What’s Your Drive-in Theatre I.Q.?

Longtime readers probably know that we’re huge devotees of drive-in movie theatres, so we perked right up recently when we watched a Richard Karn-hosted edition of Family Feud that included a question about ozoners.

The question was, “Name a rule at a drive-in theatre”; six answers were posted on the board, and the two families combined to name three of them.

Wondering how many you might be able to guess? Just watch the video below to test your Drive-in Theatre Etiquette I.Q.

Past Paper: Stampix

As aficionados of all things vintage and ephemeral, we love coming across items we never knew existed, products we never knew were on the market.

When our beloved mother left us a few years ago, we found this item among the big box of old photos that she’d long promised to organize, but never quite got around to.

The images are not of Mom, though, or one of her relatives; it’s Dad’s younger sister, Aunt Marilyn. Each page of these tiny images is perforated, like a book of stamps, and like a book of stamps, they have adhesive on the back.

We’ve not researched it, but we wouldn’t be a bit surprised if a similar product is available today, from companies like Zazzle or Shutterfly, but we found this booklet of images particularly charming.

Merry Christmas from Cladrite Radio—and Carole Lombard!

Here’s wishing a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year to Cladrite Radio readers and listeners everywhere!

And as a gift from us to you, we’re placing Carole Lombard, ca. 1927, under the tree.

P.S. A reader sent this image our way, so we don’t know who “The Giant” might be—we would otherwise give due credit for the picture’s tinting. But here’s a tip of the fedora to said Giant, wherever and whomever he (or she) may be.