Pitch perfect: funeral homes

As the Pitch Perfect series continues, today we feature a 1949 collection of advertising slogans used to market funeral chapels, mortuaries and their tools of the trade.

Empire memorials, the perfect tribute (Empire Monument Co.), Albany.

Finest tribute, most trusted protection, The (Clark Grave Vault Co.).
Fluid worthy of your skill, A (Kellogg embalming fluid).

Golden rule service (Chas. W. Heath Funeral Home), Edinburg, Ill.

Hearts are relieved of leaden distress (Hesh Mortuary).

Lasting tribute of modern interment, A (Sozonian metal vaults).

Mark every grave (Memorial Craftsmen of America).
Memorial sublime, The (Deagan chimes).
Memories are re-lived in your nearness (Nyliram Chapel).

Only flag that fits all cars, The (Fullerton-Kearney funeral flag).

Respect entails burials economically conceived, courteously arranged (Reber).

Seal that endures in the seal that insures, The (Norwalk vault), Plainfield.
Service conducted with dignity and simplicity (Hamilton Funeral Home).

That they may rest in peace (Clark Grave Vault Co.).
Thicker the metal, the longer the protection, The (Perfection Burial Vault).

Where intelligence lets love into all matters (Williams Interment).
Where beauty softens grief (Riverside Memorial Chapel).

Pitch perfect: stoves

As the Pitch Perfect series continues, today we feature a 1949 collection of advertising slogans used to market stoves, heaters, and ranges.

Always save in the end (Keith Furnace Co.), Des Moines.
America’s favorite camp stove (American Gas Machine Co.).
America’s more popular camp stove (American Gas Machine Co.).
An above-the-floor furnace (parlor furnace), Allen Mfg. Co., Nashville.
Aristocrat of electric ranges, The (Benjamin Electric Co.), Chicago.

Beauty and warmth (National Radiator Co.), Johnstone, Pa.
Besler brings the steam to your job (Besler Corp.), Emeryville, Calif.
Biggest name in portable electric heaters, The (Arvin).
Brings a touch of the tropics (Flamingo gas heaters), Jackes-Evans Mfg. Co.
Built to save oil (Boss Oil Air Stove), Huenefeld Co., Cincinnati.

Change work to play three times a day (Standard Electric Stove Co.).
Chases chills from cold corners (Perfection Stove Co.).
Choice of over a million women, A (stoves), The Moore Corp., Joliet, Ill.
Clean, convenient, dependable and now economical electrical cooking (Everhot).
Come home to comfort (Bryant Heater Co.), Cleveland.
Comfortable heat when you want it, where you want it, at a price you can afford (Oilray Safety Heater, Inc.), Chicago.
Complete heating satisfaction (Orr & Sembower, Inc.), Reading, Pa.
Complete heating satisfaction (The Stubbs Co.), Cleveland.
Cooking is just a SNAP in an Estate electric range (Estate Stove Co.).
Cook stove and gas plant all in one (Coleman Lamp Co.), Wichita, Kan.
Cooks with the gas turned off (Chambers Corp.), Shelbyville, Ind.
Cozy comfort for chilly days (American Gas Machine Co.), Albert Lea, Minn.
Cradled silence (Doe Oil Burner), Oil-Elec-Tric Engineering Corp.

Delco heat Minute Man to protect your heating comfort for the duration.
Designed by women for women (Hotpoint ranges).
Dunham heating means better heating (Chicago).

Easiest and cheapest way to heat your home, The (Electrol, Inc.).
Electric range with the safety, The (Presteline).

First, from the very first (Ray Oil Burner Co.).
Fitted flame burners (Roberts & Mander Corp.).
Flame that will brighten your future (gas heaters).
Floating flame (Century Engineering Corp.), Cedar Rapids.
Foods taste better cooked with gas.
For better and faster baking (Pyrex ovenware).
For comfort and pleasure all through the house (heater), Arvin.
For increased fuel economy (Edge Moor Iron Co.), Edge Moor, Del.
Furnace freedom (Penn Electric Switch Co.).
Furnace heat for every home (Monitor Stove Co.).

