As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market bug spray, insecticides, and flea powder.
Better things for better living, through chemistry (Dupont insect spray).
Bringing the marvels of science to your farm (Pestroy), Sherwin-Williams.
Concentrated insectocide, The (Elkay Products Corp.).
Dead moths eat no holes (Moth-Tox), Moth-Tox.
Doesn’t stun ’em, kills ’em (The Fly-Foon Co.), Toledo.
Don’t get bit, get Flit.
Don’t live in a “bug house” (Magic Mist), Bug spray.
Double doom to flies and mosquitoes (Fly-Ded insect spray). Midway Chem. Co.
Flit spray does not stain.
Forget the moth; save the cloth (Larvex).
Guaranteed moth protection (The Lane Co.).
It penetrates (The Black Flag Co.).
It’s a killer (Flak), Wilbert Products Co.
It’s bug tested (Black Flag Insect Spray). A. S. Boyle Co.
It’s the gas that kills them (American Cyanamid Co.).
Kills ants in the nest (Antrol), Antrol Laboratories.
Kills bugs wholesale (Colonial Chemical Corp.).
Kills flies by the roomful (Colonial Chem. Corp.), Reading, Pa.
Kills moth worms (The Expello Corp.).
Kills them off and keeps them off (Pulvex Flea Powder).
Look for the leaf on the package (Black Leaf insecticide).
Moth is more destructive than the flame, The (Keystone Chemical Co.).
98% kill-power (Whiz insect killer).
Protects your garden, and you (Ever Green garden spray).
Quick, Henry, the Flit (insect spray).
Quickly kills garden pests (Snarol), Antrol Laboratories.
Slays all insects (Slazol), Insecticide.
Spray “Jake” for safety sake (insecticide), Elkay Products Corp.
Sudden death to moths (Excello).
There is only one Fly-Tox (insecticide).
They kill them all (Wilson fly pads).
Treat the cloth and starve the moth (Larvex).
Weed exterminator, The (herbicide), Reade Mfg. Co.
Wipe ’em out, don’t stir ’em up (Sergeant’s flea powder).
Year ’round insecticide, The (McCormick & Co.), Baltimore.
Yellow package with the gable top, The (West Disinfecting Co.), CN.