She was wrong, of course. Hats have fallen mostly out of favor (though some of us still wear them), and many restaurants today don’t even offer a coat check service. But, for the most part, hats hung in there long enough for Ms. Carroll.
If you read to the end of this brief closing chapter, you’ll find some updates from throughout Ms. Carroll’s life, written in 1947 and 1951.

The following story appeared in The New York Times on March 6, 1947:
As 20th Year on the Job Goes to Her Head
The following story was published in The New York Times on July 13, 1951:
Checker of a Million Hats Leaves Sardi’s for New Career as Bookkeeper Next Door
P.S. Renee Carroll would eventually marry Louis Schonceit, the owner of Mackey Ticket Agency. They were working on co-authoring a book that was to be entitled “Forty-four Years on Forty-Fourth Street,” but as far as we can ascertain, it was never published.
< Read Chapter 12