As the Pitch Perfect series continues, today we feature a 1949 collection of advertising slogans used to market movie studios and other entertainment companies.
Ars gratis artis (MGM)
Art for art’s sake (MGM)
Create happy hours (Selznick Picture Corp.).
Everything for your entertaining needs (The Bar Mart).
Gems of the screen (Columbia Pictures Corp.)
Greatest show on earth (Barnum & Bailey).
If it’s a Paramount picture, it’s the best show in town.
Keep your eyes and ears on Movie-Mite (Kansas City, Mo.).
King can have no more, A (Paramount).
More stars than there are in heaven (MGM).
Moral pictures most mothers approve (Hygienic Productions), Wilmington, Ohio.
Morally straight, physically strong, mentally awake (Hygienic Productions).
Motion pictures are the nation’s relaxation (Royal Pictures).
Movies make many merry moments (Royal).
Movies mean many merry moments (Royal).
Out of the reels come real stories (Royal).
Real or reel, Royal is best (Royal Pictures).
Royal is loyal to American democracy.
Royal releases release your worries.