Gas, the comfort fuel (Philadelphia Gas Works Co.).
Gas range with the lifetime burner guarantee, The (Magic Chef).
Gas range you want, The (Caloric).
Gas service for cooking, no matter where you live (Coleman Lamp Co.).
Gives you the most from heat (The Bristol Co.), Waterbury.
Glenwood Ranges make cooking easier (Glenwood Range Co.), Taunton, Mass.
Greatest recent advance in building and heating economy, The (Thermolath).
Guaranteed heating (U. S. Radiator Co.), Detroit.
Guardian of the nation’s health (water heater), A. O. Smith Corp.
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Pitch perfect: public utilities

As the Pitch Perfect series continues, today we feature a 1949 collection of advertising slogans used to market public utilities.

America, a land of light in a world of darkness (Consumers Public Power).
At your service (New York Edison).

Citizen, wherever we serve, A (Georgia Railway & Power Co.).
Complete gas service for every home (American Gas Machine Co.), Albert Lea, Minn.
Costs less per month of service (Vesta Accumulator Co.).

Don’t write, telegraph (Western Union).
Don’t write, telephone (Bell Telephone).

For the greatest good of the greatest number (City Light).
Friendly place to work, A (Bell Telephone).

Good job for you, A (U. S. Army).

In the twinkling of an eye (Trans-Canada System), Telephone.

Live electrically and enjoy the difference (Reddy Kilowatt).
Long distance is the shortest way home (Bell System).

Most for your money in fuel, The (Illinois-Iowa Power Co.).

One policy, one system, universal service (American Tel. & Telegraph Co.).
Our ambition: ideal telephone service for Michigan (Mich. Bell Tel. Co.).

Power that lights and moves Alabama, The (Alabama Power Co.).

So many times a telegram means so much (Western Union).

Telephone appointments prevent disappointments.

Use the Bell to sell (Bell Telephone Co.).

Voice with a smile, The (Bell).
Voice with the smile wins, The (Am. Tel. & Tel. Co.).
Voice with the smile wins the world over, The (Am. Tel. & Tel. Co.).

Pitch perfect: machinery

As the Pitch Perfect series continues, today we feature a 1949 collection of advertising slogans used to market machinery and machine parts.

Adamite Gears last for years (Pittsburgh Iron & Steel Foundries).
All-purpose, one-man crane, The (Byers Machine Co.).
All there is in bearings (Timken).
All work and no play (Timken Roller Bearing Co.).
American way is the right way, The (Am. Slicing Machine Co.).
America’s foremost tractor (Wallis), J. I Case Plow Works.
America’s leading replacement ring (Am. Hammered Piston Ring Co.).
America’s pioneers in worm gears (Cleveland Worm & Gear Co.).
An all-’round farm motor of a higher type (Piersen Telegraph Transmitter Co.).
An institution of service (Reading Industrial Loom).
An invention, not an imitation (New Idea Spreader Co.), Coldwater, Ohio.
Any price is too high if it can be reduced (International Harvester).
As easy to operate as a vacuum cleaner (Coldwell Lawn Mower Co.)
As fast as your machine can sew (Hemmer).
Ask any owner (Buckeye Traction Ditcher Co.), Findlay, Ohio.
Ask the man in the cab (Locomotive Crane).
A T & M advances centrifugal design (American Tool & Machine Co.).
Automatic set-up for wear (Blackmer Pump Co.).

Be profit-wise and Dieselize with Buckeyes (engines), Buckeye Machine Co.
Better, quicker, cheaper (Caterpillar Tractor Co.).
Between today’s knowledge and tomorrow’s looms (Crompton & Knowles).
Biggest of all in range of industrial products (Allis-Chalmers).
Blue brutes (Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp.), Newark, N. J.
Blue ribbon products (Coppers Engineering Corp.), Worcester, Mass.
Bowers saves power (Bower Rolling Bearing Co.).
Bucket design (Blackmer Pump Co.), Grand Rapids.
Builders of heavy duty engines for over twenty years (Waukesha Motor Co.).
Built to endure (Black & Decker Mfg. Co.), Towson, Md.
Built to live in the water (Chrysler marine engines).
Burn your name in metal (Arkograph Pen Co.), Portland, Ore.

