Our long march through the various categories of commercial slogans collected in Williams Sunners’ 1949 tome, American Slogans, is nearly at an end. We have remaining only a few broader (though no less compelling) categories, such as this week’s collection, categorized by Mr. Sunners as “Miscellaneous.”
Many of these slogans raise questions, given that we don’t necessarily know what product they were meant to tout (Anyone know, for example, what the Briggs Manufacturing Company made? We sure don’t, so we have no idea how much a selling point it was that their products were “acid-resisting”). But that’s half the fun, we think—imagining, relying on the slogan alone, which product was being advertised back in the day.
Accuracy first in home and business (Taylor instruments).
Accurate to the very edge (Tillyen lenses).
Acid-resisting at no extra cost (Briggs Mfg. Co.).
Acid-resisting at no extra cost; easy to clean, easy to keep clean (Briggs).
Actions speak louder than words (Scene-in-Action Corp.).
Adel rhymes with “excel” (Adel Precision Products).
All one piece; twist, it opens; twist, it closes (Gem Razor).
All that the name implies (Wolf Mfg. Industries).
All the power, all the time (Rockwood Mfg. Co.).
Always at your desk (Thos. A. Edison, Inc.).
Always distinctive, always correct (White & Wyckoff Mfg. Co.).
Always easy to clean (American Stainless Steel Co.).
Always marked with the diamond (Jenkins Bros.).
Always something new (Rochambeau Import & Export Co.).
America’s best-loved greeting cards (Norcross).
America’s busiest buildings (Quonsets), Great Lakes Steel Corp.
America’s leading window shade products (oilcloth), Weiss & Klau.
America’s most comprehensive packaging service (Containter Corp.).
An achievement in specialization (The Middleshade Co.).
An assurance of dependable service (Cotta Transmission Co.).
An investment for permanence and beauty (Sani-Products Co.).
Apco all-ways right (Apco Mfg. Co.).
Argus can take it (International Research Corp.).
Art for industry (Jefferson Co.).
As gentle in its cleaning as pure soft water (Softer Products Co.).
As near as your telephone (New York Laundry).
As quick as thought (Thomas A. Edison).
As the name implies, built for a lifetime (Century Engineering Corp.).
Aurex brings back the happiness of hearing (Aurex Corp.).
A bed, a boat, in a bag (New England Airshop Co.).
Balance of life, The (C. W. Strohbeck, Inc.).
Barrel of satisfaction (Monite Waterproof Glue Co.).
Bear for wear, A (Cowden Mfg. Co.).
Beaucraft initials initiate better business (Beaucraft Products).
Be certain, buy Certified (Emmons Loom Harness Co.).
Be Coe-efficient (Coe Laboratories).
Before you invest, investigate (Nat. Better Bus. Bureau).
Benefits all find leather (Leather Lather).
Best bargains quality, The (brass, aluminum and steel goods).
Best by actual test (Farmers Cotton Oil Co.).
Best for rest (Barcalo Mfg. Co.), Buffalo, N.Y.
Best glass, The (American Window Glass Co.).
Better block chains in the red band bag (U. S. Chain & Forgining Co.).
Better than casters (Domes of silence), H. W. Peabody & Co.
Better tools make better workmen (J. W. Williams & Co.).
Better way to buy, The (American Products Co.).
Better wire cloth, A (Buffalo Wire Works Co.).
Be wise, buy Wise (Wise Rubber Products), Portland, Ore.
Blue Streak grinding wheels, fast and cool (Bay State Abrasive Products).
Bottles every description (Illinois Glass Co.).
Bottles of unequalled strength, The (American Bottle Co.).
Bound to get there (Acme Steel Co.), Chicago.
Bouquets of okays.
Brand in demand, The (Halco), Halpern Co.
Bridgeport Chain will stand the strain (Bridgeport Chain Co.).
Bristol Engineers process control for better products and profit (Bristol Co.).
