As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market pet food and even a few pets.
All that the name implies (Justrite Co.), Pet supplies.
Ask your veterination (Pard).
Balanced bird ration, The (Bruce’s bird seed).
Best for pets (Heiger Products Co.).
Best for your canary (Brock’s bird seed).
Canaries, the only pets that sing (R. T. French Co.).
Dog Food at its best (Bannock Food Co.).
Dogs are the only friends you can buy for money.
Dogs GO for Gro-Pup (dogfood).
Don’t feed your canary a diet of dust (R. T. French).
Everything for the dog (Stevens).
First in canned dog (Ken-L-Ration).
Give a canary for companionship (R. T. French).
Golden cakes of energy (Chappel Bros.), dog food.
Good dogs deserve good food (Tally Ho).
Good food for good dogs (Bannock Food Co.).
His master’s choice (Calo Food Products), cat food.
His master’s choice (Flag Pet Food Corp.).
If it’s made by Fitzjohn, it made to save you money.
I’m holding out for Kasco (Kasco Mills), dog ration.
Justrite is just right for your pets.
Lopsided diet may ruin your canary’s song, A (R. T. French).
Nourishes every inch of your dog (Gaines dog food).
Our business is going to the dogs (Champion Animal Food Co.).
Pard made a pard of my dog.
Pep for your pup (Min-A-Gro Corp.), Pet food.
Pat makes a pet, A.
Seven course meal, The (Ideal), dog food.
Song in every seed, A (bird seed), R. T. French.
Their choice every time (Perfection Foods Co.), dog food.
Their tails will wag if you feed them Flag.
They moo for more (Suni-Citrus Products).
3-flavor dog food (Red Heart).
Where better goldfish are grown (Ozark Fisheries).
Your canary may be overfed, yet undernourished (R. T. French).
I have a wooden 6 inch ruler with Pard! YOUR BEST FRIEND’S BEST FOOD. Swift Canadian co. Limited on it. Does anyone know what year it came out and if it is worth anything? Thank you.