Here are 10 things you should know about Patricia Collinge, born 130 years ago today. She enjoyed a remarkably varied career, achieving success on stage, the screen and television and as a writer.
Tag: Douglas Fairbanks Sr.
10 Things You Should Know About Janet Gaynor
Here are 10 things you should know about Janet Gaynor, born 115 years ago today. She rose rapidly to stardom in the late 1920s but by the late ’30s had all but retired.
Jack Benny slept here
Though we’re committed New Yorkers, we woulnd’t mind a bit spending a few weeks — perhaps even a few months — a year in Los Angeles. We even find ourselves daydreaming about the City of Angels from time to time.
And yet, we came around slowly on L.A. Our first couple of visits were enjoyable enough, but we didn’t find the city particularly engaging. After three week-long sojourns there over the past six or seven years, though, we’ve been won over.
We view the city through a movie buff’s eye, primarily, and spend our time motoring about checking out movie stars’ homes, vintage movie palaces, and locations for favorite classic pictures (though we’re also happy just puttering through the various old neighborhoods south of the Hollywood hills — we love the residential architecture in old L.A.).
We didn’t snap the photos shared below; we bought them at a flea market some years back. They’re snapshots taken around Hollywood and its environs back in the day How old they are, exactly, we’re not sure — we’re inclined to think they’re from the late 1930s, but we’re open to guesses from you, gentle readers. (For larger views, just click the images.)