As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market wines and spirits, especially whiskey.
All around whiskey, The (Ancient Ace), Schenley.
American whiskey for the American taste, The (Frankfort Distilleries).
America’s finest whiskey regardless of age or price (Four Roses).
America’s first gin (Fleischmann’s).
America’s luxury whiskey (Ben Burk, Inc.).
America’s most distinguished vermouth (Tiara).
America’s most famous bouquet (Four Roses whiskey).
America’s social-light whiskey (Ben Burk, Inc.).
An American gentleman’s whiskey since 1860 (Hunter).
Answer is in the bottle, The (Teacher’s).
Aristocrat of blended Scotch-type whiskey (Royal Banquet).
Arrow means quality in any language (liquers).
As different as day and night (Overhold Whiskey), Broad Ford, Pa.
As good as gold and good for you (wine), Cercle D’Or, Inc.
As natural as nature (Schenley International Corp.).
At its pre-war best (Three Feathers).
Be considerate, serve wine (Wine Advisory Board), San Francisco.
Be refreshed with Budwine (Budwine Co.), Athens, Ga.
Best buy in rye (Kasko Distillers Corp.). Philadelphia.
Best in any case (Lord & Chase), Chicago.
Be wine wise (Fruit Industries, Ltd.).
Blended whiskey of character (Carstairs).
Blend of all straight whiskies, A (Paul Jones).
Blend of experience, The (Park & Tilford Reserve).
Blueprint of a perfect cocktail (G & D Vermouth).
Born 1820, still going strong (Johnnie Walker).
Born where a king of France was born (Otard Cognac).
Brandy of Napoleaon, The (Courvosier).
Cheerful as its name (Old Sunny Brook), Whiskey.
Clean clear through (rye), Continental Distilling Corp., Philadelphia.
Clear heads call for Calvert (blended whiskey), Calvert.
Clear heads choose Calvert (whiskey).
Cognac brandy for every occasion, The (Martel).
Crest of quality wine since 1889, The (Cresta Blanca).
Crowning achievement of vintner skill, The (Grand Estate Wines), Roma Wine.
Crystal clear gin in the crystal clear bottle, The (American Distilling Corp.).
Designed for your pleasure today, tomorrow and always (Seagram’s).
Discover the difference (Southern Comfort).
Distilled by the celebrated Old English process (American Distilling Co.).
Distilled from selected grains (American Distilling Co.).
Don’t be vague, ask for Haig (Somerset Importers, Ltd.).
Drink moderately, insist on quality (James Clark Distilling Corp.).
Drinks never taste thin with Gordon Gin.
Enjoy a sip of California Sunshine (Alta Vineyards Co.).
Finest American wines since 1835 (Virginia Dare).
First among fine whiskies (Three Feathers).
First in quality (Schenley Distillers Corp.).
First of all, for flavor (Paul Jones).
First over the bars (Hunter whiskey).
Flavor-mellowed in wood for years (ginger ale), Verner’s, Detroit.
Flavor secret of the finest cocktails, The (Martini & Rossi), Vermouth.
For a man who plans beyond tomorrow (Seagram).
For men of distinction (Calvert whisky).
For men who know fine whiskies (Kentucky Tavern).
For Pleasant Moments (P. M. whiskey).
For the great moments (Great Western), American Champagne.
For the king of old-fashioneds (King whiskey).
For the man who cares (White Seal whiskey), Carstairs Bros.
From the finest of the vines (Cresta Blanca).
From the heart of California (Roma wines).
From the heart of the grain country (American Distilling Co.).
Gentle as a lamb (Scotch whiskey), Train & McIntyre, Ltd.
Gentleman’s drink, A (Cutty Sark whiskey), Berry Bros. & Co.
Gentleman’s whiskey since 1865, A (Paul Jones).
Gets a hand in any land (Arrow liquors).
Gibson’s goes down easily (Schenley Distillers Corp.), New York.
Give your guest what he wishes (National distillers).
Gold medal whiskey, The (I. W. Harper).
Grand old Canadian name, A (Corby’s whiskey).
Grand old drink of the South, The (Southern Comfort).
Greatest name in vodka, The (Smirnoff).
Greatest name in wine, The (Roma), Fresno, Calif.
Great Western for great moments (champagne).
Enjoy a sip of California Sunshine (Alta Vineyards Co.).
Hale and hearty (Kasko Distillers Prods. Corp.).
Has no peers for fifty years (Golden Wedding).
Head of the Bourbon family (Old Grand-dad).
Heart of a good cocktail, The (Gordon’s Gin).
Heritage to remember, A (Philadelphia whiskey).
Here’s to your heath and happiness (wine), Cercle D’Or, Inc., Orlando, Fla.
Heritage whiskey, The (Philadelphia).
Highest standard of quality, The (Lanson), Champagne.
If it isn’t P. M., it isn’t an evening (P. M. whiskey).
In 87 lands no other whiskey tastes like Canadian Club.
It had to be better to enjoy such universal preference for 320 years (Haig).
It’s all whiskey (Town Club).
It’s always a pleasure (whiskey), I. W. Harper.
Its good taste always stands out (Old Overholt).
It’s good to know (Imperial whiskey).
It’s got a smooth punch (Lincoln Inn Distilling Co.).
It’s smart to say Seagram’s V.O.
It’s straight whiskey (Kentucky Tavern).
It’s the flavor (Teachers whiskey).
It’s the real thing (Calvert).
It’s “velveted” (Imperial whiskey).
Joyful gallon jug (wine and brandy), Fruit Industries, Ltd.
Just that much better (Seagram).
King of blends, The (Eagle whiskey), Nat. Distillers Prods. Corp.
