As the Pitch Perfect series continues, today we feature a 1949 collection of advertising slogans used to market funeral chapels, mortuaries and their tools of the trade.
Empire memorials, the perfect tribute (Empire Monument Co.), Albany.
Finest tribute, most trusted protection, The (Clark Grave Vault Co.).
Fluid worthy of your skill, A (Kellogg embalming fluid).
Golden rule service (Chas. W. Heath Funeral Home), Edinburg, Ill.
Hearts are relieved of leaden distress (Hesh Mortuary).
Lasting tribute of modern interment, A (Sozonian metal vaults).
Mark every grave (Memorial Craftsmen of America).
Memorial sublime, The (Deagan chimes).
Memories are re-lived in your nearness (Nyliram Chapel).
Only flag that fits all cars, The (Fullerton-Kearney funeral flag).
Respect entails burials economically conceived, courteously arranged (Reber).
Seal that endures in the seal that insures, The (Norwalk vault), Plainfield.
Service conducted with dignity and simplicity (Hamilton Funeral Home).
That they may rest in peace (Clark Grave Vault Co.).
Thicker the metal, the longer the protection, The (Perfection Burial Vault).
Where intelligence lets love into all matters (Williams Interment).
Where beauty softens grief (Riverside Memorial Chapel).