As the Pitch Perfect series continues, we today feature a collection of 1949 advertising slogans that were used to market washing machines and commercial laundry services.
America’s leading washing machine (A. B. C. Super Electric).
As gentle as human hands (Easy washer).
Barton clothes saver washer (Barton Corp.), West Bend, Wisc.
Bendix does the wash without you, The.
Better built to do a better job (Launderall).
Brings happiness to homework (washer), Bluebird Appliance Co.
Bubble action vacuum washer (Black & Decker Mfg. Co.).
Built like the finest automobile (Whirlpool washer), 1900 Washer Co.
Cataraction, the only real figure-8 movement (Cataract washer).
Clothes do help you win, dry clean them oftener (Am. Laundry Mch. Co.).
Coin-operated laundry store (Launderette).
Eden cleans by gentle means, The (Brokaw-Eden Mfg. Co.), Washer.
Even the collars and cuffs are clean (Coffield), Washer.
Everything you ever wanted in an automatic home laundry (Launderall).
Fastest in the world (washer), Savage Arms Corp., Utica, N. Y.
From clothes hamer to clothes line, fastest in the world (Savage Arms).
Get more with Thor (washer).
If it doesn’t see itself, don’t keep it (Maytag washer).
If you can afford a washer, you can afford a Bendix.
It tumbles the clothes as it circulates them (Whirlpool washer).
Laundry does it better, The (Laundry Industry of Seattle).
Let our telephone wire be your clothes line (Consolidated Laundry Co.).
Millions of women have their hearts set on a new Maytag (washer).
Rinses as it whirls, dries as it whirls, needs no wringer (Geo. Dunham).
‘Round and ’round and over and over (Whirlpool washer), 1900 Washer Co.
Send it to the laundry (Am. Laundry Machinery Co.).
To lighten the burden of womankind (Crystal Washing Machine).
Voss o’clock am sure 9 o’clock (Washing machines), Voss Bros. Mfg. Co.
Washer of tomorrow is the Barton of today (Barton Corp.).
Washer with the backbone, The (Fletcher Works, Inc.).
Washes and dries without a wringer (Laundryette Mfg. Co.).
Washes more clothes faster (Easy washer).
We soak the clothes, not the public (Morin Wet Wash), Laundry.
Where efficiency is demanded, the Conlon is preferred (Electric Washers).
You’re money ahead with a Maytag (Maytag Co.), Newton, Iowa.