As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market milk and other dairy products.
Adds 70% more nourishment to milk (Cocomalt), R. B. Davis Co., Hoboken.
Always churned from sweet cream (butter), June Dairy Products Co.
Aristocrat of ice creams, The (Crane’s), Philadelphia.
Aristocrat of cheese family, The (Chateau).
As good as any, better’n some (Crowley’s Milk), Binghamton, N. Y.
Ask your milkman (Milkola Co.), Milwaukee.
Avoid teeter-totter vitality (Horlick’s Malted Milk Co.).
Baby’s milk must be safe (Challenge milk).
Backed by a century of confidence (Supple’s Milk).
Be certain with Certified Milk (Certified Milk Producers of Southern Calif.).
Bottle cry, The (milk).
Bottle of milk is a bottle of health, A (Thatcher), Elmira, N. Y.
Builds robust bodies (Challenge Milk).
Butters that betters the meal, The (Falfurrias Dairy Co.).
Carnation milk from contented cows (Carnation Co.).
Cheese most people like, The (Swift’s Brookfield).
Churned from sweet (not sour) cream (Land O’ Lakes Creameries, Inc.).
Continuous record with guaranteed record, A (Milk Testing Apparatus).
Country fresh (butter), June Dairy Products Co.
Cream city way to pure milk production, The (Gender, Paeschke & Frey Co.).
Cream’s rival (Sego Milk Products Co.), Salt Lake City.
Delicious cheddar cheese food, The (Pabst-ette).
Digestible as milk itself (Velveeta cheese).
Drink a glass of health (Malted milk drink), S. Gumpert & Co.
Easy to spread, good to taste, economical to use (cheese), June Dairy.
First hand to touch it are yours, The (Elkhorn cheese), J. L. Kraft & Bros.
Fit for a golden spoon (Lady Borden ice cream).
Flavor-full milk (Hage’s, Ltd.).
For delicious ice cream (Alaska Freezer Co.), Winchendon, Mass.
For GOODness sake (June Dairy products).
For smoother ice cream (Junket Ice cream).
Fountain of youth, The (Horlick’s Malted Milk Corp.).
Fresh as a daisy (butter), June Dairy Products.
Fresh milk; drink it once a day (Fresh Milk Industry of Southern Calif.).
Fresh milk; have you had your glass today? (Fresh Milk Industry).
From contented cows (Carnation Milk Products Co.).
Gives cream and butter flavor (Pet Milk Co.), St. Louis.
Glass-full of health, A (Malted Milk Drink), Gumpert & Co.
Good things of milk and malt, The (Horlick’s Malted Milk tablets).
Highest continuous record in official scoring tests (Adohr Creamery Co.).
How to make a muscle (National Dairy products).
Ice cream for health (Nat. Assn. of Ice Cream Mfrs.), Harrisburg, Pa.
Ice cream, one of the good things of life (Esmond Gundlach & Co.).
If it’s Bird’s, it’s pure (ice cream powder), London, England.
If it’s Borden’s, it’s got to be good (milk products).
If it’s AA-grade malted milk, it’s White Cross.
If it’s Thompson’s, it’s double malted.
Inspected, protected (Dairymen’s League Cooperative Assn.).
It is better and you can prove it (Borden’s).
It slices, it cooks, it keeps (Kraft Cheese Co.).
It’s still smart to be healthy (Quality Ice Cream).
It’s the best (Reid ice Cream Co.), Brooklyn, N. Y.
Keep your vitality up. Drink Horlick’s (malted milk).
King of cheese (Purity Cheese Co.), Mayville, Wisc.
Know your milkman (Twin City Milk Producers Assn.).
Look for Tillamook on the rind (Tillamook County Creamery Assn.).
Make in the milky way (churned), Ohio Butterine Co., Cincinnati.
Makes food taste better (grated cheese), Carroccio & Sons.
Makes milk into delicious desserts (Junket powder).
Make your future more secure with more milk per acre (National Dairy).
Make your grocer your milkman (Hage’s Ltd.).
Marshak’s makes children drink milk willingly (Maltmolak).
Milk at its best (Pet Milk Co.).
Milk every doctor knows, The (Carnation).
Milk that cuts the cost of cooking (Borden’s Condensed Milk).
Milk that is milk, The (Caulfield & Sons, Ltd.).
More milker for less money (Rite-Way Milker).
Mother’s first thought for every milk need (White House Evaporated Milk).
Nature forgot vitamin D, but Dean’s didn’t (Dean Milk Co.).
Nature’s most nearly perfect food (milk).
No matter how diluted, it is never skimmed milk (Pet Milk Co.), St. Louis.
No rind, no waste (cheese), June Dairy Products Co.
Original whole milk cheese food, The (Pabst-ette).
Pasteurized for purity (Kraft Cheese Co.).
Pure country milk with the cream left in (Evaporated milk), Borden’s.
Quality is not accidental (Goldenrod Ice Cream Co.).
Refreshing, invigorating, strong: the last word in Grade A (Challenge Milk).
Safe milk from clean farms (Clover Leaf Dairy).
Safest package of milk you can buy, The (Dacro Metal Coverall Caps).
Salted just right (butter), June Dairy Products.
Say Shefford for fine cheese.
Smartest package for increasing milk sales, The (Dacro Metal).
Smile follows the spoon, The (Poinsettia Ice Cream Co.), Tampa.
Standard of better dairies (Esco).
Standard of the world (Dairy preparations), C. Hanson’s Laboratory.
There’s none better (White House Evaporated Milk).
These brands assure you of highest quality (Nat. Dairy).
This brand assures you of highest quality (Nat. Dairy).
Watch your children thrive on it (chocolate malted milk), Borden’s.
Wherever the recipe calls for milk (Evaporated), Borden’s.
World’s finest milk, The (Walker-Gorden).
You can depend on the name (Borden’s milk).
You can whip our cream, but you can’t beat our milk (Story Dairy).
You can whip our cream, but you can’t beat our prices.
You eat it with a smile (Seale-Lilly Ice Cream Co.).
You’ll fall in love with Jersey Maid (Jersey Maid Ice Cream Co.).
You’ll like Red Rock (cheese), Red Rock Co., San Francisco.