For those who listen to Cladrite Radio via our dedicated app (available from iTunes, Google Play and Blackberry World): Nobex, the company that created the app (for free), now tells us that because of some red tape at iTunes (a change in policy regarding who must be listed as the developer of the app), we must create a developer’s account (with Nobex listed as co-developer) to continue to update our app (without doing this, the app will receive will eventually disappear from iTunes/Google Play).
We only signed up to have the app created because it was free. Cladrite Radio is a labor of love, not a money-maker, and we simply don’t have the budget to pay a developer to create and keeping updating an app for us—that’s why we went with the free Nobex app. But here’s the thing: To create the necessary developer’s account to keep that app going, a one-time $90 fee is required.
Are there enough listeners who enjoy using our app and are willing to chip in $5, $10 or more to keep it going? If not, no worries; there are other ways to access our music. But if you like the app and are willing to chip in this once, please consider contributing. Otherwise, we’ll have to let the app fade away.
Again, we’re told this is a one-time charge, so we won’t be coming back asking you for more money—though if you’d like to support our station with a small monthly recurring donation, as some of our listeners do, that would be greatly appreciated. If we were to get enough recurring supporters, we wouldn’t have to pester you the next time an unexpected expense like this one arises.
To contribute, on a one-time or recurring basis, go to and as always, thanks for listening!