Free homes for free men (Republican Presidential campaign), 1860.
Free soil for free men (Republican Presidential campaign), 1860.
Free territory for a free people (Republican Presidential campaign), 1860.
Free trade and sailors’ rights (War of 1812).
Freedom and loyalty (reverse of State seal of West Virginia).
Freedom and unity (Sate of Vermont).
Freedom our rock (Tammany Society of New York).
Friendship (State of Texas).
Friendship, charity and loyalty (Grand Army of the Republic).
Full dinner pail, The (Republican Presidential campaign), 1928.
General Taylor never surrenders (G. L. Crittenden), Whig slogan in 1848.
Give a hand up, not a hand out (Community Chest), 1938.
Give aid to Britain by all methods short of war (American slogan 1941).
Give me liberty or give me death (Patrick Henry).
Give until it hurts (Liberty Loan drives), World War I.
Go west, young man (Horace Greeley).
God enriches (State of Arizona).
God has smiled on our undertakings (translation of slogan on U. S. Seal).
God maintains (Confederate States of America).
God save the United Colonies (Rhode Island, 1776).
Gold and silver (State of Montana).
Good neighbor, The (Franklin Delano Roosevelt), 1933.
Happy days are here again (Franklin Delano Roosevelt), 1932-1936.
He has planned better than the fallen (State of South Carolina).
He has kept us out of war (Democratic Presidential campaign), 1920.
He serves his party best who serves his country best (Rutherford B. Hayes).
He who has transferred, sustains (State of Connecticut).
He who not work shall not eat (Captain John Smith).
Heaven, Hell or Hoboken by Christmas (American Expeditionary Force), 1918.
Here we rest (State of Alabama).
Higher (State of New York).
His name is John (Puerto Rico).
Home and country (Daughters of the American Revolution), 1891.
Honesty at home, honor abroad (Democratic Presidential campaign), 1924.
Honor the dead and aid the living (American Legion).
Hope (State of Rhode Island).
House divided against itself cannot stand (Republican Pres. campaign), 1860.
I carry my sovereignty under my hat (popular American slogan).
I direct (State of Maine).
I hate war (Franklin Delano Roosevelt).
I have found it (State of California).
I have not yet begun to fight (John Paul Jones).
I propose to move immediately upon your works (Ulysses S. Grant).
I want to see you shoot the way you shout (Theodore Roosevelt).
I want you (U. S. Army), World War II.
I was born an American; I live an American; I shall die an American (Webster).
I will defend (State of Michigan).
I will return (General Douglas MacArthur), 1942, Philippines.
I won’t work (facetious interpretation of I. W. W.), Ind. Workers of World.
I welcome their hatred (Franklin Delano Roosevelt).
I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; I will be heard (William Lloyd Garrison).
If thou seekest a beautiful peninsula, look around (State of Michigan).
Imperium in imperio (former slogan of State of Ohio).
In God we trust (State of Florida).
In God we trust (United States coins).
In God we trusted, in Kansas we busted (Kansan settlers), 1888.
In time of peace prepare for war (American belief and slogan).
Industry (State of Utah).
It grows as it goes (State of New Mexico).
It’s time for a change (Republican Presidential campaign, 1944), For Dewey.
Joannes et nomen ejus (Territory of Puerto Rico).
Join or die (Benjamin Franklin during American Revolution).
Just Roosevelt (Democratic National Convention), 1940.
Justice to all (District of Columbia).
Justitia omnibus (District of Columbia).
Keel cool with Coolidge (Republican Presidential campaign), 1924.
Keep ’em flying (United States Army Air Corps).
Keep fit to fight (American Army for National Defense), 1940.