Bristol’s extra refinements give better refinery control.
Bristol’s Metametering System keeps you a jump ahead of demand.
Brunner pays in many ways, A (Brunner Mfg. Co.), Utica, N. Y.
Building with foresight (Lockwood Greene & Co.), Engineers.
Built by locker specialists (Durabilt Steel Locker).
Built for lasting service (Icy-Hot Bottle Co.).
Built for speed and profit on the road job (Hug Co.), Highland, Ill.
Built for the champions (California By-Products Co.).
Built on the wisdom of ages (Bishopric Mfg. Co.), Cincinnati.
Built stronger than the bolt (Bonney Forge & Tool Works).
Built to endure (Baker Gun Co.).
Buy once, buy wisely, buy Ruud (Ruud Mfg. Co.).
Buy or sell a plate to an estate (Gale Galleries).
Buy wisely, buy Givaudau.
By their shape you will know them (Trang Corp.).
Cannot burn or explode (Carbona Products Co.).
Carbon dioxide, kills fire, saves life (C-O Two Fire Equipment Co.).
Carried like a pencil, used like a crayon (stainless steel lubricant).
Certainly do last (Felton, Sibley & Co.).
Cheaper to dye than to buy (Dyola Dyes).
Chemicals for those who serve man’s well being (Pfizer & Co.).
Chemicals indispensable to industry (Dow Chemical Co.).
Choice of better mechanics, The (Snap-On Tools Corp.).
Choice of successful men, The (Waitt & Bond, Inc.).
Circulation promotes health (Sealastic Co.).
Class in a glass (Griesedieck Bros. Brewery Co.).
Clear to the very edge (corrected lenses).
Color is the difference (American Cyanamid Co.).
Complete wall unit for all time and clime, A (Bishopric Mfg. Co.).
Consumer certified colors (Industrial designer), Howard Ketcham, Inc.
Consumer certified colors and designs (Ketcham).
Consumers knows, The (Roessler & Hasslacher Chemical Co.).
Continent-wide service (American Solvents & Chemical Corp.).
Corning means research in glass.
Covering a continent (American News Co.).
Craftsmen in keeping things new (Langley’s Ltd.).
Craftsmen in rubber (Stowe-Woodward).
Cream of the town, The (G. K. Brown Co.).
Crystals of food (food colors), Peerless Color Laboratories.
Daylight, the ideal (Macbeth Daylighting Co.).
Defies time and the elements (L. C. Chase & Co.).
Dependable originals, The (H. A. Metz).
Doing one thing well (McDonnell & Metz).
Don’t get mad, get Mystik (all-purpose cloth tape).
Don’t put it off, take it off (Goodwin’s Gymnasium).
Dry cleaning gets clothes easier (Sanitone).
Easy to buy, easy to apply (Domes of Silence), H. W. Peabody Co.
Easy to clean and easy to keep clean (Briggs Mfg. Co.), Detroit.
Elco patch for every purpose.
Electric brains (Electrol, Inc.).
Enjoy good health (H. Jerne Co.).
Everwear, your home wherever you roam (Rauchbach-Goldsmith Co.).
Every form of chemical service (F. D. Snell, Inc.).
Everything between the formula and the sale (Illinois Glass Co.).
Everything for blasting (Atlas explosives).
Every user a satisfied user (Vaile-Kines Co.).
Every woman wants it when she sees it (5 Minit Sales Co. of New York).
Fantasy of facts (Adel Precision Corp.).
Fashion’s greatest allies (Diamond Dyes), Wells & Richardson.
Feather touch control (Pesco Products Co.).
Finest in flavor, first in favor (Dornob).
Fitting service, fittingly performed (Orthopedic and surgical appliances).
Flory, the name that eliminates doubt (Flory Mfg. Co.).
For all time and clime (Bishopric Mfg. Co.).
For charm that lingers (The LaSalle Co.).
Forging adds strength (Follansbee Bros. Co.).