Light or dry, in step with the times (Maraca rum).
Little Brown Friar for good cheer (whiskey).
Luxury blend for the “carriage trade,” A (Gallagher & Burton whiskey).
Made in California for enjoyment throughout the world (Roma wine).
Made in the “champagne district of America.” Gold Seal wines.
Made right, aged right, priced right (Daniel Webster), Paramount Dist. Corp.
Make every meal a bouquet (California wines), Bisceglia Bros. Corp.
Making friends through the years (whiskey), Hunter.
Man who cares says: “Carstairs White Seal,” The (whiskey).
Master blend, The (Cobbs Whiskey).
Measure of perfection, The (Wm. Penn whiskey).
Medal Scotch of the world, The (Dewar’s).
Mellow as moonlight (W. P. Powers), Distiller.
Mellow as old Bourbon (Bushmill’s whiskey).
Mixed by masters, mellowed by time (Tom Collins Corp.), Cincinnati.
Enjoy a sip of California Sunshine (Alta Vineyards Co.).
Needs no chaser (Spot Bottle Whiskey), Ben Burk, Inc.’
New high in whiskey smoothness, A (Ten High).
Noble Scotch, A (Scotch), Train & McIntyre, Ltd.
No extravagant claims, just a real good product (whiskey), Brown Friar.
Not a drop is sold till it’s seven years old (John Jameson Whiskey).
No wonder Fleischmann’s Preferred is PREFERRED (whiskey).
Occasion calls for, The (champagne), Robinson Lloyds, Ltd.
Of topmost choice (Old Taylor Whiskey).
Oldest name in Scotch, The (Somerset Importers, Ltd.).
One of the world’s great whiskeys (Bushmill).
One taste will tell you why (Nat. Distillers Prods. Corp.).
Only quality endures (whiskey), Brown Friar.
Orchard flavor in every sip (Greystone fruit wines), Bisceglia Bros.
Peak of perfection, The (old Poindexter Whiskey), Franklin Country Dist. Co.
Perfection of Scotch whiskey, The (Teacher’s).
Perfectly balanced blend, The (whiskey).
Pour Glenmore, you’ll get more (Glenmore Distilleries Co.), Louisville.
Front line in wine, The (Bisceglia Bros.), Philadelphia.
Puerto Rican mountain rum, The (Bon Merito).
Quality tells (Vat 69), Whiskey.
Quality tells (Park & Tilford).
Remember Ronrico, best rum, bar none (Ronrico Corp.).
Renowned ’round the world (American Wine Co.).
Rich as a symphony (Penn Maryland Whiskey).
Right spirit, The (Teachers).
Rising BARometer of whiskey preference, The (Three Feathers), Oldetyme.
Robust as old rye (Bushmill’s whiskey).
Same great whiskey today as before the war (Four Roses).
Same quality throughout the world (Johnny Walker).
Say it again (Virginia Dare).
Say Seagram’s and be sure (whiskey).
Say Seagram’s and be sure of pre-war quality (whiskey).
Schenley’s the “buy” word for ’40.
Scotch that circles the globe, The (Continental Distilling Co.).
Scotch with character, The (Black & White whiskey), Fleischmann.
Seal of assurance, The (Seagram’s Distillers Corp.).
Selected from the world’s greatest reserves of fine wines (Roma).
Signed, sealed, and delicious (Old Taylor whiskey).
Sign of good taste, The (Distillers and Brewers Corp. of America).
Smooth as a swallow (Distillers Co., Ltd.), Browne Vintners.
Smooth as silk, but not high hat (Kessler’s blended whiskey).
Smoother, lighter, richer than ever (Three Feathers).
Sportsmen’s whiskey, The (W. A. Taylor & Co.).
Enjoy a sip of California Sunshine (Alta Vineyards Co.).
Tangy as old Scotch (Bushmill’s whiskey).
Test that tells, The (American Distilling Co.).
That taste’s always in season (Old Grand-dad).
There is nothing better in the market (Old Forester), whiskey.
There’s a difference worth knowing (Schenley).
There’s no gin like Gordon’s (Old Forester).
Think before you drink, say Seagram’s and be sure.
Those in the know ask for Old Crow (whiskey).
Time works wonders (Seagram’s).
Truly great name among America’s great whiskies, A (Old Crow).
Unhurried whiskey for unhurried moments, The (Kinsey).
Upon reflection, the best (Dewar’s White Label).
Very best buy is the whiskey that’s dry, The (Paul Jones).
Wed in the wood (Old Thompson), whiskey.
Welcomed in the best homes (Royal Banquet whiskey).
What more could a man ask? (Four Roses).
What soda is to Scotch, Hoffman rye mixer is to rye.
When you would serve the best (Johnnie Walker).
Whiskey for every taste and purse, A (Park & Tilford).
Whiskey for the gourmet, The (Kentucky Tavern).
Whiskey that grew up with America, The (Alexander Young Distilling Co.).
Whiskey that has everything (Bushmill’s).
Whiskey that speaks for itself, The (Oldetyme Distillers).
Whiskey with no regrets, The (Oldetime Distilling Co.).
Whiskey you feel good about, The (Golden Wedding), J. S. Finch & Co.
Wilson, “That’s all” (whiskey).
Wine that tastes as good as it looks, The (Cresta Blanca).
Wine with the champagne taste, The (Pacific Wines, Inc.).
World knows no better Scotch, The (Haig & Haig).
World’s smoothest drink (Bacardi cocktail).
Your best buy in good taste (Roma wine).
You’re sure of genuineness (Seagram’s).
Your guide to good liquors (National Distillers).
Your guide to good living (National Distillers).
You will notice a difference (National Refining).