Can speed the nation’s freight (Timken roller bearings).
Caps ’em all (bottle capper), Comstock-Bolton Co.
Cap with the handy lever, The (Kork-N-Seal Closure), Crown Cork.
Cap with the little lever, The (Williams Sealing Corp.), Decatur, Ill.
Century of confidence, A (Roebling mining cables).
Chains that have grown up with the oil fields, The (Rex Chain Belt Co.).
Compo makes the machinery that makes the better shoes.
Connecting link between power and production, The (Clipper Belt Lacer Co.).
Covers all filtration problems (Purolator filter).
Cutter that does not clog, The (Paper Machine Co.), Shortsville, N. Y.

Demonstration is a revelation, A (Savage Arms Corp.).
Dependable power, absolute safety (Troy Engine & Machine Co.).
Dependable power units (Domestic Engine & Pump Co.), Shippensburg, Pa.
Dependable power units for contractors (Domestic Engine & Pump Co.).
Designed for your industry, engineered for you (Coppers Engineering Corp.).
Diesel brawn without the bulk (Detroit Diesel motor).
Dig for all the world (Hayward buckets).
Distinguished service line, The (W. H. Page Boiler Co.).
Distinguished service separator, The (De Laval Separator Co.).
Do more with Meyer (Bottling equipment), Cudahy, Wisc.
Dual duty (Timken Roller Bearing).

Electric hoist that operates in the minimum, The (American Engineering Co.).
Engine builders source for piston rings, The (Muskegon).
Engineered to the job (Rollway Bearing Co.), Syracuse, N. Y.
Engineering consultants on the South (J. E. Sirrine & Co.), Greenville, S. C.
Every line a leader (Fairbanks Morse & Co.), Chicago.
Every pound of power pulls (Dorr-Miller Differential Co.).
Everything for every mill and elevator (Strong-Scott Mfg. Co.).
Ezy-Kleen strainers (Blackman Pump Co.), Grand Rapids.
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Pitch perfect: lumber

As the Pitch Perfect series continues, today we feature a 1949 collection of advertising slogans used to market lumber and wood products.

America’s finest cabinet wood (Gum Lumber Mfrs. Assn.).

Beautiful birch for beautiful woodwork (Northern Hemlock Mfrs. Assn.).
Board of 100 uses in 1000 places (The Upson Co.), Lockport, N. Y.
Builders wise use our supplies (Washington Lumber Co.).

Carry the weight, save freight (Atlas Plywood Corp.), Boston.
Certified lumber (Assoc. Leaders of Lumber & Fuel Dealers of America).

Hardest hardwoods grow in the north, The (Northern Hard Maple Mfrs.), Oshkosh.

It bears close inspection (Long Bell Lumber Co.).
It’s smart to build with West Coast Woods.

Long Bell, the mark on quality lumber (Long Bell Lumber Co.).

Master wood of the ages, The (Mahogany Assn., Inc.).

Nature makes Douglas fir durable (Fir Door Institute), Tacoma.
Nature’s method of wood preservation (Osmose Wood Preserving Co.).
Noblest of all cabinet woods, The (American Walnut Mfrs. Assn.).

One service from forests to finished product (General Bus Co.).
Outdoor plywood, The (Harbor Plywood Corp.), Hoquiam, Wash.

Panels of permanence (Harbor Plywood Corp.).
Pick o’ the pines, The (Western Mfrs. Assn.), Portland, Ore.
Post everlasting, The (Long Bell Lumber Co.).

Resists fire and rot (California Redwood Assn.).

Sovereign wood, The (Hardwood Mfrs.. Institute).
Supreme structural wood of the world, The (Southern Pine Assn.).

Use redwood, it LASTS (California Redwood Assn.).

Wood eternal, The (Southern Cypress Mfrs. Assn.), New Orleans.
Wood of countless uses, The (Elliot Bay Mill Co.).
Wood of service, The (Southern Pine Assn.).
Wood that nature armed against decay (Red Cedar Lumber Mfrs. Assn.), Seattle.
Wood that’s stronger than wood (Plylock), Portland Mfg. Co.
Wood that weathers every storm (National Oak Lumbermen’s Assn.).
Wood that you would and should use (National Oak Lumbermen’s Assn.).
Wood that you always prefer (National Oak).