For the spark that never fails (Rock Flint Co.), Inwood, N. Y.
For the touch that means so much (Vitamint Corp.), Boston.
From “shun” to attention.
From the salt of the earth (Hooker Chemicals).
Gabriel, and only Gabriel, is a Snubber (Gabriel Snubber Mfg. Co.).
Geared to the key for faster, easier, tighter setting (Bristol Co.).
Get the facts and you’ll get a Fletcher (Fletcher Works, Inc.).
Gift tie of a nation, The (Chicago Printed String Co.).
Good for life (O. D. Baker Co.).
Good for twenty years at hard labor (Brunner Mfg. Co.).
Greatest weld that you’ve beheld (Ohio Brass Co.).
Great name in science (Pfanstiehl Chemical Co.), Waukegan, Ill.
Green box line, The (Metal Specialties Mfg. Co.).
Guardian of your family’s health (Duraglass bottles).
Hall mark of quality (Benson & Hedges).
Hand that builds certainty at the point of seal, The (Graton & Knight Co.).
Has the edge on quality (J. Busch, Inc.).
Headquarters for nitrogen chemicals (Am Cyanamid & Chemical Corp.).
Health and freshness sealed in cans (Continental Can Co.).
Health builder keeps you fit, The (Sanitarium Equipment Co.).
Heart and soul with the retail grocer (Greenspan Bros.).
Heart of the grain, plus the art of the grain, The (Arkadelphia Milling Co.).
“Hex” and the “D” are your guarantee, The (Detroit Steel Products Co.).
Highest peak of value at the lowest point of cost.
Holding the future through chemistry (American Cyanamid Co.).
Homes is where the heart is (W. B. Wilde Co.), Peoria.
House of hopes fulfilled, The (Fireside Industries), Adrian, Mich.
House of the orient (Vantine’s), New York.
How easily it rolls on Bassick’s (Bassick Co.), Bridgeport, Conn.
If it’s new, it’s here (Walther Mfg.).
If quality is ignored, then price is no true guid to value (G. W. Gates).
If there is a way to get it done, Quaker will do it (Quaker Rubber Corp.).
Industry’s most versatile material (plastics).
Instinct for quality is a priceless inheritance, The (Follansbee Bros.).
In tune with Latin America (Cine-Mundial).
It does not blister, burn or stain or smell (Somerville Co.).
It does the work (Aetna Explosives Co.).
It has no pernicious odor (Koverslak), Varnish Works.
It magnifies your performance (Turner microphones).
It pays to demand Great Seal Brand; get the habit (Styron-Beggs Co.).
It’s all right (E. Popper & Co.).
It’s cheaper to buy good pads than new hose (Quix Laboratories).
It’s easier to sell it than outsell it (G. W. Dunham Corp.).
It’s in the making (Wm. E. Wright & Sons Co.).
It’s “packed with satisfaction” when you use R/M (Raybestos-Manhattan).
Its performances exceed its promises (American System Co.).
It’s the finish that counts (Mount Hope Finishing Co.).
It takes the ache (Someville Co.).
It turns itself (Wm. E. Wright & Sons).
Just a hammer to apply it (steel belt lacing), Flexible Steel Lacing Co.
Just a little better then the kind you thought was best (L. H. Rettburg, Inc.).
Just say “Dominos” and save five cents (Larus & Bros Co.).
Key to outfit sales (The Lane Co.), Altavista, Va.
Know them by the blue handle (Osborn Mfg. Co.), Cleveland.
Laid and used the same day (Crookes-Dittmar Co.).
Let this symbol be your guide (National Mfg. Co.), Sterling, Ill.
Life preservers for the oil field (Sullivan Co.), Memphis.
Like rubber heels for your shipment (Westpine Mfrs. Assn.).
Line of beauty, The (Alsan).
Little extra glass means a lot of extra charm, A (Pittsburgh Plate Glass).
Look for the cured-in Red “W” (Webster Rubber Co.), Warren, Ohio.
