Here are 10 things you should know about Jane Bryan, born 104 years ago today. She may not be well known to many, but she’s a familiar face to movie buffs—impressive considering her career spanned just four years.
Tag: Rexall
Pitch perfect: retail establishments
As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans used to market retail establishments.
America’s gift and gadget headquarters, (The Bar Mart, Inc.), New York.
America’s most beautiful store (Russek’s), New York.
An outstanding store in an outstanding town (C. F. Jackson), Findlay, Ohio.
Benjamin’s quality is the difference that tells (Benjamin’s), Salisbury, Md.
Best always comes from Small’s The (Small’s), New York.
Best little town store (Oyster), Lumberport, W. Va.
Bridal House, The (Lenora Ormsby, Inc.), New York.
Business men’s department store, The (McManus Troup Co.), Toledo, Ohio.
Cancer harms elderly and tired employees remorselessly (Nelots Sanatorium).
Cleveland’s better food markets (Kroger’s).
Dollars expand buying from Rand (Rand Drug Store).
Everything for everywoman (G. W. Gates), Anderson, Ind.
Fabricate ideas into metal products. (Grammes & Sons, Inc.), Allentown, Pa.
Follow the trend of youth to the Collegiate Shop (Indianapolis).
For good eating at sensible cost (A & P Stores).
For important clothes, it’s Kerman stores (Chicago).
For stores of quality standard (J. Schoeneman, Inc.), Baltimore, Md.
Friendly Store, The (Oliver A. Olson Co., Inc.), New York.
From Maine to Texas . . . and growing (A. Schulte), New York.
Good values consistently (N. Y. Merchandise Co, Inc.), New York.
Heart of Milwaukee, The (Boston Store), Wisconsin.
House of Quality, The (Victoria Paper & Twine Co.).
I bring my store to your door (McConnon & Co.), Winona, Minn.
If it has merit, Merritt has it (Merritt Grocery Store)(, Coronado, Calif.
It pays to buy where you buy in safety (A. Jaeckel & Co.), New York.
It pays to store where you store in safety (A. Jaeckel & Co.).
It pays you to buy from Schwabacher-Frey (stationery store), San Francisco.
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