Look for the Red and White label (J. Campbell Co.).
Lovely Spring-Air for someone you care (Spring-Air), Holland, Mich.
Loxit skin fasteners speed the job (Scovil Mfg. Co.), Waterbury.
Ludwig beats the world over (Ludwig & Ludwig), Chicago.
Made first to last (Richland Rubber Co.).
Made for maximum service, not merely the average (Jenkins Bros.).
Made in America for American athletes (Rawlings Mfg. Co.).
Made right, sold right, kept right (White Co.).
Made so good that it floats (Rub-No-More Co.), Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Made to make good (Z & S Middy Co.).
Made to satisfy the classes, priced to satisfy the masses (F. Jacobson & Sons).
Magic wand of a good cook, The (Ohio Thermometer Co.), Springfield, Ohio.
Maid for baby (Corcoran Mfg. Co.), Cincinnati.
Makes housework easy (Wilbert Products Co., Inc.).
Make “standard bichromates” your standard (Prior Chem. Corp.).
Makes the everyday things of life cost less (Bristol Co.).
Make the “hole” job a Celfor job (Clark Equipment Co.).
Mark of good plate glass (Pittsburgh Plate Glass).
Mark that is fifty years deep, The (Billings & Spencer Co.).
Master craftsmanship in steel (Van Dorn Iron Works Co.).
Master of metal (Scovill Mfg. Co.), Waterbury.
Maximum service at minimum cost (Bluff City Abstract Co.).
Merits your confidence (manila and sisal rope), Great Western Cordage.
Millions in use and not a kick (White Mule, Inc.), Carbondale, Ill.
Millionths of an inch for sale by Vinco (Vinco Corp.).
More than skin deep (castings), Bohn Aluminum & Brass Corp.
More you use it, the more you choose it, The (Harmak Mfg. Co.).
Most dependable joint known, The (Rivet-Grip Steel Co.).
Most powerful of all signals (Strombos Air Whistle).
Moulding the future through chemistry (American Cynamid Co.).
Most be Modern (Modern Optics).
Name as old as the American chemical industry, A (Innis, Speiden & Co.).
Name on every piece, The (W. M. Lowney Co.).
Name that eliminates doubt, The (S. Flory Mfg. Co.).
Name that customers built, The (Radelle).
Naturally, with Clairol (Clairol, Inc.).
Necessity, not an accessory, A (Lifetime Corp.).
Newest precious metal, The (palladium), Baker & Co., Newark, N. J.
New silent safety tread, The (Atlas Supply Co.), Chicago.
Nice glove cleaning for nice people (Blue Seal Glove Cleaning Service).
Nickolin, “The Old Nick” for nickel (Solarine Co.), Baltimore.
No better oil at any price (Hoosier Pete).
No drive too hard, no service too severe (Bull Dog Belting).
No holes to plug after they are removed (Elite Mfg. Co.).
No leakage risk with Flextite disc (Ohio Brass Co.).
No more clogged drain pipes (Ross Mfg. Co.), Kansas City, Mo.
Non-inflammable pyroxlin plastic, The (Rhodia Chemical Co.).
Non-slip suction grip (Seamless Rubber Co.), New Haven.
No other container protects like the can (Can Mfrs. Institute).
No place like Home (Home Cleaning Service), Brooklyn, N. Y.
Nothing cleans as easily as glass (Pfauder Co.), Rochester.
Nothing else is like it (Plate Glass Mfrs. of America).
Nothing too good for our boys (Mennen Co.).
No trouble engine, The (Climax Engineering Co.).
Old to new in three to six days (Lyk-Glass Corp.).
Once every winter (Boyce & Veeder Co.).
One product, three services (Scovill Mfg. Co.).
Only the rich can afford poor windows (Anderson Corp.), Bayport, Conn.
Only way to get everything that a Remington cash register provides, is to buy a Remington, The (Remington Cash Register Co.).
On the right track (relaying rails), Boston Iron & Steel Co.
Our price is pleasingly popular.
Packageering, the package engineering service (Paper Service, Inc.).
Packed where perfectly produced (Brewster Gordon & Co.), Rochester.
Patented edge prevents clipping, The (Libby Glass Mfg. Co.), Toledo.
Pathfinder of the air, The (Sparks-Withington Co.), Jackson, Mich.
Peacetime plus, a wartime must, A (Dmapney Co. of America).
Perfection in saddlery (Whippy, Stegall & Co., Ltd.), London.
Perfect messenger, The (White & Wyckoff Mfg. Co.).
Perfumed concentrate, The (Elkay Products Mfg.).
Perhaps we can help you (Hercules Powder Co.), Wilmingon.
Perkins for particular people (H. Perkins & Sons), Montreal.
Permanence for economy (Dura-Sheen signs), Baltimore Enamel & Novelty Co.
Practical roadbuilder’s own designs, A (Hug Co.).
Priced for economy, built for permanence (Hart & Hutchinson Co.).
Profit with Wissco products (Wickwire Spencer Steel Co.).
Proper installation is half the job; Chamberlain does it right.
Protection that’s more than a cover (D. C. May), drop cloths.
Protects in transit (corrugated boxes), H. & D.
Protect the records you can’t insure (Art Metal Construction Co.).
Proved by proofs (Indiana Truck Corp.), Marion, Ind.
Pure as the pines (Packer Mfg. Co.).
Purest iron made, The (American Rolling Mill Co.).
Purifies and beautifies (Polar Ice Laboratory).
Put pep in your step (Dr. F. H. Griffith).
Quality always (Deming & Gould), So. Bellingham, Wash.
Quality controlled packings (Garlock Packing Co.), Palmyra, N. Y.
Quality leaves its imprint (Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co.).
Quality made certain, satisfaction guaranteed (Certain-teed Prods. Corp.).
Quality that never disappoints (Nat. Stamping & Electric works).
Quarter turn to unseal, a quarter turn to seal (American Metal Cap Co.).
Real protection, with distinction (Biflex Corp.).
Red box with the green label, The (Torrington Co.).
Rely on me (Billings & Spencer).
Remember the name, it signifies locker satisfaction (Durabilt Steel Locker Co.).
Remember the Ozarks for better goldfish (Ozark Fisheries, Inc.).
Repairing “the Selmer Way” (H. & A. Selmer, Inc.).
Replica of the masters, The (Wilcox & White Co.).
Resists rust (Armco ingot iron).
Retaining leadership through research (Draper Corp.), Loom.
Revolutionary heat (hair dryer), Acme Engineers.
Roadbuilder’s own designs, A (Hug Co.).
Rock of ages (Boutwell, Milne & Varnum Co.).
Rope that endures, The (Whitlock Cordage Co.).
Rope you can trust, The (Plymouth Cordage Co.).
Rope you can trust because it is engineered for YOUR job (Plymouth).
Safe as a bank vault (F. Keil & Son).
Safe nursing bottle, The (Hygeia Nursing Bottle Co.).
Safest place in town, The (Minneapolis Van & Warehouse Co.).
Samson of them all, The (Cowden Mfg. Co.).
Satisfied customers built this business (J. G. Longworth & Son).
Satisfies both purse and palate.
Save a nickel a day the Domino way (Larus & Bro. Co.).
Saver of 1000 steps, A (Herkimer Specialties Corp.), Cold Brook, N. Y.
Save two-thirds of the weight, same size and shape (Clifford Mfg. Co.).
Save with soft water (Permutit Co.).
Say Bamby to your dealer (Cushman’s Sons, Inc.).
Science, guardian of quality (BerNARdin), Metal closures.
Scientific system of water treatment for all, The (Nat. Aluminate Corp.).
Sealed in glass, the flavor lasts (W. F. McLaughlin Co.).
Secure as a bank vault (F. Keil & Sons).
See it and forget it (Walker & Pratt Mfg. Co.).
Sell more, grind less (Thompson Products, Inc.), Cleveland.
Sensible protection, fore and aft (American Chain Co.).
Servant on the wall, The (Kalyptol Products, Inc.).
Serviceably yours (Sanitary Supply & Specialty Co.).
Service beyond the contract (Dan River Cotton Mills).
Service in years sells Marathon ears (Ohio Brass Co.).
Service, not promises (Gulf Engineering Co.).
Service with a smile (F. H. Abbott & Son).
Serving Industry from A to Z (American Rope).
Serving industry which serves mankind (Monsanto Chemicals).
Serving you through science (U. S. Rubber).
Set it and forget it (Walker & Pratt Mfg. Co.).
Sheds water like a duck (Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co.).
Shine in every drop, A (Solarine Co.), Baltimore.
Sickles service satisfies (Philadelphia 7, Pa.).
Signal safety with O-B bonds (Ohio Brass Co.), Mansfield, Ohio.
Since 1811 at the sign of of the Golden Buffalo (E. K. Tryon Co.).
Skatters dirt (Skat Dirt, The).
Skip the rest and try the best.
Small in size, great otherwise (J. H. Williams Co.).
Smartness without extravagance (Betty Wales, Inc.).
Smile in every glass, A (Hazel-Atlas Glass Co.).
Smooth as velvet, will not stretch (cleaner), W. Schield Mfg. Co.
Smoother than velvet (McCormick & Co.), Baltimore.
So gentle and pure, so thorough and sure (Saraka).
Something better for less.
Speaking likeness, The (Reichmann Co.).
Specialists to infants and children (Children’s Clinical Laboratories).
Specializing for quality values and fitting (Reading Casting Co.).
Spring’s here the year ’round (W. B. Jones Spring Co.).
Standard control of infiltration (Monarch Metal Products Co.).
Standard of quality the whole world over (McCormick & Co., Inc.).
Standard of the industry (Mohawk Rubber Co.).
Standard rather than a brand, A (Arco Co.), Cleveland.
Station that rings the bell, The (automatic air station), Western Mfg. Co.
Stays solid while burning (The Theroz Co.).
Steel barrels endure (Steel Barrel Institute), Cleveland.
Steel storage system (Nowlin Distributing Co.), Des Moines.
Step to distinction, A (House of Crosby Square), Milwaukee.
Stick to Cinco, it’s safe (Otto Eisenlohr & Bros.).
Stiffer and stronger and made to last longer (The Upson Co.).
Still in the lead (Page & Hill Co.).
Street Cub, a bear for work, The (Street Bros. Machine Works).
Strength in every length (Ajax Rope Co.).
Strongest ally of the glass container, The (Anchor Cap & Closure Corp.).
Style and quality assured (D. B. Fisk & Co.).
Styles of today with a touch of tomorrow (Max Goldstein).
Surface-sealed (Holliston Mills, Inc.), Norwood, Mass.
Symbol of quality for nearly a century (Kalbfleisch Corp.).
Tailleur to Milady (B Weinstein).
Tailor-made for particular trade (Scott & McHale, Ltd.), London, Ont.
Take all the hardness out of water (The Permutit Co.).
Takes the dust out of industry (Norris Patterson, Ltd.), Montreal.
Takes the RUB out of SCRUB (American Health Products Co.).
Tapering-tip fingers; Postman name lingers (Bacmo Postman Co.).
Test it with a hammer (Pratt & Lambert, Inc.).
There is a best (Parkland Tire & Rubber Co.), Louisville.
There is no substitute for Kirsch quality and service (Kirsch Mfg. Co.).
There is only one Bar Mart.
There’s an easy glide to the Wabash Slide (B. Walter & Co.), Wabash, Ind.
They can’t be better (rough rice bags), Fulton Bag & Cotton Mill.
They’re vapor-vacuum sealed (glass container), White Cap Co.
They’re worth more (F. R. Plumb, Inc.).
They wear like a pig’s nose (W. M. Finck & Co.).
Tiffany tube of America, The (Peerless Tube Co.).
Tin keeps it better (Keekin cans).
To accomplish big things at a small cost.
To be sure it’s pure, be sure it’s Purox (Purox), Denver.
To bid is to buy (hides and furs), Ribinck & Sons, Minneapolis.
To serve, conserve (Medium Corp. of America).
Turn standard containers into standout packages (Armstrong’s closures).
Turns curves without puckering (Wm. E. Wright & Sons).
Universal packing, The (Vulcabeston), Johns-Pratt Co.
Unless Uncle Sam is on the sack, turn right around and take it back (Barrett).
Up to a standard, not down to a price.
Vantine’s is a permanent oriental exposition (Vantine’s).
Versatile desiccant, The (W. A. Hammond Drierite Co.).
Visible guarantee of invisible quality, The (Kimble Glass).
Visit to our galleries is like taking a trip around the world, A (Hindleman).
Vita Glass, growing pangs (Vita Glass Corp.).
Vita Glass, the glass of life (Vita Glass Corp.).
Walbert made it first (Walbert Mfg. Co.).
Wash and bathe in running water (Speakman Co.).
Washington’s little Detroit (Call Carl, Inc.).
Waste is sabotage (Indium Corp. of America).
Waste today, is sabotage (Indium Corp. of America).
Wedler always sells, A (Wedler-Shuford Co.).
We flag the nation (Dettra Flag Co.)
We keep faith with those we serve (The Brecht Co.).
Welded on wood (Pyraglass Products, Inc.).
We pay him but he works for you (Eli Lilly & Co.).
What the world rests on (O. D. Baker Co.).
What we’ve done for others, we can do for you (The Erickson Co.).
Wheels of fortune (Chicago Wheel & Mfg. Co.).
When ice defies the sun, Meltzit makes it run (Meltzit Co.).
When performance counts, call on Cyanamid (American Cyanamid Co.).
When you substitute price for quality, everyone loses (Arrow Head Steel Prods.).
When you think wire rope, think Bethlehem (Bethlehem Steel).
Where price and quality are right, you can go wrong.
Where quality excels and economy prevails (Herb & Myers), Sandusky, Ohio.
Where service is not sold but freely given (Shrager Shade Service).
Wherever it must be the best (Dayton Engineering Laboratories).
Where you are fat, take care of that, and that, and that, holds stomach flat (Sid Levy & Sons), San Francisco.
White gold that stays white, The (David Belais, Inc.).
Will you pass it up or take it up (George W. Dunham Corp.).
Wire rope with the service record, The (Leschen & Sons Rope Co.).
Wishbone is the money-making mammoth, The (American Incubator Mfg. Co.).
With the home-made taste (Best-Clymer Co.).
Works with you rather than for you (Stone & Webster).
World’s standard for zinc products, The (New Jersey Zinc Co.).
Worth, another name for value (Lannon Mfg. Co.).
Worth more from cover to core (Lannan Mfg. Co.), Tullahoma, Tenn.
Worthy products deserve a fitting package, A (Metal Package Co.).
You can’t buy a better traffic signal to save your life (Tokham Oil Tank Co.).
You’ll never tire of Purox wire (The Purox Co.), Denver.
You make big customers out of little ones.
Your partner whose actions speak louder than words (Owens-Corning Fiberglass).
Your signature is you on paper (The Wahl Co.).
Your unseen friend (Inco nickel).
Youth glorified (Martina Downing).
I found this when searching for “Call Carl, Washington’s Little Detroit.”
This was a chain of gas stations in DC, and I was looking for any picture of one for a DC nostalgia page on Facebook.
I think they did more complex repairs than other gas station, but really only remember seeing them.
Thanks for the info, Mary; we’ve learned something here today!